VN Ren'Py My Goddess [v0.01] [Blackthunder_vn]

3.70 star(s) 7 Votes


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Regarding the revenge thing. From what the game has shown so far, revenge/anger doesnt seem to be a big thing for the MC.
I respectfully disagree the MC was more than angry at his dad and his EX.
The MC let it be known he was more than pissed at them both.
No mate I'm sorry but the only thing that wasn't a thing for the MC was physical violence.
It's my impression from the game that Revenge and Anger are definitely a thing for the MC.

As for the revenge part you seem to forget the Dinner with his Godess that was all about revenge..
It may not of been his revenge but the MC took great delite in taking her revenge out on her EX.
Which implies that he may not activly look for it but given the opportunity at revenge on his dad and ex.
He would be more than willingly to take it.

And I'm even willing to bet that most players here would be more than delighted to see him take that revenge.
Which for revenge sake kind of means their further involvement is extreamly necessary and desireable.

Just saying
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Jun 22, 2021
I respectfully disagree the MC was more than angry at his dad and his EX.
The MC let it be known he was more than pissed at them both.

As for the revenge part you seem to forget the Dinner with his Godess that was all about revenge..

And I'm even willing to bet that most players here would be more than delighted to see him take that revenge.
The MC was so consumed by anger that he left the flat without confrontation? Without even saying a word? It doesn't have to get physical, but to say and do nothing? Im sorry I dont really buy that explanation.

Im not saying the ex girlfriend and father dont deserve some karma adjustment, and Riley and London both strike me as people who might well arrange that, with or without the MCs involvement, but I dont think the MC (or Edith for that matter) are the kind of people who would waste time making someone feel bad, someone who is now irrelevant to them, as opposed to making someone who is important feel good.

As for the dinner with Ediths ex, thats easy. First of all, he insisted on it, not Edith or the MC. The plan for the dinner is Rileys, not Ediths or the MCs. All he has to do is pretend to be Ediths boyfriend, support Edith in whatever she says, make her feel wonderful and not let the ex get away with any bullshit. Basically to let Edith be the confident, self assured person she obviously is when it comes to business. Which is why Edith pays off the escort and largely controls the conversation so that the ex feels insignificant at the end. Apart from the way the ex tries to treat Edith I can't see that the MC is bothered about him at all.

I could easily be wrong, I accept that. Maybe the MC is thinking about revenge all through the dinner and the marathon sex session afterwards. But I hope for Ediths sake that isnt so.

To be honest I could see the two exs and the father coming back into the story in the future. Ediths ex to try and make trouble in order to get more money. The father, hearing that the MC has come into some money also wanting 'his share' of that. Dalia abandoned, pregnant, struggling as a single mother. Whilst the child isnt hia, (or perhaps it is?) it would still be at least his half brother or sister. But thats all speculation, which could be completely wrong.

The real question is what kind of MC do you want to read about? One that spends time enjoying someone elses misery? Or one that spends time helping those around him, building a new family? You could have both I guess, but they dont really sound like the same person to me.

Anyway Blackthunder is the one writing this and I'm sure he is far better at it than I am. So lets see what he comes up with and how he explains it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
The MC was so consumed by anger that he left the flat without confrontation? Without even saying a word? It doesn't have to get physical, but to say and do nothing? Im sorry I dont really buy that explanation.

Im not saying the ex girlfriend and father dont deserve some karma adjustment, and Riley and London both strike me as people who might well arrange that, with or without the MCs involvement, but I dont think the MC (or Edith for that matter) are the kind of people who would waste time making someone feel bad, someone who is now irrelevant to them, as opposed to making someone who is important feel good.

As for the dinner with Ediths ex, thats easy. First of all, he insisted on it, not Edith or the MC. The plan for the dinner is Rileys, not Ediths or the MCs. All he has to do is pretend to be Ediths boyfriend, support Edith in whatever she says, make her feel wonderful and not let the ex get away with any bullshit. Basically to let Edith be the confident, self assured person she obviously is when it comes to business. Which is why Edith pays off the escort and largely controls the conversation so that the ex feels insignificant at the end. Apart from the way the ex tries to treat Edith I can't see that the MC is bothered about him at all.

I could easily be wrong, I accept that. Maybe the MC is thinking about revenge all through the dinner and the marathon sex session afterwards. But I hope for Ediths sake that isnt so.

To be honest I could see the two exs and the father coming back into the story in the future. Ediths ex to try and make trouble in order to get more money. The father, hearing that the MC has come into some money also wanting 'his share' of that. Dalia abandoned, pregnant, struggling as a single mother. Whilst the child isnt hia, (or perhaps it is?) it would still be at least his half brother or sister. But thats all speculation, which could be completely wrong.

The real question is what kind of MC do you want to read about? One that spends time enjoying someone elses misery? Or one that spends time helping those around him, building a new family? You could have both I guess, but they dont really sound like the same person to me.

Anyway Blackthunder is the one writing this and I'm sure he is far better at it than I am. So lets see what he comes up with and how he explains it.
Respectfully again I disagree first of all if someone like the MC who normally seems to hate resorting to physical violence.
Then when extreamly angry walking away without word is exactly what they should do.
Saying something, anything could and probably would would of led to a confrontation.
And that would be enough that it could and probably would of led to Violence which he didn't want.

Now i'm not 100% sure as I'm not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination.
But I do know being one of them myself that anyone that has had anger issues.
Are advised to both count to 10 before responding to anyone causing the anger and if thats not possible.
To quickly and without comment remove ourselves from the scene coursing said anger.
And thats exactly what the MC did now I'm not saying he has Anger issues but he says himself he was extreamly pissed off.
And every one reacts diffrently but if he was extreamly angry as it sujests then what he did walking out without word.
Still makes sense.

And It's nice that you think that about the MC and Edith and it did have all thoughs possitive effects.
But what you described is in essence revenge and certain types of revenge can have them cathartic possitive effects.
They didn't go looking for it specifically it started as a means to stop the EX-husbands attemp to humiliate Edith.
But when the opportunity arose they took it with both hands.
It was to put him in his place but thats it self can be a form of revenge.
And Edith adding when telling her husband by the way he's not just my lover he's Londons and Rileys.
Knowing that her husbands dislike of the two was simply because of his frustration.
That despite his own efforts he had failed miserably to bed either of them himself.
That was just her way of adding icing on her revenge cake.

Now the issue is this if you are right about the MC and Edith being people who would not willing take revenge.
Even if the opportunity just happends to present it's self.
Then he wouldn't of agreed to help Edith in the first place and She would not of agreed to him helping either.
Especially since Riley pretty much indicates it's for revenge on the EX-Husband.

As much as I'd like you to be right I have to say in this case I think your mostly wronge.
So I think we should just both agree to disagree.

P.S. i should just add you are right the MC was not thinking of revenge for himself during that dinner.
But he would of been thinking about how to help in Edith's revenge.

Just Sayin.
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3.70 star(s) 7 Votes