My Hero Academia : Trouble in Musutafu, Japan - PROGRAMMER NEEDED


New Member
Feb 12, 2018
My Hero Academia
Trouble in Musutafu, Japan
The player takes on the role of a corrupt Hero who seeks to take down the city's superheroes and turn them into villains. The player has a deep resentment towards the heroes for their constant interference with his business operations.

As the game progresses, the player engages in various corrupt activities, such as hiring mercenaries to commit crimes disguised as the heroes, bribing officials to turn a blind eye, and blackmailing the heroes into doing his bidding.

Through these actions, the player begins to turn the heroes against each other, sowing seeds of distrust and creating rifts in their alliances. The player also begins to manipulate their minds, using mind-altering substances to weaken their resolve and make them more susceptible to his influence.

As the story unfolds, the player becomes more and more obsessed with their goal of destroying the heroes and remaking the city in their image. The heroes' struggles and inner conflicts become central to the story, as they fight against the player's machinations while dealing with their own personal demons.

Ultimately, the player's endgame is to create a new order of villains, with himself as their leader, and to rule over the city with an iron fist. However, to do so, the player must overcome various challenges and obstacles, including rival villains, government agencies, and the heroes themselves.

The game will rely on it's unique art-style as well as a variety of fetishes so anyone can realistically pick up and play.
I am looking for a programmer who can program in either Ren'py or Unity so I can make this game a reality.

In order to contact me and help out Here's my discord Shockblaster#5316

The games fetishes are as follows : Breast expansion, Bimbofication, Sexual corruption,
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