VN - Others - Completed - My Life as a Cult Leader [Final] [Orcsoft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Juicy Blueberry

    Very decent AVN. MC was a jobless ppl wandering around the park, then a strange but beautiful woman found him. Wants him to become the cult leader, and he agrees. I particularly like this kind of corruption/harem plot.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has a pretty decent story, and I liked the time travel / repeating element, as a big long game this could have been an amazing story but here it is okay too.

    The characters are alright, I liked the MC, Shima and Kiriko, and Rui was okay too. Ayaka was just boring but looked good and Marina was just boring and looked boring too.

    The sex scenes all have very good art but could be shorter too much meaningless slurp slurp texts.

    The game is pretty linear most choices only changing if you cum inside or on someone, so don´t expect too many meaningfull choices.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Very average visual novel. Like, I cannot begin to describe how average it was to me. I was hoping for some sort of management thing or something, like where we try to make our cult 'great again' (xD), but nope, just have like a couple choices that matter, and the rest is just us being an old man following the main girls lead at most things. Even while we're very freaking obviously being hypnotized first scene.

    If you're here for gameplay, go elsewhere. If you're here for quick fap material, this may help.

    And just a minor complaint in general: I HAVE TO SHARE THE GIRLS WITH THE MALE CULT MEMBERS?! WHAT IS THIS?! Just needed to get that off my chest :D