The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Chapters 1 to 2...
The visuals of the characters are ones I've seen before in other VN/Games, with not much variation... All the female student characters look younger then the legal age of 18, which was probably on purpose... The backdrops are basic and I've seen some of them before in other VN/Games... The animations are alright, albeit short... The one scene where the protagonist is masturbating to pictures on his cellphone, needs for the arrow to be more obvious... Because at first I didn't realize it was even there, and began to feel like the scene would never end, before realizing there was an arrow on the cell phone to push the scene along...
The script is decent with only a few spelling/grammar errors... The plot, what little there really is, revolves around a male protagonist high-school student who has a visiting exchange student from Canada living with him, his mother and father, and his sister... He has a girlfriend, but it really feels more like a lust interest then a real girlfriend... Every time they are together, the protagonist just talks about having sex with her, and show no other signs that he has any real feelings for her... And it kind of feels the same with her, as she seems to just play along and shows no real interest in him either, outside of quick sexual acts...
Obviously the exchange student is meant to be a love/lust interest for the protagonist, but how this story plays out leaves something to be desired... First it's how she is treated by the rest of the family, like she is some low level human being, sent to their home just to do maid service... The mother is alright with the protagonist having a girl friend, but not her? That makes no sense, since nothing she does seems all that bad... The father character is over the top and acts like a jerk... What little you see of the sister, at least she is believable, so far... The protagonists relationship with his girlfriend feels hollow, and I suspect the girlfriend and her best friend have some secret between them that the protagonist is just oblivious to... The only time I felt the protagonist showed any real human like qualities, was when he interacted with the exchange student, most of the time...
The story telling also moves rather quickly, focusing mostly on the protagonist and his pervy lust, then really anything meaningful or deep... I can even predict where some of the story elements are going, which is not a good sign, as it shouldn't feel that predictable if it had good story telling... There are some choices presented now and then, most of which change nothing... The only choices that may seem to matter, are whether to kiss the primary love/lust interest or not...
Overall, I think the characters all appear younger then they should for being older high-school students, and the story focuses more on the lust bits then anything meaningful or deep... Which in essence makes this feel more like a porn fest, with tiny amounts of story filler between events... There is obviously something fishy going on with the actual girlfriend... There is a growing relationship with the exchange student, which is befitting with the title... This VN/Game is still early in development, so the developers have time to tweak and improve things... But if it stays it's current pace and route, I don't see it getting any better, or moving outside just being another below average porn fest VN... Only time will tell, as it's still in it's early days...