Unity - Completed - My Lovely Stepsister [Final] [Taboo Tales]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice models won't save the the bad side of the game: Bad english., boring story, annoying mini games, usless game mode (much better a VN version) and complete waste of Unity power for a game that would fit better with Ren'py. Nice try.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Over all the story-line was very good for a short game .The ending scenes were very limited with just 3 scenes .I was expecting more involvement between all the characters .A roll option back would be a nice feature in the future games
    I enjoyed playing the game and look forward to playing more games by this developer
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The "game" is pretty pointless, as its completely linear, with no real choices other than success or failure. The animations are GREAT, though just simple loops, and no orgasms at all. This would have made a MUCH better novel than a game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Bit of a boring story, no real twist and the sandbox and puzzle dosent do much for the game they are pretty pointless, same with money takes 2 puzzles and your set for the hole game, also i found it more like a kinetic story since it dident seem to matter much if i picked the worst choices.

    Animations are great though and thats the only reason i give this one 3 stars, game it self and story is more like a 2, where the animations are a 4.

    Music is ok, a bit standard not mood setting just background music which is still better then none.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is good, if a little shiny. But as a game, pretty bad.

    Clunky transitions, poor translation, pointless sandbox, and some really poor writing in places. And the sound thing is a sticker for me too (very loud sex noises when I turned my volume sliders off is bad UX)
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Doesn't look bad but the mini games quickly started to wear on my patience. I wasn't too effected by the terrible money grind as if you search every POI in each location you can get enough money to buy the beer.

    I don't know what lies beyond that as the first sex scene had sound. This is despite me muting everything in the main menu before hand, this is a major sign of poor programing and is a pet peeve of mine.

    To the games credit there is a constant objective display so I am not lost during gameplay so far as "Where do I go?" but it's a sandbox so I am wondering through locations trying to navigate to the room or such that I need to get to.

    It doesn't add anything to the gameplay besides frustration. Overall before I dropped this game I had the feeling that it was going to be the common Steam shovelware that sadly infects the entire genre and I was right.

    If anything this proves why I at least trial adult games found on steam through F95 first before even considering putting them on a wishlist or buying them.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Note: I quit playing on Day 8
    -Great visuals and animations. That is where the 2 stars come from.
    -Plot concept is fine but story telling is horrible.
    -There is no passion to anything. The H scenes are just a few animations with nothing else and then just end. They don't finish, they end. You'd think after the sex scene the characters would talk or do something but no, it just goes to the next day.
    - Sandboxes are generally bad but this one is horrible. It is a 100% liner story but you have to click your way though a sandbox. Very annoying.
    - The mini games themselves are very annoying. The reward for completing a mini game is 1-3 still images and nothing else.

    TL:DR The longer you play this the more annoyed you will become.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent scenes with a lot of pointless clicking in between.

    - decent animations
    - good models
    - fine story

    - boring minigames
    - pointless money grind
    - sandbox for literally no reason; could be a normal VN without any free-roam and be so much better
    - choices do matter but there's only good/bad/neutral endings, with no extra scenes for bad/neutral
    - so much pointless clicking
    - english isn't great (but not terrible)
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    broken english, annoying mini-games, 30 dollar beers and quite boring. had high hopes for the art but the still pictures leave a lot to be desired. Seen this all before and done much, much better. +1 for the amount of animations at least but again, very uninspriring.