Cheat Mod - RPGM - My New Life Revamp PC Cheat Mod [v1.38] [SoTN]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    To simply say that this mod helps when playing My New Life is a true understatement. It is far more right to say that this Mod is the only thing that allows the game to actually work.

    SoTN has created a masterpiece with this mod. The teleportation and time change functions are brilliant and massively help navigating the game. The game itself is great but incredibly grindy, the mod helps fix this.

    Highly recommend you use this mod if you ever intend to play the game.

    Quick sidenote, SoTN is great at providing fixes and guides to issues you have when the game will bug, which is very often.

    Thank you for all your work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A must have for this game, @Symphony of the Night is a great modder and the mod brings alot of needed aid for this game, makes a good game great in my mind.

    Also to note he updates the mod in quite a quick fassion, easy 5 out of 5 from me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It should be a sin to play My New Life without this mod, it's just great, some of the reasons why this mod is indispensable to play MNL are that it allows you to do certain scenes without much effort thanks to the bypasses, it also saves a lot of time, seriously, a lot of time, do you think I'm exaggerating? well I'm not, look:
    In a normal situation without the mod, to progress with a girl, you would have to go to her house every day at certain times, add that you must sleep (or spend time with probabilities that you bug the game for not spending the day correctly, happened to me), go half the city to get from your house to her house and then she asks you (for example Sandra) that at a certain time you go to do something and then return to her house to get 1 scene and be careful not to have money to buy certain items because you would have to repeat everything but with the need to work .... NOW, with the mod you can change the time at your pleasure, teleport or get infinite money so a task that would take you 15-20 minutes, with the mod you finish it in 5-10 (depends on how agile you are already changing between the mod options), before playing with the mod, my average time to finish 100% of the update was about 25 hours (with the version of +2 years ago), now my average is 34 hours (lots of updates with hours of content later) thanks to the mod but without it I would say it would be about +40 hours to finish absolutely everything, in short, use it.
    Shymphony, you are the MVP.