I have seen so many people hating this revamp, I think many of them just liked the older version structure more than this linear one we have now, others seems like they wanted BON to change the engine to renpy, which would take away most of the gameplay, require him to learn an entire new language and become less dinamic (I will never understand why some people prefer renpy to RPG Maker), but allow highter resolutions and removing the walking around.
Now my opinion. I played the original version much time ago, and I liked the structure of you going around each girl with her own chain of events and quests which allow you to chase many at the same time. But for what I read in the Patreon Page, this was a big programation mess, which caused many bugs which made him make this revamp. I admit that the more freedom you give to the player the more possibilities you give him to break the game, so a complete free world with many chain of events that intercept themselves (since their quests don't isolate other characters) could easily spiral into an unsolvable mess if not well thinked and visualized. There should be many times you need to stop teh player from progressing something because another thing didn't happen yet and the game is still waiting for it.
So yes, I understand why BON did this. And I agree with the ones who didn't like it. It is possible to do what he set himself to do at the previous version, it's just hard to pull it out. Maybe a little less freedom, but not almost complete linearity of chain of quests that have nothing to do with each other.
About the story, there are some changes, it is darker since the begining, I'm not sure what was the best. I will jsut say that the story is too MC centered. You should be able to see interactions of the characters without the MC and things happening not being caused by MC, right now, we only have the consipiracy, and that's all. What about the events? The dick competition? the things outside MC's control?
The scenes no one is talking about because they are comapring them to the previous version, and nnot by themselves. I think the pallet is a little too dark, and BON could increase the FPS of those scenes. Yes it's better than many you have out there, but for scenes based only on animations and ramdom moans with no text, no hot descriptions or anything else really, BON should try to get at least a 15 FPS in those scenes, I think they are more or less 6 or 7 FPS, maybe a little more, but still far from enough to fool my eye.
Conclusion. Has potential, but the structure is still not enough for the size of the game, the scenes need more frames and characters need to stop depending on the MC for everything, they need more interactions with each other. Maybe in time things can become better, let's see.
EDIT: I began to replay the version 2.1 to take a look and compare, and I must say, my memory betrayed me.
That game was bugged. For you to have an idea the walkthrough said for you don't start any quest until you finish Maria, Rachel, Dad and Sarah. And the only reason I can think for it in a game open world like this, is that if a used character isn't in their initial state, it can break an event they are part of. The walkthrough even warn you about big bugs you will meet along the way.
The game was also very inconsistent, it has some scenes with a still image or two and text (very small, really), others only have animations and SE, and some of the animations have only 3 FPS. No wonder he wanted to make a revamp. I still think that if you want to make animations only, aim for at least 15 FPS.
The story, I will remind you this is totally an opinion and might have spoilers, is a little bad. I must say I don't like the idea of you working for the mobs, and there you can even choose which mob you want to work for. Dad if love his children so much should keep them away from the cops and bullets of rivals. I didn't watch Godfather, but I am pretty sure if a mobster can get out and staying rich and becoming clean he will. No one want to live his entire life being hunted by cops and mob rivals. I also must agree with BON that you can't really keep that kind of personality hidden from his family for too long. A joke and the man almost killed a woman, talking about respect. That means he is very agressive, hard to keep this hidden for long. He also don't have much love for his daughter, and have some kind of problem with women in general, not the kind of guy who actually want kids in my humble opinion. So he was inconsistent. Even if the player only met him now, his entire life he lived with his children, it's too long to keep a mask. So I agree with the change now. I also noticed that he didn't took you to warren when you uncovered about him, which might mean you won't be forced to be envolved with the mob if you don't want to. I apreciate that. For this improvement of the story, I will change the rating to 4 stars instead of 3.
Now my opinion. I played the original version much time ago, and I liked the structure of you going around each girl with her own chain of events and quests which allow you to chase many at the same time. But for what I read in the Patreon Page, this was a big programation mess, which caused many bugs which made him make this revamp. I admit that the more freedom you give to the player the more possibilities you give him to break the game, so a complete free world with many chain of events that intercept themselves (since their quests don't isolate other characters) could easily spiral into an unsolvable mess if not well thinked and visualized. There should be many times you need to stop teh player from progressing something because another thing didn't happen yet and the game is still waiting for it.
So yes, I understand why BON did this. And I agree with the ones who didn't like it. It is possible to do what he set himself to do at the previous version, it's just hard to pull it out. Maybe a little less freedom, but not almost complete linearity of chain of quests that have nothing to do with each other.
About the story, there are some changes, it is darker since the begining, I'm not sure what was the best. I will jsut say that the story is too MC centered. You should be able to see interactions of the characters without the MC and things happening not being caused by MC, right now, we only have the consipiracy, and that's all. What about the events? The dick competition? the things outside MC's control?
The scenes no one is talking about because they are comapring them to the previous version, and nnot by themselves. I think the pallet is a little too dark, and BON could increase the FPS of those scenes. Yes it's better than many you have out there, but for scenes based only on animations and ramdom moans with no text, no hot descriptions or anything else really, BON should try to get at least a 15 FPS in those scenes, I think they are more or less 6 or 7 FPS, maybe a little more, but still far from enough to fool my eye.
Conclusion. Has potential, but the structure is still not enough for the size of the game, the scenes need more frames and characters need to stop depending on the MC for everything, they need more interactions with each other. Maybe in time things can become better, let's see.
EDIT: I began to replay the version 2.1 to take a look and compare, and I must say, my memory betrayed me.
That game was bugged. For you to have an idea the walkthrough said for you don't start any quest until you finish Maria, Rachel, Dad and Sarah. And the only reason I can think for it in a game open world like this, is that if a used character isn't in their initial state, it can break an event they are part of. The walkthrough even warn you about big bugs you will meet along the way.
The game was also very inconsistent, it has some scenes with a still image or two and text (very small, really), others only have animations and SE, and some of the animations have only 3 FPS. No wonder he wanted to make a revamp. I still think that if you want to make animations only, aim for at least 15 FPS.
The story, I will remind you this is totally an opinion and might have spoilers, is a little bad. I must say I don't like the idea of you working for the mobs, and there you can even choose which mob you want to work for. Dad if love his children so much should keep them away from the cops and bullets of rivals. I didn't watch Godfather, but I am pretty sure if a mobster can get out and staying rich and becoming clean he will. No one want to live his entire life being hunted by cops and mob rivals. I also must agree with BON that you can't really keep that kind of personality hidden from his family for too long. A joke and the man almost killed a woman, talking about respect. That means he is very agressive, hard to keep this hidden for long. He also don't have much love for his daughter, and have some kind of problem with women in general, not the kind of guy who actually want kids in my humble opinion. So he was inconsistent. Even if the player only met him now, his entire life he lived with his children, it's too long to keep a mask. So I agree with the change now. I also noticed that he didn't took you to warren when you uncovered about him, which might mean you won't be forced to be envolved with the mob if you don't want to. I apreciate that. For this improvement of the story, I will change the rating to 4 stars instead of 3.