VN - Ren'Py - My New Second Chance [Ep.17] [Abbys_Cat]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    A cute surface that masks a mess of a game.

    The graphics are nothing special, but it has a certain charm, at least in the early game.

    The MC seems like an ok guy, and looks fine.

    In the first chapters the LIs are quite unique and pretty much any preference is present.
    The roster is way too big, which leads to short one-time appearances and no emotional connection.
    In the later episodes the dev decided to rework them, ruining the uniqueness and therefore the only real appeal of the game.

    The story starts quite strong, giving an interesting twist to the well known second chance trope.
    But soon it derails into bigger and bigger sub plots with no real connection to each other.
    From old friends you never met to futuristic underground bases: half of the motivations of the MC are revealed after doing things without apparent reason. If at all.

    Choices are rare and some of the LIs are forced, what was even more annoying was sex scenes that were forced without any reason, like sex with a whore in a strip club.
    The dev has an obvious kink for asses and pushes this more and more onto the player, again without any choices.

    The engrish is really bad. Sometimes whole conversations make absolutely no sense. It gets even worse the longer you play, so not really a reason to expect changes there.

    All in all a project way bigger than the ability of the dev.
    I doubt there will be any improvement and at this point it seems better to scrap this mess and start something new.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic imho, everything a good Koikatsu game should have. The scenes and animations are well done, with a decent sound design. That brings us to the main downside: the inconsistencies with sound in scenes. There are some scenes with sound and some without. The flow of the story is also enjoyable. It can improve and you feel the improvement from the first to the last episodes. Good luck developer.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    what is the point

    The writing is serviceable and it could be a language thing as it is translated, but they are just really boring. and that is half because they keep introducing new people. It also lost the plot. Most stuff he(mc) dose is for no reason. He claims to have a plane but most of the things he dose is ill relevant to it. But the most damming of all is that the characters plots are not developed. As in from the start there was the mom and only now is beginning to join the harem. And don't get me started on the poor teacher character, despite being the first in the harem she has two whole scenes near the start and we never hear from here again. Because there are so many people even if she did she would get 20 minuets of screen time and forgotten about for hours. That goes for every other character as well. and if your here for the sex scenes they are too short, too shit, and too sparse for you to realistically Nut to this game. over all you are not missing anything skipping this one, a remake will be need to fix this
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game honestly has a lot of potential if the dev can just focus on one aspect at a time other than do the time skips. It feels as if introducing new characters is more important than the story which is definitely lacking focus due to so many characters being introduced. They're introducing new characters that the dev forgets about other characters such as the teacher who nearly died.
    I can forgive the dialogue to some degree due to the language being badly translated in some areas and decent in some.

    Animation 2/5
    Story 2/5
    Characters 3/5
    MC 2/5
    Honestly the only character I seem to remember is the mother because she does have some witty lines but is also forgotten to an extent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I really like the story so far. It has good characters, so I am going to play it till the end. The character designs are good, like the scenes so far. Hope you'll finish this game; with some improvements to the dialogue, it could be awesome. :cool: ;)