tl;dr - How are you handling Emojis? Which Emoji font(s) are you using in your Godot project?
I've been trying out and playing way too many games in Windows on my dual boot rig -- including yours.
So I just upgraded my rig to dual boot Win11 & Linux Mint 22.1 'Xia' so I get cracking on some AI stuff without the windows bloat.
I suspect this is WINE issue, but your Godot game lacks emojis under WINE. The WINE install is pretty basic.
I'm used to bumping into hangups like this so I don't expect a solution as most Windows devs don't use Linux not fitting their use-case. Many Godot devs do not perform Linux exports. No need to start if Linux isn't your thing.
But I thought I'd share my diagnostics in case you'd like to sort out what could be a game breaking feature.
This could easily be tested in a Virtual Machine (on Windows) running Linux Mint 22.1 XFCE (or debian). Godot games are light weight compared to some Unity & Unreal games. Games like these can use even emulated built-in graphic support.
# install WINE stuff -- one time only
sudo apt install winetricks # pulls in WINE and dependencies
# my prefix for many of my latest games.
mkdir -p ~/.wineprefixes/unreal5
WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/unreal5 winetricks -q corefonts dxvk vcrun2022 vkd3d
# had to repeat it just for vkd3d only due to burping (404)
# play game - the command to re-use every time
WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/unreal5 wine My_NTR_Girlfriend_v0.5.0.exe
# OR
# play game - the command to re-use every time
WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/unreal5 wine NtrGramV0.6.0_windows.exe
When texting, I got the emoji UTF-16 symbols not the emoji.
Adding more Fonts via WineTricks, manually copying Google's Noto Color Emoji, then finally my Win11's entire Fonts directory into my into `
~/.wineprefixes/unreal5/drive_c/windows/Fonts/` and still could not make Emoji's in either game appear.
- How are you handling Emojis?
- If a font, which Emoji font(s) are you using in your Godot project?
- Could it be an issue finding the Font resource? The game(s) have no problem with chat pictures embedding.