HTML - My Oblivious MILF [v0.147.0] [My Oblivious Developer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a decent spank mini story kind of game.

    Visually it's lacking massively. It has a few pics/gifs here and there that match the situation but most of them are pure text. This is fine if you know and expect this.

    Writing wise it's obviously not meant to be necessarily realistic. Very... horney logic. Which isn't bad either, if you aren't expecting believable realism.

    It has a few kinks and I think it does them pretty well.

    4/5 because it's not failing at what it is trying to be.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked this concept originally when there was one person writing it or at least if there were multiple people they mimicked each other's styles closely enough that I couldn't tell. In more recent chapters the change in writing is jarring and the titular MILF character can act completely different depending on who is writing that particular scene.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Good but not great....yet. Imo, could use more of the same model, kinda takes out any sense of immersion when its obviously a different girl for most scenes. Also, not personally a fan of how much of a loser the father is
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I find this to be a great game. As in a good fun way to kill some time. There isn't much there story wise as in progression in a story, just more progressing what you can get away with.

    After playing through the current content and seeing 85%-90% of the scenes available, because it's really just one of those games where you go through the motions each day trying to unlock the next scenes, it's actually pretty meta if you think about it. A lot of porn vids, especially the ones of incestual variety, start off with one party being completely oblivious as to what is going on and usually are that way all the way through. "I'm stuck, what are you doing back there? Oh you're rubbing me trying to get me out... Huh? What's this strange sticky white stain on my shirt and pants? Oh well I have to do laundry anyway, thanks for helping me sweetie." And that is exactly what this game is, just all the different situations and scenarios and the more you do them the more oblivious the mother is.

    I would like to note that I loved the idea of impregnating the mother and I chose to tell her both options, haha. And then the sissification of the father, I do wish and would like to see more with that transformation process. As well as I really would like to see more cuckold scenes done in front of the father, not when he's blindfolded or just doesn't pay attention like in the evening games. So I look forward to what this game will have to offer in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 471222

    Writing is excellent, scenes are hot and the dev updates frequently.

    One of the biggest complaints is the lack of gifs and yes, originally there weren't many but every update the dev adds more. More importantly they actually put time into finding and adding gifs that fit the scenes so this isn't your typical hastily cobbled real porn HTML game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great text-based game.

    It has all the right ingredients for a fun, light-hearted, well-written adventure. Solid updates and the Dev is clearly dedicated, which is a great sign. It's nice that they are adding bells-and-whistles like more gifs. Hopefully, the Dev focuses on the wholesome MILF stuff and not-so-much weirdo stuff like transforming the roommate into an Attack Helicopter or strange food fetishes.

  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The text-to-visual ration is way too heavy on the text side. A few images, some GIFs, and don't get me wrong, the writing is fine, but it's just not very visually stimulating as-is.

    Also, I sort of like the progression system and I sort of don't. I like how you're not stressed for time and can work your way through at your own pace, but I don't like how many events are unlikely to have a natural progression. It's very easy to grind down one stat and all of a sudden she's blowing you before she's let you touch her, or something (not a specific occurrence, just a hypothetical example). Would have been nice to have a subset of events that have to happen one-after-another, some "questlines" of sorts... idk, maybe lol.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very grinding, but with interesting variations once you get to that point. I ended up cheating levels often, because I didn't want to repeat the same content.

    That said, there is a significant amount of content here, the creator is very responsive to the community, and each edition adds more content.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Dr. Ronald Leopold

    the game needs more image and scenes because it seems a only text game, too much grinding, the plot is not original and poor of content for now, the game can improve but for now it's boring.
    i don't understand why add choices not available in the game, you might as well add choices once developed.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the idea, especially skills.
    But need more image or video to enrich.
    More text is not so friendly to someone doesn't speak English.
    And maybe more character?
    Like some other women live together.
    Or MC can go out.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    You play a creepy sex pest that spends all day sexually harrassing and molesting a woman (relationship can be customized by the player) in a house. Most of the content is all text based with very little media accompaniment. All in all, not what I was looking for and kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game so far. Although the game uses real porn, which I do mind a small bit, the game still has the fetishes that I like.

    The milf is literally oblivious to anything the MC does to her. Even the cuckold fetish works fantastically well with the obliviousness of the milf.

    The game could use a lot more pictures adding onto some segments of the game. Since the game still new(ish) having more content would expand the limited amount of action within the game.

    Besides my grip on using real porn images, I enjoy playing this game so far. The amount of fetishes this game contains is well within my respository.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, hits some rare points like not immediately breaking the "landlady's" immersion and sticking to the bit. Huge plus for being one of the few games that lets you feminize others. Looking forward to more.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Ariella Just my Favorite star.
    But i hope the game use more image
    I'm not into text base game type
    and for some reason most real porn games are textbase
    sometimes I wish I see more image for every her response
    not just her small image from 2 pages ago.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 10/10
    Imagery: 6/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Kinks: 10/10
    Overall: 9/10

    I'm blown away.

    This is my kink. All of these scenarios are hot, the ideas and concepts are like wet dreams I've had, my imagination was racing to make sure it wasn't making any of the already written words down. Because all of my sleeping kinks come from that oblivious genre, all that mind control fetish fuel I drink is steaming from the oblivious genre, and somehow all this time I have seemingly been unaware of this creation. Astonishing!

    My only complaint at this point would be a lack of images and gifs. Sure my imagination was in overdrive reading the material presented to me, but a hot image or gif related to the kinky ongoings really helps to keep me from burning out.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Jack Riley

    For months, my favorite story on CHYOA has been My Oblivious Mother. I never realized before how incredibly hot the primary fetish on display was before that story, as similar stories are typically bogged down by poor writing or a tinge of implied shame. M.O.M. has no such faults, instead of presenting the protag as more of a conniving Dom as in that story.
    Now, here I am, browsing the HTML tag, and what do I find? A very similar story, under a very similar name? Must be a fan, ripping the writer's story off, no? Well, good enough for me. It'll do, for a quick one. Oh, wait- The writing's good. It isn't plagued by ESL-esque misspelling. It follows the plot of M.O.Mother almost exactly? There's even a yogurt cup somewhere apparently(still haven't found that fucking thing though)?Oh, wait, fuck, I recognize the creator's name!

    I think it's sick that you've turned the CHYOA story into a full-fledged game.I really like the progression you have with each stat, wherein you can experience the different interactions with your """"landlady"""" at each level individually. If anything, I would recommend that certain interactions give less exp, as I accidentally bulled my way through several levels of both Distracted and Skinship in, like, half a day.

    Extra looking forward to where the game progresses; things like potential """"landlord"""" sissfication are exciting, and I'm interested to see if this progresses to the point you'll include the bus trip and such.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Can you cum five times a day like you have a literal gallon of cum in your balls? Can you shove your dick into someone's butt crack and somehow not be noticed? Of course not, but the game understands that it's a fantasy, and that realism gets in the way sometimes and does away with them. I remember a discussion about to have a bimbo or not in a game etc, and I feel like most people missed the point. People who want to get to the porn ASAP won't care if the romance and foreplay is the best thing in the world, they just want to get to the penetration and fap immediately. The opposite is also true. Hence, it's up to the dev to clearly define what their game is about so that players won't have false expectations and judge you for "failing" to deliver. In this case, the dev made it very clear the scenarios are shouldn't be enjoyed like it's a non-fiction where each and detail are demanded to be factually accurate, so that's great.

    The content's juicy enough to keep you entertained for multiple hours, and the bugs aren't so numerous that it's detrimental to the experience (most of them are textual). Also it seems that backing might cause some bugs so I would advise players to avoid doing that and load a save instead. A bit troublesome, but this is a game with no fail state, so either way it's hardly a problem.

    There is one thing I'm worried about, and that's the lack of fail states and ever increasing amount of stats. Stats only ever increase, so if you play for enough hours it's only a matter of time before you hit max stats. At max stats, you'll be able to skip entire progressions and unlock everything immediately, even if you might have to jump through some hoops (hard requires like items, checkpoints etc) to do so. That is actually detrimental to the experience because one of the attractive points of the game (and many corruption games) is the slow build-up toward a certain juicy moment. For example, within a week my Distracted stat is already at 6 due to a lack of content of other stats such as Clumsy and Sleepy. This means I'll have to start over the next time the dev releases an update because going by my current stat I can probably unlock everything in under half an hour or less. In the future, I expect a hard cap or a slow exp gain of sort just so that the oblivious MILF don't become an oblivious MILF too quickly and diminish the fun of it.

    Now this one's a personal opinion - although I think the dev has already thought about it since he mentioned NTR scenarios - but the other attraction of this kink is involving other people with your oblivious MILF. Maybe she's walking on the streets with her skirt rolled up and she didn't notice it, unknowingly flashing her panties for everyone to see. Maybe she's accidentally flashing her tits to a shopkeeper while bending down to look at something. Maybe she went to see the doctor and is so gullible that she actually believed that a fever requires a vagina check. Maybe you're in a bus and you're having your way with her, and suddenly a molester thinks you're a fellow comrade and wants a piece of the pie? What if you let him fuck your dumb cumdump of a MILF, never realizing that someone else is dumping his cum inside her? And throughout all these "incidents", you're manipulating things overtly or covertly. What if you make her the cumdump of everyone? Isn't that the natural duty of a sexual object like her? She's so Distracted, Clumsy, Gullible, oblivious to Skinship and a Sleepyhead, doesn't it seem like a waste if you're the only one who's exploiting this? Just how much can you sabotage your MILF to the wicked satisfaction of yourself?

    Anyway the rant is getting a bit too long so I'm cutting it short here. I feel like there is tremendous potential behind this game (mainly because it's the only Western text-based game I've seen so far with this kink as their central theme) and the dev absolutely has the skill to pen them all. All that's left is to find an editor to fix the occasional spelling errors, fix bugs and that's it. In conclusion, I wish the dev a long and rewarding journey with this game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Once more, as it is often the case with my reviews, this rating represents more of an opinion towards POTENTIAL, and how interesting it is to people who like the theme (MC taking advantage of a naive/oblivious MILF) rather than reflect the current state. Otherwise it would be a solid 3 Star game atm.

    Solid Twine/Sugarcube game, especially if considering that this is a first effort by the Dev. No dead links, unfinished routes are clearly marked, good, clear text passages. There is a very decent amount of content for a v.0.3, so it is possible to give it some actual play already.

    The grind is quite bad, especially when getting into the higher ranges of "skills" to get better actions. But that might very well be due to the content not being ready yet. Better actions seem to yield more experience to fill the increasing requirements to progress in skill much faster.

    There are not many items to use in the game, and here comes maybe my biggest problem with the game so far - the RNG seems off quite a bit. Some items (panties) spawn every time you look, but empty yogurt cups (don't ask ;) ) are almost impossible to get. COnsidering that there are actions that require them, RNG should be set to a MUCH easier rate imo.

    There are no images whatsoever and that is ok for me, but some people might be put off by that, so adjust the rating accordingly.

    So if you like the genre, give this one a try, it could get really fun.