VN - Ren'Py - My Parents Case [v0.1.25.1a] [Giandalf The Tall]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It was alright i guess. A little boring with the constant talk about the parents, realistic but still boring. Didn't care for the spanking scene with Emily and Norah. Norah should have been a virgin, also sex scenes could do with better angles, like full body views from side. Also hope this doesn't go down the "Every Li is Lesbian/Bi" route. Kinda getting tired of that is every Harem story. But other than that it was pretty good it has hope of being better. I'll check back on this when there is a lot more content.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Like others say, the renders are nicely done. The girls are cute.
    The animations are simple (mostly morphed cross-fades), but there are lots of them (kisses, eyes, etc), which is great.
    That's what earns the two stars.

    The difficulty is with the dialog.
    Well, two difficulties:
    1) The writer (like many on this site) seems to confuse realistic novel/movie/game dialog with how we talk in the real world. In real life, even great conversations wander, hesitate, and repeat. In fiction, these have to be refined to their essenses. The writer has to learn how to capture the key features of the communication, logical and emotional, conscious and unconscious, etc in a far shorter form while still making it sound natural. This is (one of the reasons) why fiction writing is hard. The conversation in My Parents Case constantly wanders, repeats, turns inane, and bores the reader partially because it reflects *too much* how real life conversation moves.
    2) The more obvious fault, and one I could overlook if the writing was interesting, is the horrible grammar and spelling, which are often very distracting, and sometimes incomprehensible.

    The combination of all of the above first creates the effect of cute sexy robots with comically awkward disjointed speech, and then, as the MC's thoughts kick in (which are just as badly written) , a sense of joyless slogging through the prose, hoping for a pretty picture.

    I played it to the end of the January 2025 version, and recommend that you don't bother.

    I recommend that the talented visual devs find new writing talent, or their images will be forgotten.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    Yeah, this was a weird one to judge.


    1. The characters are cute
    2. Okayish Renders


    1. The repetitive writing
    2. Gameplay
    3. The cringe dialogue/Grammar

    Story Overview:

    The MC learned to his parents allegedly killed themselves so he spends all but... two weeks? Mourning before he's ready to start back living his best life. The writing is cringe at various moments but one of more critical moments it gets exposed is during the convos with the ladies.

    He bonds with Emily who apparently have an abusive father and there's this weird conversation about her father spanking her while wearing a thong or something of the sort. You start to wonder if she's being abused or "abused" by him. Fast forward to Norah who is supposed to be the ultimate crush of the MC and vice versa. Emily even states how obvious their attraction is but the scene goes left when the bed pillow talk ends up being about her other sexual experience and how much bigger the guy was lol. I laughed at out here almost dropped my PC. It's just not realistic for a woman to spout off this sort of thing during or after sex unless they're swingers or in a cuckold relationship.

    Hell, most women don't want to hear about their partners past sex life either so this was very weird and definitely written by a guy lol.

    But due to the MC's parents dying he gets to inherit his father's company. There's other characters but that weren't interesting.

    The gameplay has meaningless choices and I feel that Devs purposefully do this to avoid the KN tag.

    Dialogue and grammar of course suffered but what else is new. *Side note*

    I used to PR my own reviews but since you guys butch the English langauge why shouldn't I?

    Renders was decent.

    Animations was average.


    Best of luck.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Decent renders. That’s about it. The story makes absolutely no sense at all and a lot of the dialogue is ghastly. I mean laugh inducing without intent at humor. Yes, by all means boldly make your “No fucking NTR” statement and then proceed to produce a turd pile of a harem game. Yeah, no one else wants to NTR your LIs because the entire town already had them. While most harem games strain the porn logic - this one breaks it, burns it and buries the remains. If harem is your jam, there are numerous other games out there.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the game, the biggest reason is the MC girlfriend, Nora for me is the cutest main character's girlfriend in games like this, the kissing scenes with her from the protagonist's point of view looks cute and funny. The sex scene with her is detailed and well staged, well done dev! although it would have been better if the developer had added some sounds like a girl moaning instead of just music, it would have been even more immersive. The scene is shown from the MC's point of view as from his eyes, I would have liked it better if you could also see the scene from the side, but that's the developer's choice. I also liked some of the scenes with the spanking of the girl, it was sexy and the developer made it natural when the buttcheeks sway to the beat of the blow. I hope there will be more scenes like that in the game.
    The story may not be the best, but it's not terrible. I don't think it's worse than most porn games. It's there, there's some drama and it leads to the development of the characters' relationships, for an amateur developer it's not bad.
    In the game there are more girls, Emily I liked, but I can't say this about the third who appeared for a short time, I think the third blonde girl only less attractive is not necessary for this game, if you add more girls need more variety, brunettes, redheads.
    The unnecessary clicking, it's weird choice by the developer, but it's 10-15 times throughout the game, it can be annoying but it's too minor a part of the game to lower the score because of it.
    I don't speak English so it's hard for me to say how bad the English is here but it seems like there are some problems. There are some mistakes and strange word combinations, like "taller dick" for example. I don't know how it looks to English speakers but this one doesn't bother me.

    This is a solid game for a novice developer. There is enough content here for a first release. It's not perfect and needs some polishing but I enjoyed the game, Nora is the best, I liked her playful minx character, although I usually prefer more demure girls, but she's just too cute. I'd like to see more this game.
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