Seeking - My Personal Favorites

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Voltage Flame

    Solid choices and everything is greatly well structured (My OCD says thank you). All games on here are well described and extremely detailed with a solid explanation but you still hold an objective standpoint which is crucial when creating those kinds of lists.
    You've obviously put a lot of time and effort into this.
    I've also done the same and made my own list that I've rated with my favorite games that I've played over the years. So I completely understand your reasoning for making this.
    I would love to share some of my suggestions if you're open/have time for it, and I'm sure others would too. Maybe you should add somewhere in your intro if you are open to recommendations and whatnot.

    *Just saw that you have a thread linked in your signature for this exact b lol.

    Big Respect.
    Keep up the awesome work!
