Recently tried it out. It's nice to have more laid back stories with silly antics like this. But there are terms like "Blessed", "Unblessed" and "Fallen" that are used often but are never explained and it leaves a broad term. Grand duke barely explain shit the difference between Blessed and fallen and the reader is just expected to know it.
It's cuz they never explained.
I was hoping they will unfold their world-setting as the game progress, that's not rare method, and it's normally tightly tied to the main plots - hence they need it to be "ambiguous" for a latter climax.
Cuz it's basically "Blessed=pure and follow society code", "Unblessed=follow one's own desire", "Fallen=formally pure but give into desires". But there are strings attached to them.
Just don't know how early are we still in the game, or does the dev rly not plan explain the world building part.
(And I don't wanna go there, but if it's the latter, there's certainly some insinuation going on
