Conceptually: 4 stars. It seems like it's a lot of fun and it ticks a lot of my own personal boxes. I love the way you can customize every LI in the game.
Reality: 1 star. Game is SOOOOOO slow. And I don't mean it's a slow burn (I actually prefer those), I mean it is buggy as hell. Want to walk left? Press left. Wait twenty seconds. Didn't work? Press left again. Wait twenty more seconds. Yay I moved left one square! Now let's interact with that LI. Press spacebar. Wait twenty seconds. Hey, it worked, the dialogue window opened! It's blank, but it opened. Oh ok, here comes the text. One. Letter. At. A. Time. Regardless. Of. What. Speed. Setting. You. Have. It. Set. To. Ok, I read the dialogue. Press spacebar. Wait twenty seconds. Didn't work. Press spacebar. Wait twenty seconds. Oh good it closed. Now press the X in the upper right-hand corner to close this game and promptly delete it lest you accidentally try to play it again.
Reality: 1 star. Game is SOOOOOO slow. And I don't mean it's a slow burn (I actually prefer those), I mean it is buggy as hell. Want to walk left? Press left. Wait twenty seconds. Didn't work? Press left again. Wait twenty more seconds. Yay I moved left one square! Now let's interact with that LI. Press spacebar. Wait twenty seconds. Hey, it worked, the dialogue window opened! It's blank, but it opened. Oh ok, here comes the text. One. Letter. At. A. Time. Regardless. Of. What. Speed. Setting. You. Have. It. Set. To. Ok, I read the dialogue. Press spacebar. Wait twenty seconds. Didn't work. Press spacebar. Wait twenty seconds. Oh good it closed. Now press the X in the upper right-hand corner to close this game and promptly delete it lest you accidentally try to play it again.