VN - Ren'Py - My Time with You [Offscreen Chapters] [EoloStudios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is quite interesting, as it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from a typical real Japanese visual novel. Colorful and cute characters who have their own lives and issues that collide with the main characters for a funny, cute, heartwarming slice-of-life drama. Character designs and H-scenes are pretty vanilla, but good enough.

    Issue is, Japanese VNs often tend to split themselves in to routes for individual characters, and for good reason. If you mix-and-match all of the character's routes in one, it turns in to a very long and unfocused plotline, which unfortunately, is the case here. The story might jump off a character who you were interested in, to a character you weren't, which may diminish your interest in playing, especially since the game really likes to focus on some characters far more than others (sorry to say, Kanehana took far too much screen time for someone I was not even remotely interested in). I was the most interested in Akemi, who, despite being the second girl shown, didn't have much to her story until the second part, hours in to the game. If you aren't invested in every single character it gets hard to continue playing through without ctrl skipping, which is a shame. There's also a ton of wrinkly old people that always killed any boner I had while playing. Terrible for a fap.

    Still, bonus points for being a game that made me feel nostalgia for 2000s era Japanese visual novels. Haven't seen to many like this on F95. 4/5 might seem a little disappointing of a rating, but it's pretty high if you consider that I think it utterly fails as a porn game and it's only being held up by it's main plot and half of characters.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is about as wholesome as you can get for a harem VN. The humor and character writing are great throughout with a diverse (both visually and personality-wise) and cute cast.

    The overall story has some light overarching sci-fi drama elements, which have increased somewhat in the latest chapters, but is generally more focused on the interpersonal relationships between the cast, and how they go about following their dreams and supporting each other. The main conflict comes from bringing more characters in on the harem, and their varying levels of acceptance for it. While it is a "harem VN", the harem serves as more of a plot device for the friendships and conflicts between the characters, rather than being a prominently featured aspect in and of itself (ie. pretty much no current focus on stuff like group sex, though it may shift this direction in the future once the harem is finalized).

    The main thing I might call a weak aspect of the story is that it does fall into the typical "harem VN" cliche of almost every character being immediately in love with the protagonist, though it kind of has to be this way, as it ties in with the time travel sci-fi elements.

    The protagonist is a bit of an idiot in the same way as SMEE VN protagonists are (if you've ever played any of them), but not quite to the same extreme/exaggerated degree. Overall, as other reasonable reviewers have mentioned, it's nothing that will grind your gears that much if you've ever watched and enjoyed a typical rom-com anime or similar media - if all you're looking for in VN protagonists are humorless gigachad maledoms who form slave harems, look elsewhere.

    The visuals (models, backgrounds, posing, framing, etc.) are all on the above average side for Koikatsu - no glaringly bad aliasing issues or low quality renders, though I did spot some minor clipping issues here and there (eg. Hikari's hair clipping through MC's arm during a scene where they're sitting back-to-back). The H scenes are nothing special (using default Koikatsu animations) - H content is not a focus and is more what I would describe as "cute" or "amusing", rather than "hot". Music selection is pretty good, with mostly chill upbeat tracks, and some unique songs specifically for the "idol" sequences.

    Overall, a great game if you just want some fluffy/light-hearted vibes without much high-stakes drama currently (and are not reading primarily for H content).
    Likes: m4pII
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    + music
    + girls
    + animations are ok

    - disappointing & short sex scenes written without passion
    - fucking pathetic clueless wimp mc, typical soyboy, he is horrible. I really can't stand him
    - walls of uninteresting conversations, most of them leads to nowhere
    - Sayuri and her manipulative behavior
    - 24 chapters and we still don't get a proper 3some scene
    - boring story
    - unnecessary drama caused by some trivial things

    One of the worst koikatsu i played, 2 stars from me
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated to Ch 24.

    The story is just alright. Future wife visits MC asking him to form a harem to save him from "something" and so that all of their friends stay together, instead of having shitty futures and being unhappy (?). The dialogue and scenes are a little corny/cheesy. Tbh, really random, sentimental music starts playing at some moments that made me cringe. For me, stuff like this in renpy games can just be skipped by turning on Unseen Text option, so I did that. Most of the story is just a feel-good horny kinetic VN. MC is kinda just a typical nice guy, anime protag who's giga horny. He feels bad and really weirded out by the idea of forming the harem, so it's a little grounded and realistic in that sense, I guess? As others have mentioned, he's pretty cringe, but not anything that'll kill you inside if you've watched literally ANY rom-com anime ever.

    The characters are okay. Imo, the characters with most developments/interactions with MC are Hikari (Sister), Yukine (Childhood Friend), Kanehana (Idol), Sayumi (Future Wife), Akemi (Adoptive mom) - in that order from most to least. They each have their own vibe and are mostly distinctive personality-wise from each other. Personal favorites are Hikari and Akemi. The MC's surrogate/adoptive mother, Akemi, basically disappears for like 10 - 12 chapters? So oftentimes, the distribution between characters feels a little skewed at some points of the story. In terms of development, I think Hikari and Hime get the most dedicated to their personalities/arcs. All of the others kind of get their own personal conflict regarding MC, but not much time to dwell on it.

    For H-scenes, it's mostly just raw fucking in different positions with a side of blowjob. There's a couple of voyeur scenes for those into that, some dom/sub scenes depending on which choices you pick, exhibitionism here and there. And obviously there's incest, you have to patch it in, but the story is originally written that way, otherwise it doesn't make sense in other contexts, at least to me. If you absolutely hate incest, of ANY SORT, back away now. There are an ALOT of scenes dedicated to Hikari and Kanehana, so if those two are your favorites, you've won the lottery.

    Book 1 takes a LOT of time to set up the story and all of its characters. It barely has ANY h-scenes. I think a lot of people will have a hard time sitting through 11 chapters just to get to what they REALLY came here for. Book 1 tries to do a balancing act between being a little comedic, romantic, and mysterious with the whole time-travel plot. Book 2 literally cuts out everything but romance, so far at least. There's a lot more h-scenes, and with more than just one or two girls. The MC is less cringe too, but that's what happens if you spend less time having him do miscellaneous BS.

    It's not the worst AVN I've played. The scenes are hot and frequent (at least in Book 2), the story is serviceable to an extent, and the characters sorta balance each other out. I feel like Book 1 was too much of an exposition dump and you only really get any scenes/romance going with 2-3 girls. So when it's not the "harem" as advertised, the first impression might be really bad for many people who can't sit through those first 11 chapters patiently. Book 2 is slightly better in pacing, but still suffers a lot from the typical rom-com tropes of roundabout confessions & conflicted feelings. Honestly, I would just wait till it finishes for good, otherwise you might not come back to it after one sit-through.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Long time lurker/player of games, first time reviewer. This one is soooo good! Excellent writing with an interesting plot. Fantastic varied personalities for LI. Great game for those who like a harem game with a strong romantic arc. Highly suggested! Through chapter 24 there's tons of content and story, but excited to follow along as it develops more.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Ben 10001

    Story is really bad girls are not interesting either MC is a fool you are forced to accept wife from the future and your best friend's cousin as your love interests player can't decide almost anything I wasted time playing this game
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good harem/incest game. The characters are fun and varied, with a good story. Not knowing anything about Japanese culture or conventions, there is a lot that I don't understand about what is going on. Sorry I just don't have any place I am exposed to it.
    I wish the visual style was less anime, but at least the story makes up for that. (Took me forever to realize that thing on Dice's head was supposed to be an Afro hairdo.) Yeah, I know. That's the style the artist wants, and I won't change his mind. I can deal with it. Just my opinion due to bad experiences with anime back in the early 90's.
    It does have the elements that make me watch eagerly for the next update, so keep up the good work.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Was reading the first page how this game is about choices, and first choice you get is "tell her" or "tell her" i couldent care less about her truely, next choice "sit with her" or "refuse" well i refused and what happens? you sit with her......choices gone bye bye, and yet another zoom in on ugly big tits...

    Its just annoying when it happens constantly but i guess dev belives all people loves big tits, but heres a newsflash....not everyone does...biggest turn-off possible for me, so having a childish zoom in none stop and i am not kidding i lost count how many times it does it doing the first 15mins of playing this game...and it never stops....feels like the target audience for this game is 10-15 years old and not 18+.

    MC is the standard childish 12 year old that thinks any girl he meets is hot, its boring and pointless, and he clearly has a fetish for looking a tits....

    Story gets boring really fast, MC constantly trying to get with hes friend cousin, and if you like me couldent care less about her then game will just be annoying since thats a big part of the story, and hes a fun side note shes not even your wife from the future......but the hole plot of the game is for your wife to help you stay with the cousin so you dont break up with her and for MC to build a harem....thats fine problem is that your not building your own harem when 2 girls has already been forced on you.

    So not only is the wife forced on you, but also the cousin of you friend is forced on you, so you wont feel much in the way of choices, and you wont really see many choices at all in the game either.

    If you like the main 2 LIs game might be for you, if you dont it will be a waste of time really.

    Animations are about averge nothing special, same goes for the music.
    When it comes to LIs i dident really feel like any one of them was hot but then there wasent really that many options either.

    Story feels very very kinetic, you might be able to change a few things but not really sure what other then maybe turning down a LI at some point.

    So yeah game wasent for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most handsome KOI games i played. Fun. Lot of handholding and same perverted kinks. For the most perverted players only. Writing is really good as well. Rich story indeed. :love:
    Oh isn't it enough? It's asking to write more than a 200 characters. A task for a foreign to English player. But i did say all i wanted.
    It's fun. It's kind. Humorous. Rich interesting story. Mostly vanilla kinks. Harem. A bit of sub/dom (avoidable). All is a true Man of a Culture needs and ever wishes.
    Hope, it's enough letters now, lol.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite some cringey weebism, I absolutely adore this game. The scenes, writing, and overall plot are amazing. It shows a lot of love put into the game, and has had a lot of time put into each update. It also strikes a great balance between lewdness and VN, without being too heavy on either.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    “My Time With You” review — Chapter 23.

    This is a hard game for me to review because I went into it with the wrong mindset. I usually play AVN that offer the player choices with impact on the main story, or at least the love interests he considers. So far, MTWY doesn't offer this. While there are choices, for now at least, their impact is very minor (except one).
    So, my advice to you, dear perverts, is to go into this game and expect a kinetic story, with mostly kinetic character interactions. And if you truly want to enjoy it, try to interpret every action by the MC and all other characters as well-meaning and good-natured. The MC will put up with much, and is very forgiving, so the player has to as well.

    MTWY's story is about a man who discovers a woman in his home. This woman claims to be his wife from the future. She's there to prevent a 'bad ending', by starting a harem for the MC. The 'love interests' we meet throughout the game, will almost all be a guaranteed part of it.
    Personally, I suggest adding the 'TrueStory' mod, which as its name implies, changes the story somewhat. In this case, it changes some Platonic bonds to familial bonds. Be warned, though, that this change adds much more gravitas to certain events, out of the player or MC's control.

    This game's strong point is its writing. Many of the events in the early chapters are tied together in Chapter 21, making clear that the developer has the entire story planned out. This is rare for episodic content, certainly for games of this magnitude.
    Personally, I think characterization needs some work. It's challenging to get a handle on the MC at first. And some characters are full of contradictions. An example of this is Hikari. People will remark multiple times on how she has matured, then a few scenes later we'll see that she's been playing games instead of taking care of important documents. Or, she'll come up with yet another way to push MC and an LI together. At that point, it's unclear if her maturity is compared to events in the game, or from before the game started. I was thrilled, near the end of the current release, to see her taking (some) things seriously.
    Iroha, Hikari's best friend, has the weakest characterization so far. Her history with the MC is left up to the player to infer. Things with Iroha escalate fairly quickly, possibly leaving the player with many questions. If, like me, you try to play an MC who's not promiscuous, but romantic, these events can be jarring.
    On the other hand, Hime and Akemi were handled masterfully. Akemi and the MC have a few beautiful moments together, before things get really intimate. And Hime calling on the MC for emotional support was a breath of fresh air. It allowed us to get to know Hime, get a sense of what she stands for. It gives us, the player, a reason to be interested in her.

    Looking at the thread's poll about favorite heroines, I think it matches up quite well with the amount of characterization each LI received. Hime, a character we haven't romanced yet, is more liked than Hana and Iroha.

    All of the above, I'd consider an opinion. Your interpretation and experience will, most likely, be very different from mine. On to the actual criticism, of which I have only two.

    There's too much reliance on flashbacks. I'm not talking about flashbacks to the (distant) past, or Chapter 21.
    There are flashbacks to current events, that the MC took part in, but the player didn't get to see.
    An example: Hana and the MC have a conversation, the scene cuts away. Later, Hana gives the MC the cold shoulder. Then, we get a flashback to what was said during the conversation. Another example of this is when Hana asks the MC about his relationship status, and a flashback goes back to the previous scene, continuing a discussion that happened there.
    Then there are flashbacks to current-events that expand on scenes that the player witnessed, but the MC didn't. Many of these add nothing to the narrative, the player could've been shown the entire event the first time.
    Until chapter 21, where the writer really proved his mettle, I was thinking many of these flashbacks served as hooks for new story beats, or even retcons. While I can't know for sure, I no longer think that's the case.

    That said, I'd love a 'New Game+' that puts all the flashbacks in chronological order, allowing the player to more easily understand and follow the chain of events. When a flashback in a later chapter changes how we perceive events in an early chapter, it can be challenging to put everything together, or even remember what exactly happened so many hours ago.

    My second, and last, point of criticism is the use of global variables to keep track of choices. If the game was entirely kinetic, this wouldn't be an issue. However, there are choices, and choices do have consequences, however minor. There is some replay value, mostly because of one choice that heavily impacts the interaction with a character. But, replaying and making different choices, could invalidate another playthrough. Your new choices could carry over to a save from a previous playthrough, and vice versa. An argument in favor of this method, is that it allows the player to correct past mistakes; however, I think it's unlikely that players will know where, and which choices to change, unless they're relying on the walkthrough.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is pasta with fresh marinara tier for harem romcom enthusiasts.

    A) How would i describe this ?
    = Stupendo fantabulously phantasmagorically magical collection of art meant to service your heart AND your crank.

    B) Who should give a shit?
    = should. I have played 200+ AVNs and I have only rated FIVE other AVN in this exact fashion with these exact words. The game is very heavy on slice of life with a hint of time-travel mystery infused in the plot and the arcs are done wonderfully!

    I'm a proud handholding, pat-giving, hug seeking, kiss-loving fucko. I eat the fuck out of wholesome/story-focused games and generally try to avoid debauchery-plagued fuckfests. This game right here is a winner.

    1. Writing is impeccable. The humor lands so naturally that it looks off the cuff most of the time. ALSO, non-verbal cues like expression changes, hand gestures are **chef's kiss**
    2. Romance very heartfelt and warming.
    3. Characters are distinct, beautiful, and very well written. They speak normally and the nuances in the way they speak matches their personality.
    4. Pacing is really good and relationships are portrayed so naturally. Like not everyone is comfortable with the idea of harem or nontraditional relationships. Not everything is lovey-dovey, there's sad scenes and mistakes and so on. It feels very real.
    5. H-scenes are plenty and hot! They are quite lengthy as well. It made me consider that the MC might not have refractory period for ejaculation cuz he can lay pipes without shooting dusts! :)
    6. Music is fitting along with animations like raining etc.
    7. Renders are beautiful.
    8. Sounds effects are fun.
    9. MC is likeable.
    10. There's so many good references to real life games, movies, cartoons, memes and so on!
    11. UI, Gallery, choices are clean.
    1. Honestly I have no constructive criticism to give since the game has been in development for quite some time and early things have been ironed out in later releases. Like chapter length is variable in book 1 (like some are short and some long) but book 2 is consistent I think so don't give up on the game.

    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick this up now! If you are wholesome romcom harem seeker then this one is a keeper! <3

    (Insert Palpatine Voice) We will watch your career with great interest....
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Think this is my first review, never feel I can write enough or word it correctly to make one, but I just really wanted to give this 5 stars so I will try. My favorite AVN genre are the wholesome and loving harems. Maybe you wont say this is exactly that, but it is for me so far. Just after about of week of reading it I love it so much already.

    Every LI has her own personality and interests and are themselves very interesting and beautiful. Sure we all have our favorites but I like each one here. Some girls are a slow burn so just FYI.

    The story is really interesting and kept me thinking about it all the way through, still am of course since it seems far from done. A good amount of theorizing can be found here I think, with some interesting twists. Some great back to the future vibes.

    Not just the LI's are awesome, the friends and other characters in the story are all well done, with a great deal of fun and humor in here as well.

    The H-Scenes are really well done, animations are fantastic, very expressive.

    I really like the MC, seems like a real nice dude who treats everyone with respect. He can get a little crazy in the sack though...

    Well, hope this help the dev and any potential players. I highly recommend this is you want a fun and interesting story with awesome characters, or just a harem game that makes sense. I very happily subbed and cant wait for more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not a native speaker so I try to keep this somewhat short:

    If you are looking for a wholesome, lighthearted and cozy romcom story, just do yourself a favour and play this one. I tried alot of Kokaitsu based games and this one deserves (and respects) your time.

    The game makes the best of the assets given by the Kokaitsu framework, nothing in the scenes feels out of place even if you notice the similarities, the characters feel distinct, visually and - most important - from how they are written.
    The pacing of the story, at least for me - feels just right. Another thing which in my opinion is hard to master is comedic timing, another department where this game shines, even if tropy at times.

    It´s one of those games where I wasn´t expecting anything from, downloaded it for the porn, but stayed for the complete experience.

    Unfurtunatly, I am in a tight spot financially speaking however if you made it this far and agree with me do them a favor and give them a sub, they deserve it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few developers that I can trust with every update or not to go MIA. I haven't been let down by them since subbing to their patron unlike some other developers. The game is enjoyable and its only improving each update. I'd probably say the first bump in quality is the first actual sex scene at the end of chapter 5. The choices actually start to make a difference with the later chapters as well. The game slowly bumped up going from a 3/5 to 4/5 then finally 5/5. The early to middle of book 2 is when I would say the game becomes a 5/5. (It's probably because we got Hikari scenes now that I think of it)

    I wasn't hooked at the beginning of the game due to its slow pace and lack of sex scenes. I would say chapter 6 is when the beginning slog is done because it actually becomes a porn game instead of a drama text story. The pacing for sex scenes after chapter 5 is amazing since we usually get 3 or more sex scenes each update instead of the 0 before chapter 5. It's like the developers remembered they are making a porn game.

    10/10 Love Interests (I don't hate any of them)
    10/10 Gameplay (No grinding and I hate doing multiple playthroughs to see everything)
    7/10 Story (I don't really care for the MC's drama with his father. I just wanna see more of the girls)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review on this site. I personally believe that it is a crime and borderline disrespectful to review this game now because of how brilliant it is but seeing as I can edit it when the game is over made me decide otherwise. Plus I think this game needs the recognition it deserves.

    MTWY is if Persona had adult-themed scenes.

    Quick Summary:
    The story-telling is Persona-esque, specifically the 4th one. Here we have the MC with his goofy bros then barrage of women he tries to get it on with. In Persona we have an overarching mystery plot but that takes a step back and the emphasis on the story revolves around the cast and how they grow essentially making it a slice-of-life rather than a fantasy while in MTWY we have an overarching time travel plot but takes a step back and the emphasis on the story revolves around the cast and how they grow. Dev also admits to have been inspired by it.

    This review is based on the patched version of the game and the spoilers are from the latest chapter.

    The question I ask myself when rating a plot of a porn game - "Will I play it without the sex scenes?" My answer is a huge "Hell yeah, I would!"

    It's not essentially the plot, but more on how it's presented to you, and written that pulls you in. The dev boasts "The story is written from start to finish," naturally, I came in as a skeptic on that statement, even on great stories they don't have that, let alone an adult game. Then the recent chapters drops along with my jaw and then I go "What the bloody F**k?"

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    It's an anime-based rom-com, it's funny, lighthearted and to quote many others, comfy to fall back to. Yet when it's serious, they take it seriously and not half-assed.

    You know how they say "it's a porn game, don't overthink it?" It doesn't apply to this game. Whether it's the implications or the subtlety in the dialogue and presentation.

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    The attention to detail really is awe-inspiring, shy Iroha's speech size, tomboy Hikari's aggressive nature, Grandma Lorfa's formal speech to which the character's adapt only when talking to her.

    Also, I love how they kept the sibling dynamic between MC and Hikari after they became lovers. This often gets overlooked, the sister character falls more into a girlfriend role and their personality gets washed in the process. Their sibling rivalry remains along with MC's overprotective nature towards her.

    Sexual scenes and content: There's a ton of them, but it makes sense, and develops their character. They don't happen just for the sake of fanservice.

    One of the gripes I have about these games is that the LIs that are supposedly virgins are too sexually experienced, even more so when it's out of their character to be. Plus it takes the fun out of sexual exploration on scenes if they just know how to do it. Each scene defines their character and shows who they are. Like extra peek at their personality to make them seem more real.

    Replay value - I want to point this out, this game has choices but the other routes aren't that far-off from the canon one. So there's not much reason to do multiple playthrough other than to enjoy it. The replay value isn't in the routes, it's what you discover and realize from having a different perspective once you know where the story is headed and realize that the writer has been messing with us from the start.

    The Protagonist - Unlike Persona, this guy isn't a blank slate, but does have a blank face. I think he's the sweetest kindest protagonist so far, but he isn't a pushover, hard to find a good balance on that. OR he just seems that way because there are just too many asshole MC's in AVNs.

    All in all, the characters are written so alive and individually real and believable that you find yourself wishing them all to have a happy ending.

    Typical Koikatsu visuals, anime-esque. Better shading and textures than most Koikatsu games. What I like about it though is that they made full use of Koikatsu to make every cast member significantly different from one another because a common problem in this visual medium is all the characters having the same eyes/looks. We also get a faceless MC, while I do not have a preference, I do like how they sometimes cleverly hide his face(you have to see it for yourself).

    It's teetering from amateurish to weirdly professional especially on the camera angles. At least it sets itself apart with having a unique UI compared to the thousands of games that uses the default one.

    -Hair clippings, although even the most sophisticated games have those so I can't dwell on that much. It does annoy me but tolerable. There are also times that there are very odd clippings aside from the hair but I understand that the dev actually mend those eventually as the development goes on.

    -While the writing is remarkable and outstanding, sometimes there are lines that are repetitive in what they're trying to convey and robotic.

    -MC being dramatically cringe, I wanted to complain about this before but it was incorporated into the writing/story as to why he was that way and he actually is getting better as it goes by.

    -Music and SE, it could definitely use more and some may have been a miss, but sometimes the music does fit the scene perfectly. *Cough* Akemi and MC *Cough* Ch19 *Cough*

    -Not exactly a cons but I don't know where to put it, I could go either way with the fourth wall communication with the game's 'narrator?' Miho. She doesn't actually narrate and this is the only fourth wall break this game has, there's none in the actual story to break immersion.

    -The uneven chapters, I get that the devs were still finding their handle during the preliminary chapters, but boy they are inconsistent in size.

    END of Review
    This game deserves the attention and support, I hope this review helps garner that and I wish the developers the best of luck. Excited to see more! *Cough* Chitose...​
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Average redditor

    To put this in the most straightforward way I can this game isn't for everybody, it follows a lot of guidelines of ecchi romance anime and you need to be used to VNs to get the humour but to those who fulfill these requirements this is an emotional rollercoaster, constantly changing between laughing and crying with a lot of hot moments. You can see in the fourth wall breaking jokes and references to other niche games and series that it was made with a lot of love and fun and I hope it can one day get the amount of attention it deserves
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Book 2 CH22 at the time of posting this review and I can say it easily made it's way to my top 10 game on this site. The models and scenes are the usual that you'll see on these kind of games but the way the story and each character was written give each scene and character a different vibe. You don't get a h-scene just for the sake of getting it, it actually has something to do with the story and that makes it more special.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Old Fart Having Fun

    Game starts out pretty mediocre, and is definitely completely unbelievable in how the characters fall for the protag. That said, the story really picks up (especially in the second book), and it's hard to find a believable story in the harem genre anyhow. Among games of this type, MTWY is among the best and is absolutely worth your time.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great harem game that focus on the relationship building with and between the LIs.

    The setting is heavily inspired in romance animes cliches, in a good way: all the characters are very charismatic and loveable. The bonding with the LIs feels genuine, and while the models looks simplistic, the lewd scenes are very well crafted.

    Super recommended if you are looking for an easy to follow story with lots of romance and wholesomes/corny moments.