can't say i enjoyed this one. at least not what is presented so far.
- ana's (the main love interest) character art looks good, she is beautiful. AI is very good at drawing beautiful women.
- the overall style and vibe goes well together, the various art elements are coherent
- the player character's art is very inconsistent, with his outfit changing a lot, bouncing from masculine to feminine, etc.but honestly, i'm pretty forgiving of this, as long as the images are hot (and they are!)
- no music or sound effects really. it's still early so this may improve, so i'm putting this in "okay" for now
- there's a lot of very typical AI art mistakes here that should really be refined before release. example: there's a scene where the main character goes to wash his hands, and it cuts to art where the main character is soaking wet from head to toe. this is a really typical AI hallucination, where "washing hands, hands wet" is used as a prompt, and the AI made the whole image dripping with water. a line of dialogue was added to try and make this make sense: "oops i guess i got my whole body wet while washing my hands," which is... odd. it would've been better to generate a better image, or just skip the hand-washing scene anyway, because why do we care to see it at all?
- the writing is sooooooo weird. in the first scene of the game, the main character overhears ana talking to another man... and the game plays a heartbeat sound effect, and the MC's inner monologue is about his vision blurring and almost passing out? because his girl is TALKING to another guy, clothed, and in public? it's just... bizarre. later, ana gets invited to a pool party, and the way the story treats it, it's like she got invited to an orgy. it's a pool party! a very normal thing!
- the main character hasn't even said out loud that he's interested in sharing or... anything! it's just a bunch of scenes of the main character stammering, gulping, and beating around the bush, but never actually committing to anything. this does not bode well for the game respecting the player's time.
i don't think the sloppy art and writing are enough to support a slow burn, multi-chapter game. those games only work when the writing is stellar and you really care about the characters involved, but everything so far is too strange to serve as a good foundation. i hope things turn around in future chapters, which i will check out, and amend my review as needed.
(this review was written after completing chapter 2)