Thank you! So you have played coruption/ntr and you do not have list them?
My question was not only for TAC and in any case your ranking vote are also on incomplete games.
I just said would ne interesting to know where the games are in your ra
There are a lot of missing corruption games in your ranking list.
at least you have to put some of the as "unclassified" if you do not want add a 0 vote or less
Most of the games you mentioned aren't complete yet
in your ranking list there are a lot of incomplete games with no clear story line too. so i do not understand your replay.
I only said that I play only game that are almost complete or with solid story like The Office Wife that it is in your list but also incomplete... the story is clear in that game. so is one of my favourite of your list
I do not like games incomplete just because there are a lot of slow-burn games and there is no way to know how the story is going like in JOHN that is very disappointing to me.
Jessica O'Neil is for me unclassified in my ranking because the story has no progression until today.