Unity - Mystic Knight Maya [v0.7.1] [MegaBlueBall]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Jesse Pinkman69

    For an early access game, this is surprisingly a large and fun game. The dev also has a history of regular updates it appears so I have no concerns of this game being abandoned before completion. As for the gameplay, combat is responsive feeling and offers a good challenge, with the different animations being unique per area. Once this game fully releases, I have no issue with buying the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is REALLY good. Not a huge fan of vore (and this game has a lot of it), but there's plenty of other fetishes in the game that make up for it. And the game itself, ignoring the hentai, is also pretty damn good. Looking forward to the completion of this one!

    This review was for v0.6.8
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall great game, good pixel art, hot scenes.

    I really liked the gameplay itself, what I didn't like was that I had to go to the gallery to watch the porn part. By that I mean you can only see the sex if you've fucked up. Someone might be into that, but I would like to see plot-based elements or gameplay elements to the porn. I would also like to see more gameplay elements, similar to the undressing system, so you have to make the girl vulnerable to get somewhere. The dog with the huge cloth damage is also a really cool gameplay element.

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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of content, and a fetish option. Controls are a bit sticky, can't use my controller cause the right button doesn't seem to work in game, even though my joypad works fine for everything else? Really, wish there were more high content games like this one.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The game starts great, featuring nice music, controls that can be reassigned, excellent lewd voice acting, and a variety of maps, enemies and bosses. I've encountered absolutely no bugs and it feels well crafted. With all of that said, the pixel art is too simplistic and ends up not being lewd enough. The game also gets very boring after a while and the difficulty spike as well as the lack of story and dialogue start taking their toll after the 3rd map or so. It's pretty much unplayable without cheats, too. Final score 2.5
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    An extremely well crafted h-metroidvania game with a huge variety of locations and enemies, great pixel art, and extremely tight controls. I really look forward to seeing where this goes and eventually buying the full game when it releases to support the dev.

    The imperfect score reflects some of my very limited complaints about the game in its current form (v0.6):
    1. Too little direction regarding finding and using key powers (particularly the fast travel power, which is too much of a quality of life improvement to be hidden halfway through the game in a direction that takes way too long to traverse back to if you don't know to do it in advance). Additionally, the dash power should indicate that it gives i-frames for dodging. Obviously this will improve over time as the stage progression is refined, but I did need to consult guides as I played to avoid unnecessary backtracking.
    2. Balance: some of the enemies are absurdly stronger than others, and while the upgrades are delivered at a reasonable rate, all of the combat powers are locked until one of the last stages, at which point you become extremely overpowered. This should be paced more slowly so that mana actually has use beyond dashing.
    3. The lack of a legitimate way to restore armor (i.e. without debug commands). For now, the rest points should just reset armor until alternate mechanics are added.
    4. A lack of proper restrictions to exploration to properly pace out the story. You can currently reach dialogue which references other dialogue you haven't seen yet. This should only happen if someone breaks the progression loop, not by default.
    5. An improvement of the gallery UI so that reloads are not necessary to change enemy type. Not critical, but would add substantial polish for one of the game's main draws.
    None of these are game breakers, but I hope they help the dev further refine the game as it approaches release.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 High quality masterpiece
    This game includes A TON of scenes, fetishes, scenes, but beware if you're not into some, so make sure to check the tags.

    ☑ Pretty Good
    The gameplay is great!
    Most of it is melee centered, and you'll get upgrades as you go.
    It reminds me of Megaman X a bit once you get the Dash skill.

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    Lots of high quality animations, and great game over scenes!
    They're pretty long, so you're gonna have a great time.

    ☑ Eargasm
    Great VA for the MC and enemies. Pretty S a u c y

    ☑ Moderate
    The game may be simple, but some bosses can be pretty challenging, so make sure to save some items for that

    ☑ Just buy it or support the creator!
    This game is a must!
    I hope it get's more attention eventually!

    ☑ Bug free?
    I haven't encountered any myself.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I really enjoy this game. Yes, it is heavy on the vore side. There are some interactions where vore is needlessly inserted. But the plethora of other fetishes involved, the pixel art, the voice and enemy sounds all keep me interested. All in all great game so far. I am hopeful that more storylines and bad ending storylines will be completed in the future.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute H animations. Pretty crisp gameplay. Will be expecting great things from the finished product. There're animations that are not for everyone, but you can switch those off by toggling your preferences.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a 2D action platformer that plays surprisingly well. I expected the usual jank that these types of games tend to have in the hentai genre where they usually have floaty and clunky controls, or annoying combat or some other jank like that, but not here: the movement is decently fluid and you can configure the buttons to your tastes. The combat is pretty basic, but it is serviceable enough for a porn game.

    Graphics are the lowest point, being a very basic rendition of 16-bit era of pixel art. It is not even that the graphics are necessarily bad, it is just that they are just too low rez and lack an extra layer of detail that other pixel art games have. The saving grace here are the animations which are smooth and decently done, from the basic movement to the attacks and special powers they have a nice charm to them and you can easily read what you're doing while moving in the game world and reacting to enemies.

    The biggest appeal for me is the hentai content which is top notch as it caters pretty well to my niche tastes (essentially the reason for a full 5 stars), and again the animations here are good and there is a lot of them. In fact, there are so many different fetishes that you're guaranteed to find one that you'll really enjoy no matter what. You can toggle off things that you dislike which is always good.

    Hentai scenes are not only well animated, they also have good usage of sounds with sex sounds and moans for the main girl which just elevates the pixel animation even further. The content goes from male x female, female x female, bdsm, futanari, tentacle, insect, vore... it is a wild combination of different stuff which usually wouldn't match well together, but here it all fits into a nice package.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect a pixelated side-scroller like this game would work, but Mystic Knight Maya definitely did. It has a little of every fetish and the option to block fetishes that people may not like (vore and transformation for me personally).
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Magister Masquerade

    Kind of shocked it only has 14 votes? Though I can kind of see why... if you hopped into this game and gave it 15 minutes, you would be justified in raising an eyebrow and turning the game off.

    For reasons that elude me, the quite talented author decided they would play homage to the slew of mediocre erotic games and present the most vanilla and lackluster content in the game upfront and center and keep it that way for a while.

    I mean, you got slimes, which is beaten only for dreary boringness and genericness by goblins and possibly orcs, a tentacle anemone thing with a pretty mid animation, and a star fish thing that honestly suspiciously looks like it would have been the before-mentioned goblin enemy if the game didn't start on a beach.

    Not even the game's lovely graphical style and surprisingly smooth (and rather challenging) gameplay, which imo adds a lot of appeal, would be enough to carry it over that initial hump, and honestly the gameplay is probably not what people are here for.

    But then god damn you start going into other areas and getting better and better (and longer) animations, with more and more interesting fetishes, and the areas and their themes themselves become increasingly more interesting (you end up going through some pretty crazy areas haha), and damn, you realize this is a pretty quality little gem that's as much ero as it is game.

    I mean, some of those animations have a lot of enticing nuance to them that turn them from a generic act (a bj) to something with a unique quirk or thematic identity.

    I personally think it's worth playing and think it's a fantastic sprite sex game. Again, kind of shocked it only has 14 reviews at time of writing given how popular sprite games seem to be.

    Quite excited to see where this game goes and it's seemingly actually progressing, which is more than 99% of the other games on here can say.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with good pixel art. Fun combat with pretty stable updates. Always been a huge fan of pixel games and finally I have something I would wholeheartedly support on Patreon. Would be nice with an eventual steam release down the line to garner additional financial support for the developer as well as to invite a larger user base.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Full of kinks ranging from futa to vore and more. Potentially something for everyone. The developer(s) update regularly and put a lot of time, love and though into this game. Sprite animations are phenomenal. Hopefully this is added to steam, will definitely buy and recommend to any H-Gamer
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.3e

    Do not underestimate this game on account of its banner art or any biases you may have from the many failed side-scrollers you may have played. This one's legit.

    Mystic Knight Maya's biggest strength is its eroticism. This game covers a wide variety fetishes, has a pool of at least 50 different monsters to showcase those fetishes, and even has a few characters with mutliple scenes to see.

    Gameplay is mostly great. There are a lot of gorgeous stages that help build the setting for thematic monsters are story, there are teleporters that let you revisit stages, and there are cool movement/utility skills you can unlock that make you feel like your character's gaining knowledge throughout the game.

    My one complaint about the gameplay is that you don't truly get stronger in combat unless you collect the weapon powerups that are hidden throughout the levels. When I reached some of the later game content, I was either spamming my wave attack or just jumping over/sprinting past most monsters because my slash was doing 1/20th of their health in damage. I wish more weapon powerups were tied to bosses or something.

    The story, at the moment, seems to be mostly skeletal. You get some spicy exposition before most boss fights, and there are a few story nodes throughout the game, but other than that you don't get a lot of explanation for the changing biomes, or monologue from the protagonist on her goals/progress.

    Overall, damn I enjoyed this game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Played it multiple times, it had all the kinks under the sun, feels finished even tough there is a lot more to come. And for those that HATE some fetishes, it even offers a option to disable them.

    What more could you want?
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Another backtracking, grind gating convoluted mess.

    + Animations are decent, and all have sound effects.
    + ...

    - Run back and forth between little blocks to jump across, trial and erroring you way to where the developer wants you to go.
    - Cannot jump while dashing.
    - Gallery doesn't work.
    - The most annoying break-free sound I've ever heard in this genre.

    Boredom/Annoyance > Enjoyment
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game i'm constantly dropping teasers on behalf of MBB for.
    With developer permission, that is

    How could i not give this game a glowing five stars?
    It's got all the fundamentals a platformer needs; while it had lacked them in the past, and it might have a little much vore content for my taste (ha) they, MBB is actively working hard to make their game more palatable for all involved.

    It promotes exploration, although it's a little hard to know if you've actually got everything.

    I'd say this is one of the best pixel art games of its time
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    There's a great variety of animations, specially considering this is 0.3

    The animations themselves are also very well made (as long as you're into the whole pixel sex scene) and some enemies have more than one interaction, which is nice

    That said, the stages aren't all that interesting to go through, specially considering their length, and some areas are downright confusing

    Considering most areas have 2 or 3 types of enemies, it could be better if the areas were shorter. Still, a good game
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.2h] Good game so far! At first i had my doubts because of the sprites but it turned out to have some good bgms and h-scenes. I will keep an eye on this for sure. The only thing i would take off is the dmg or knockback from enemies when idle. This is one of my most hatred thing in video games and i just don't understand why devs do that. Like... why am i taking damage from a foe that doesn't move -__- lol