VN - Ren'Py - Myth of Angels: Prologue [v0.3.5] [3DeadAngel]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is truly remarkable! It radiates a warm and inviting atmosphere consistently, drawing me closer to the love interests with each passing moment. Each character possesses a unique quality that piques my curiosity and fuels my desire to delve deeper into their stories. The action scenes are exceptionally well-crafted, adding to the overall impressiveness of this Visual Novel. In summary, the game stands out as absolutely outstanding.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    For now, this game is a mess. While you can see the effort of the dev, the story is all over the place and you have no clue what's going on. Only worth checking out for some pretty tits. If the story gets updated and explained, the game will be much better.

    Good Things

    • Models are pretty
    • Some renders are nice

    Bad points

    • Joke of a “story”
    • bad animations
    • very short
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.3.0

    At first I though about giving this the benefit of the doubt and rating it three stars, but then I thought a little more about it. This does so many things subpar that I realized I just have no desire to play it again.

    The game does nothing to ease you into whatever the fuck is supposed to be happening in the setting. There was some war, we are the son of the "creator", and apparently in heaven they forced the MC to learn how to code for some reason? But now AI has taken over so he can't find a job with his skillset. We start the game in his apartment? With him complaining about not being able to find work. "Hey I keep seeing this OnlyFans maybe I should make money that way" and then the very first choice is which roommate we should ask to do OnlyFans with us.

    Hey you know what would be nice? Maybe showing me what those characters look like? Or maybe a single detail at all about them? But no that would be crazy. So make a blind choice and then forget that for a bit. A third girl then shows up. Another roommate? Our girlfriend? I got no idea because the game doesn't tell you. She does however immediately offer to have sex with you. Cool? Who are you and why are you in my apartment.

    After either accepting or denying the sex scene, we start talking to her and out of nowhere jump into her memories? Because we suddenly awoke the power to view peoples memories I guess. Then we pass out and have a weird vision of some AI construct. We then get lore dumped that heaven put a chip in our brain and this chip just so happens to be one of a serial killer?

    I think I was done when we finally jump to the scene where we see Erica for the first time, one of the mysterious roommates we finally learn about. She's our ex and avoids us as much as possible. Why? Oh, because the MC cheated on her. Sick. Let's go ask her about doing OnlyFans.

    It feels like a fever dream and only keeps going. The game gives you random information only when it becomes relevant to whatever plot point it jumps to next. It doesn't flow well, the pacing is bad, and the dialogue is very stilted which is likely a result of the dev not being a native English speaker. I did not get attached to a single character whatsoever, nevermind whatever is happening with the plot. I all feels extremely unfocused.

    The sex scenes did not hit in the slightest since they kind of just get thrown at you with little buildup. The renders and models look alright but that doesn't do much for me when the rest of the game frankly isn't that good. I will say it's cool when a dev tries something different, but this just doesn't land for me. Hate to shit on a new game, but the writing would need a huge revamp for me to even think about playing this again.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I think the plot is interesting and has potential, which can be developed into something good in the future. The thing is, the length is quite short, but I am not someone who complains and rants about everything. When I see potential, I make it a point that the dev knows that there are people willing to support or have positive feedback on it. I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the game and will wait to see in the future to comment more on its good and bad points. But from what I have seen so far, it didn't disappoint. The renders and girls are amazing to look at. Again, I always prefer the story over renders and lewd scenes, even though these are all adult visual novels. I am waiting for future contents. Best of luck, dev.