Unity - Completed - Nai's Training Diary [Final] [Banana King]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed it, but there wasn't anything super outstanding about it.

    Also the store page lists 20 endings but functionally there is only like 4 with a handful of bonus "career" scenes which I guess they counted as endings. All in all your choices only have the slightest effect on the outcome of the game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    • Decent story and exciting premise for scenes
    • Uncensored game in a Japanese style
    • Free, I guess? I dunno.
    • Poor translation
    • Boring artwork
    • Excessive grinding
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Captain Wet Beard

    While I appreciate that the creator wanted to make a game inspired by Teaching Feeling, the execution is pretty terrible. There are a few twists in regard to game mechanics which are cool, but the storyline crosses well over the line from inspiration into being painfully derivative. The creator tried too hard to create another Teaching Feeling, but didn't have the skill to actually write their own story, so they just made an inferior copy that makes so many ham fisted references that it ruins the entire experience. The time limit is an unwelcome addition, and the characters are extremely two dimensional, feeling like a ball of bad tropes with no personality. Where Sylvie from Teaching feeling is a sympathetic character, this girl is just an irritating and whiny character without a personality beyond being damaged. Hopefully somebody else tries to make a game in this vein, but they should try to actually make an original story.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The writing alone is enough reason to avoid this like the plague. I'm not sure how anyone can attain any sort of wish fulfillment when not only the translation is shot to hell, but the plot has so little effort put into it that it renders the whole experience drab and lifeless.

    Art is okay, but it's also pretty good on a lot of imageboards.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game does look very close to Teaching Feelings. There's something slightly different in this game though. Instead of always controlling the main character and having a 3rd person view... this is one of the strange games where it's almost 2nd person view.

    The main character is the guy but many choices can be decided for the girl in favor of the main character when she's on her own. Letting the girl truthful for his "master" or turning the girl very lustful and adventurous for anyone she sees.

    I was pretty hype to try this game at first as it looked so much as Teaching Feeling, but I got a bit disappointed on how low interactions the MC could have with the girl. I find that since the girl has her own little stories that it could be tagged as Female Protagonist, which isn't what I imagined at first.

    The visuals are really great and the story is evolving with time. It's is a bit grindy and there are lots of potential to add more events with the Character, but I don't think it'll be updated. The NTR part isn't for me but there's enough content without that it's satisfying for every taste.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty good but it feels like a ''Teaching feeling'' clone but without the ''unique'' art style, but i have to say that this game has way more appeal for me than Teaching fealing, even though it's has some similar issues this game ''kinda fix'' the problems i had when first playing Teaching feeling wich is that if you choose to be a bad person and violate the girl in Teaching feeling you will get a game over no matter what and in this game you get it too because if the girl get's 100 stress she dies and some choices incresses her stress to 100 wich is basicly a garanteed game over BUT unlike Teaching feeling there's a option to violate her wich DOES NOT goes away if you decide to not violate her at the beginning and the scenes in that option only makes her stress go up by 50 wich is still a game over at the beginning because she starts with 60 stress wich means if you play enough to be able to decress her stress you can still go for that option wich i do like, and this game also doesn't feel like a repetitve grind wich is also good.

    But i noticed that the translation even though it's good enough to undestand everything without a problem there are still a bunch of stuff that doesn't make any sense, stuff like the MC sundenlly calling the girl by nicknames that wasn't ever mentioned before, nothing too bad or that could ruin the game but it's still noticeable, but overall as i said in the beginning, the game is pretty good.