VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Naked Holidays [Day 1-3 + HALLOWEEN] [SirHipnos]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a cool idea, but as several have mentioned before, I don't know why he made the MC so unlikable.... it's set at a nudist resort ffs, there's zero reason to have a coercive mc! Yet the same old creeper-mc tropes come out used in so many games prior, again, so unneccesary here, and just detracts from the experience.

    Overall, the art/animations are good, so I was sad to see this as abandoned as it has potential.

    But in its current state, it's far too short, with far too much awkward dialogue. If you're playing this expecting to find some hot swinging scenes (crazy idea given 20 naked couples on a beach right), well there are none right now as a headsup.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has average graphics and funny idea. All to be naked looks quite humorous. It fits also to the idea that it is quite short. The story is not one of the best. Since the game is abandoned, we will not receive nothing else.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game's premise (nudist island) is pretty interesting and original. Basically all of the models are hot, although, based on what I've seen from other reviewers, there probably should be an option to skip the scene with the older neighbor (I didn't mind it personally but apparently some people do.) Overall, if the setting and the themes interest you, I recommend you try it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 440241

    The renders are pretty good. I actually really like Emma's design both in general and for being fairly unique to an adult game. Beyond the main girl there's a host of other characters with more body variation than you'll see in most games. And they're all naked so you do get to skip the peeking scenes that haunt these games. So, why the bad score if there's so many good things? Simply put I can't fap to this. I don't know if it's because the main character is an ass, if I just don't buy into the premise, if I'm not immersed because choices are pointless, or if the constant nudity is actually backfiring. Whatever the cause this game doesn't arouse me regardless of who is visible or what they're doing. A nudist community, where people are crazy open about sex, doesn't exactly have a lot going for it beyond fap material. If I can't get off to this then it's failed its sole purpose.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: Days 1-3

    Overview: Hang out at a nudist colony and have a great time.

    Story: You are basically Jon Voight from Midnight Cowboy, except instead of going to New York City to be chewed up and spit out you go to a swinger friendly nudist colony where everybody is so friendly they give you a small bungalow and free food at the local corner store (again pretending there is an "account") with the lace panty-thin veneer of calling you the resident handyman. Your real job is basically to be the local resident fuccboi for all of the gorgeous young (and old) people in the community, which for you is every bit the dream job a 16 year old boy would imagine it to be.

    You get a rushed call from a relative that your hot little niece is coming to stay and apparently nobody else in your family knows about your living situation. Many shenanigans ensue.

    A quick sidenote. Back in the 60s there were a number of movies coliqually called "nudie cuties" and one of the most common plotlines is the Nudist Colony visitor. Every one was the same: some square goes to a nudist colony, has a great time, and loves it. The end.

    This game is very much in that spirit. The barely legal innocent virgin niece comes over and instead of being horrified at being basically forced to go naked in DTFville she just goes along with it with it and has a great time. Almost everybody is respectful and kind. The only conflict comes from an over the top viking shopkeeper and misunderstandings from the other residents that think your niece must be DTF because she's hanging around with you. Those conflicts are resolved instantly when she explains the situation and they apologize for getting handsy. There are no particularly heavy scenes and many of the side characters are basically just comic relief at this point. The story also progresses quite quickly, as everybody is pretty much ready to bone all of the time.

    Art: This game has some primo art. I absolutely adore the two different tanlines on the niece. There is attention to detail all over the place. It's just great. There is one weird detail I'd like to point out. Some of the girls appear to have fake boobs. That's an unusual design choice when most of these games just default to all natural perfect boobs all of the time. You'll really notice it when they are lying on their side or bent over backwards, the boobs turn kinda squarish and sit on the chest unnaturally, just like they do when they have implants. This does not affect the main girl but it does affect one of the side girls you interact with the most.

    Gameplay: It's a VN. You have a few do/don't do scene choices, but even those are rare and don't affect anything as far as I can tell. Just strap in and enjoy the ride. Be warned that you do start the game off banging a GMILF and there is no "don't do" button for that scene.

    Conclusion: I had a lot of fun with this one. I thought I might get desensitized by the wall to wall poon but the gentle but fun story kept me engaged. It is refreshing to have a game every once in awhile where everybody is just having a good time and there's no major drama to add tension. It might get boring if the game were very long (or if there was grind), but right now the length is pretty good. It seems the developer is planning to run this to 6 chapters which would make it just about right I think. I am guessing the side characters will get more time in the following chapters since the main story moved so fast in the first three.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The choices in this game are lacking and meaningless, forcing the player to fuck an old woman in the first episode.
    I like the base idea, and the main girl is nice, but I really hate to be forced on sex scenes, and when it's with an eldery, it's a no go ( honestly, it is often a no go even when it's not an eldery ).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Setting the game at a nude swingers' resort is perfect -- all eye candy, all the time. The girls are interesting and well-varied, and I can't wait to lewd them all. The anal scene at the end of 0.2 seems a bit sudden, but I'll let it slide.

    Anyway, glad they fixed the eyebrow thing.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The bad about this game is that everything is unavoidable. inclcuding fucking an oldlady, havin a love interest almost NTR fucked before the mc.

    Also the animations, and other things are laggy, but they are not spectacular.

    Graphics are decent, kind of weird breasts, but well, i gues with a default DAZ workflow nobody can make it better anyways. Deformations are the tipical aberrations DAZ produces, and pussies are the same default abomination that you can see everywhere..

    The rest of the game aspects are average
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    reviewed at Day 2

    It's got a lot going for it. The renders are lovely, like really nice. I can't fault any of them. Well, if I HAD to I'd say the game suffers from an issue where all the guys have massive "woman tamers" between their legs but it's a porn game so what do you expect? All the girls are varied and cute as a button.

    The game itself is quite loose, it doesn't bury you in exposition and it feels very much like a game that knows what it is. It's styled quite nicely with title cards for each new character and there's slapstick feel to the whole game. Reminds me somewhat of another game which I'm not allowed to mention here but the tone is so similar I initially thought it was by the same Dev. Definitely a game which doesn't take itself too seriously and in a sea of edge lord MCs, that's definitely a good thing.

    You could argue it's maybe a bit too on the nose as it takes away some of the challenge of the chase as it were, but that could be because it's early days and may improve.

    From a downside perspective, I'm not really sure. As I mentioned, the story's a bit.... not RUSHED but it is written in such a way that the game doesn't have any crisis points. I don't mean that I'm expecting there to be instances where if I answer a question wrong then it's a game over, more that everyone just accepts the game as it progresses. Everyone has to be naked? Ok sure. Foot job under the table? Nae danger. Watching the guy your staying with rail some random as soon as you walk in their house? I'm guessing that's how things go around here. I mean it's a secluded community so it makes sense if the people living there are a bit different but as someone coming into it, the "main" girl seems to think nothing of it.

    There's also a lack of choices going on. I think in the 2 days I played there was 1 or 2 and that was for a choice of groceries so the game happens whether you're there or not.

    Definitely worth a follow, there's a lot of potential here and as the game grows I suspect it'll probably get better.
    Likes: uio99
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    just one day (day 1 version) but it looks great. Emma is absolutely adorable (looks like i missed the browless version, she has very nice brows now). Think there should be a nudist/naturist tag, i would have hated to miss this game
    No slow burn here it seems lol but with characters that cute that'll hardly be a problem.
    cant wait for more
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    As day 1 release this short VN does the job.
    Few hideous faces here, ugly make up dripping there, purple scalp on top.. All these can be fixed.
    What I really liked was lighthearted and dynamic story with hot scenes from the get go - I'm not playing these games exclusively for prolonged, slowburning and realistic experiences.
    To the author:
    I personaly LOVE that browless girl - that makes her unique and cute in her own way, not another copy paste type of a model. Her nipples are inviting and puffy - no need to change anything here too.
    Follow your vision and do not cave for majority's critique, unless you feel it's indeed the area that absolutely must be improved. Brows, nipples, girl's involvment in fetishes, speed of progression - all are flavours that have their own fans. But your vision should come first.
    Thank you for the game, I'll be anticipating eagerly for next chapters.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a review for the initial release [Day 1]

    Acknowledging that this is a rough, first release, there's a number of things that really bother me about the game. The most glaring flaw is the render of Emily, the girl the MC interacts with the most. She doesn't have a brow. Add to that other weird flaws (the pinkish stain at the roots of her hair, the oversaturated assholes, ...). Saturation seems to be a problem in general for some characters, who just seem overlit and out of place. A bit more polish here would have done the game more justice. Also, thanks a million for that first frame of the MC's body, I ... did not want that.

    The story, while borrowing heavily on themes I like, is of course very minimal for the first day. If you're looking for a story firmly grounded in reality, this will probably not be it. The interactions are borderline comical, which makes for a good chuckle, but not more than that.

    This game will need quite a bit of polish to get to the point where I would find it enjoyable. While recognizing the work that was put in, those details (even in day 1 alphas) often make the difference for me when it comes to further interest.

    Best of luck to the dev.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    Reviewing this based on just the first day, I think there is a lot of potential. The premise offers a ton of opportunities. And the art work is pretty good. On the downside, the Emma character is inconsistent. She's a virgin who knows little about sex and is nervous about nudism, but happily poses erotically for Chris, the MC, that first evening while Chris masturbates. Either Emma should be shy and reserved and only slowly become more and more involved in nudist adventures, or she's outgoing and fun-loving.

    At any rate, I look forward to seeing what future updates bring.