VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Naruto Shippuden: Rise of the Yugure [Aug062018] [Sornee]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a proper Naruto game, as much as some people are saying the art is bad, I quite like it, and it's improving much. The gameplay isn't super good right now, but it's also getting better, overall I'd say it has potential to be a good game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.3.1...

    This was actually a fun comedic erotic/adult game... It does have some story elements, but loves poking fun at itself...

    The visuals are 2D hand drawn, and are pretty good for a more Asian comic book feel to the characters... It doesn't take itself too seriously, so some sex scenes are slightly over the top, which actually added to the games character... The backdrops are all hand drawn as well, and fit well with the characters... And there is lots of nudity...

    The script is pretty good, as I rarely ran into any spelling/grammar errors... There doesn't seem to be a plot at first, but you quickly get that the whole point of this game is for the male protagonist to work on relationships and have sexual encounters with lots of women... The current content hints a lot at showing some of the events early to give the player/reader an idea of stuff you can open up through the grind system put in place... There are also missions to go on, that do show a plot line of sorts, with some story, but they don't take themselves too seriously either, with some humor and some erotic scenes/views... As it is early in development, there may be more then just the one mission in later content...

    There are a few women in this content you can have sexual encounters with, some right away and some you have to work up to by doing various tasks (some of which randomly occur during normal activities) with certain women and/or seducing them in various ways... It is very surprising that there was more content then I originally thought, once I started messing around with activities, like going to the flower shop (but not just for work), training with certain women, eating ramen with certain women, and inviting certain women over after other activities had run their course with particular women...

    Overall, this game turned out to be fun to play, as I liked how it didn't take itself too seriously all that much, poked fun at stuff, had some humor, had erotic stuff you either could get right away (or even repeat) or needed to work up to... It does look as though, based off some narrator hints during play, that some scenes will eventually be placed behind the grind aspect, but if the current content is any indication of what you can open up, I like it... We'll just need to wait and see how bad the grind will be once the author/s set all that up... I think this game shows a lot of promise... And I look forward to playing/reading this game later down the road...