I got bored after some time so I just started to skip all.
The art looks like taked from google, some pictures are bad photoshoped, lie one scene where Sakura's head change completly to other design, some faces with mouths drawn what it looks was made with paint, and the sex scenes have different art style too.
The story is good and interesting, but what "bothered" me was the decisions, you have tons of "decisions" but they are just like this:
"Open the door"
and that's all, you only have one choice to do, I don't see the point. Why you give me the chance to take a decision if I only can choose one thing?
In some moment Ino ask if you want to deliver some flowers to Tsunade.
The decision is:
"I will do it"
So, the story is good, the art can be improved and the developer can just say that this is a Kinetic VN because I didn't see that the "decisions" have great impact in their lifes.