VN - Ren'Py - Naughty Lyanna [S02 v0.24] [DWR Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Naughty Lyanna [S02 v0.24] [DWR Games]

    1) Honey Select
    2) Knows its demographic
    Everything else.

    Story - ~2 to utter nonsense/5. I regret time wasted on this.
    Characters - ~1.5/5. Pretty one-dimensional. You won't really care about them.
    Models - ~3/5. They're good.
    Animations - ~1.8-2.5. Meeeeeh.
    Grammar - 3/5. Eh, whatever.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best porn-focused AVN's on this website. The game is all about Lyanna and her friends getting into hot/risky scenarios. If you like exhibitionism and nudism, this game is a must play. But even if you don't like those kinks, there are still plenty of super hot scenarios that the girls get into. Mostly lesbian, but with a decent amount of straight content as well. Lesbian content is unavoidable, but straight is optional. You also get a lot more choices in chapter 2 regarding content.

    The dev really has a skill for constructing erotic scenarios. Despite the render quality being rather mid, I have enjoyed these scenes FAR more than other games with much higher render quality.

    The general tone of the game is pretty lighthearted. The plot is largely secondary to the porn, and that's ok. This is not trying to be a serious and dramatic AVN, its trying to deliver exciting porn scenes. The plot helps tie the girls together and doesn't detract from the game, which is all you really need from it.

    The characters are fun. Nothing super deep and maybe a few too many are being introduced, but they each have their own quirks and dynamics.

    I also like that we actually get some bush. Too many games have every single girl fully shaved. This game has bush, tanlines, fully shaved and everything in between. In fact I miss Lyannas tanlines, tho I am glad she is getting a bit of bush back.

    Just a fantastic porn game, and a must play for anyone who likes the kinks.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite simple gameplay the game is great. Writing here is superb and although there aren't that many choices here it's extremely enjoyable. Character models are great and sex scenes are exciting while at the same time being fresh. Possibly the best exhibitionism game there is.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever, the dev is very consistent with updates.
    characters are really memorable and very well-portrayed.
    I played from season 1 to season 2 and hope it doesn't stop anytime soon. Embodies the whole ENF genre, especially in season 1 but gets a little less ENF and more exhibitionism towards season 2
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not generally keen on honey select style graphics but I find this one so entertaining that after a while I hardly noticed.

    I love the main kink. Lyanna and her sidekicks are all about exhibitionism. The story's a bit odd, it's a bit disjointed with LOTS of little branches into strange situations. It all works though, given that the VN is all about the girls getting their clothes off at every opportunity - and who'd complain about that? It's interesting seeing the new varied situations the devs put the girls in.

    Unusually, I found one of the side characters to be far more interesting and 'attractive' than the MC. Diana is the classic 'bad girl gone good' and becomes quite lovable after a dodgy start (as much as you can love pixels anyway).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love this game :love:

    If you like naked girls and lesbians, this game is for you. If you like male content, just skip the game, its not for you.

    I must say that I like Season 2 much much more than Season 1.
    Season 1 would be a for me more like a 3/5, mostly because of the Story and plot line.
    Season 2 is for me clearly a 5/5!

    If you like brother / sister content I highly recommed to try out the lewd patch, its unoffical and sometime dosen't line perfectly with the plot line, but its really good!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game only does one thing and takes it to the extreme., exhibitionism. If it's not your kink then this game isn't worth the time.

    Renders: 3/5
    It's not fair to rate this one highly considering how some take honey select renders to the next level, however it's not so awful to look at.
    I just wish there was some improvement to notice since the game started in 2019 until now. The lighting looks bland and the characters skin color look orange in most renders...

    Animation: 4/5
    Typical honey select animations nothing crazy good or bad going on here.

    Story: 2/5
    The scenarios are so insanely written, things don't make sense they just happen because they happen, characters get naked and run across streets for no reason other than they want to.

    Gameplay: 2/5
    As mentioned in the main page this is MOSTLY female-only content, I don't remember the exact number but there are like maybe two or less MF scenes in season 1? and playing season 2 for sometime I barely seen any.
    The choices don't seem to matter much other than dictating the next scene, no relationships matter, it doesn't matter if you're dom/sub afterwards, if you reject an advancement by some character they will still try again later, characters will accept your teasing and not touch you no matter how many times you do it.

    Sounds: 0/5
    This is so quiet you'll be hearing your heartbeats, kind of sad considering the dev bothered with the main menu music.

    I don't think 3/5 means this is a bad game, as the rating indicates this is average. I tried to be as objective as possible while rating it, if I was more subjective it would have been lower I think. To the ignore list.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Season 1(SPOILERS AHEAD)

    TL;DR: If you manage to turn off your braincells, the game is almost good, i couldn't, the absurdity of certain scenes broke my "sense of wonder"(or whatever keeps you interested in a story rather than criticize it)

    - The graphic is good, not the peak of HoneySelect 1 but possibly top5
    - Ignoring for a few moments some mental gymnastic, the plot can be considered decent enough to be pleasant if i would give a vote to it, it would be a solid 3stars(out of 5 of course)
    - Some characters are likeable, but not the ones you may think

    - Before we talk about the plot, i want to make a premise, from what i understood Lyanna embodies an old cartoon funny moment (no names go find it) where a character in said cartoon says "Fifty NOs and a Yes, means Yes" <- This is Lyanna, she says NO to people several times until at some point she gives a tired Yes, she doesn't get convinced by good arguments, you win her over by exhausting her into agreeing into something (usually into getting naked and do something daring) and then get teased for not-so-secretly liking what she was forced to do.
    - Now the plot, is how everything starts that annoys me: How Lyanna gets naked accidentally a couple of times and a clerk asks to STEAL some stolen documents(the clerk's ID or Passport or her Green Card/VISA, i don't recall) that are in the manager of the store's safe, and Lyanna must achieve such feat WHILE NAKED (Lyanna asked if the clerk could dry her wet clothes, and said Clerk demanded Lyanna's help) and later we learn that half of the "high society" of the city (including that manager) is involved in sex-trafficking of young (potentially underage) students and some of them are Lyanna's new classmates. If your mind is exploding for the amount of info, you're not the only one. It's kinda good, like i said, is how this whole thing begins that annoys me, which brings to the main problem of this game: Things don't work or happen because they make sense, but because the dev want them to happen that way; It's a bit vague but i hope that i'll explain the issue with my next point.
    - Some characters are unbelievably unlikeable, like the loli, sorry but she is a poison in this story, you'll meet her while she is shaming and humiliating a pervert but goes too far and Lyanna tries to spare him a little and from that starts a one-on-one war where the "tsundere" blackmails Lyanna non-stop but apparently it's her way to be noticed because she has a crush on Lyanna since she stood up against her, but of course tsunderes are absolutely against their own happiness, and would rather live inside the mind of a person and be remembered as someone to avoid, rather than either be ignored, or be nice and become someone's partner/soulmate, of course we got the "she loves MC all along" but so late in the first season that it sounds more like an excuse, something like "i want to see them fuck together but i made the loli so unlikeable that i must invent some lazy excuse so that i can get away with it"
    - The humour is weird and most of it is about Lyanna getting in trouble (like a dare going wrong) and then a nameless NPC is talking about that same situation but in a hypothetical way and how Lyanna could have solved, right in front of her. Sorry after the second time it's not funny anymore, it simply expresses either laziness in the dev's writing or his implied desire to be part of the novel, because the situations can only be solved by a miracle or planets aligning(read as: Dev's writing a solution that goes against every possible odds, and against common sense and possibly against logic itself). Back to the humour, like i said it's not funny, because it makes Lyanna look stupid or incredibly naive, and yet she is described to be quite smart (we got no evidence of it, and being good at sneaking around naked isn't a proof of being smart), i mean she wants to be a journalist! Seriously, at the hotel there is a moment where Lyanna is succumbing from Tsundere's new blackmail and she is naked the hotel's pool are and two nameless NPCs call her out for being naked while she could have pretended to be naked or do another thing(that they explain but i don't recall) and she would have got away with it! I would be more forgiving or ignore this issue is if it was done once MAYBE twice but nope, it's a recurring thing, i can say that 80% of the game is like this. Sorry but if it wasn't funny the first time, how the dev can believe that it will be the fifth or sixth time?

    You know a game is bad when the most likeable characters in a LESBIAN game are two males who act like simps but ultimately are nice guys, never insulted or mocked Lyanna, always available and willing to help. Some may say, "but Lyanna doesn't owe them anything!" Considering how helpful they are, if i was Lyanna i would give them a few sexual favours, which there are scenes of some good MF-content but quantity-wise they pale in comparison to the cheap lesbian-content that often happens under ridiculous and "dismissed-as-jokes-but-otherwise-they-would-be-toxic" situations (like being blackmailed by "her friends").
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    i like this game a lot,
    the community on discord is nice,
    also lots of additional content beside the game, with steady releases.

    many beautiful girls to watch, doing lots of different stuff - often ending up in the nude.
    no guys to ruin the view, if i don't want them.
    story is good and easy to follow, no long explanations of whatever, no weird jumps between scenes.

    If I have anything to complain about this game its: none of these girls is Futa.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I really liked the first season, but the second season was good just at the beginning, and then the game went down in my eyes that the developer began to listen only to paid people of his patriot and started making content about lesbian women for them, and another part of the community began to feel sorry for him
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a wonderful time with this game !

    The community is lovely and really helpful!

    The story is really good and erotic, Lyanna and her naughty friends (ALL GIRLS) do so many things together if you know what I mean hehe :3

    But on a more serious note: This game is something we really needed on this site due to the number of straight-focused games we have, the dev is not only making a game but also sending a message of support to all the people who without a doubt find in him/her a friend. He/she is clearly not interested in profit and puts your pleasure on the number 1 spot.

    Thank you Dev for everything you do, for others and for me. Keep on keeping on (Hope you got the reference)
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the renders made with Honey Select like the ones in this game, I find them more than interesting after the current saturation with DAZ productions, although I prefer other titles from the same dev. This one in particular seems too repetitive to me because of the recurrent lesbian content, but if that's what you like, you have a lot of that kind here!

    The same thing happens with the exhibitionism: very hot at the beginning, but too absurd after so many updates, where the girls in the game get naked for totally absurd reasons.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Borring ASF but if you like dumb lesbian content with exhibitionsm this is your game, in my opinion i like lesbian content but this game has great male character and to many female protagonist that i dont care
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my most favourite adult games. The Renderings are not top notch but I like them and the story is entertaining. There is not much gameplay. It's just a classic visual novel where you can make a choice now and then. But the scene are creative and fun and you might find some foor everyone (straight, lesbian, dom, sub, anal and lots and lots of fun and naughty exhibitionism)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, Naughty Lyanna is more of a kinetic novel than a game for me. There are choices, but I was able to fast-forward through much of the dialogue and was never asked to make decisions that affected the plot in any meaningful way. All the choices could do was make a scene a little more erotic or not. Pure flavor.

    The plot is average, the characters are diverse but not deep. It is more of a VN that works with tropes. The rebel, the cheerleader queen, etc.
    The honey select renders and animations are all well done and technically flawless.

    I definitely miss the freedom of choice in Naughty Lyanna and that's also the reason why I finished season 1 early. At a certain point I just skipped too many dialogues because they seemed like fillers to me. I would have given three stars, but you can tell that the developer is passionate about his project and it doesn't sit right with me to rate something as average just because it's not down my alley.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is amazing!

    Visually it is one of the most beautiful HS1 based VNs i saw, some scenes are downright gorgeous!

    All girls are beautiful and different, each of them has distinct personality and they evolve as the story progresses, especially Lyanna herself.

    The game is mainly lesbian focused and has many cute, sexy and sometimes romantic scenes between girls. but there is also optional het content in it is well.

    But the most juicy part of it, is of course exhibitionism! The game is excellent at conveying of all the thrills, excitement and arousal of it. It conveys all the emotions to the player perfectly!

    Season one was great and season two is already on its way to overshadow it, with addition of new and exciting characters and situations.

    This VN is a fetish-unlocker for me. It introduced the wonderful world of exhibitionism fiction to me. And for that it will always remain special to me!

    Oh yeah, i almost forgot! the version is: S02 v0.07b.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It's well written and I understand where this goes and is going. Season 1 had all the build up and naughty situations I was after, but we grew apart in what we wanted, that happens and it's okay. Season 2 just isn't for me.

    Keep on keeping on and don't let me discourage you at all, your work is super high quality, but for the kinks for me, just aren't complete. It's like an endless sea of foreplay.

    I wish you luck and great success.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Awsome story. Very enjoyable character interactions. Nice visuals. Hot models. Just the right amount of dialogues without fillers. It's a shame that this game doesn'thave more recognition. Can't wait for future updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Lara Snow


    Cute and diverse cast.
    MF conent not canon and totally avoideable
    Dev is super nice and in tune with his comunity.



    The second game I ever played from this site and remained a top 3 of since then. Season two girls are all adorable and amazingly unique designs.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    The first season will remain my favorite forever, the beginning of season 2 and a couple of updates were not bad, and then I felt sorry for Liana, that it would be very scary with her further envy from him and her paid subscribers