Sorry for some necroposting here, but I need the same as OP and I can put it into words more clearly. Basically I want more games where the MC seduces his/her MOM (and possibly other family members), and that must be in realistic 3D or 2D, non-anime style. The games must be linear, without wandering from one location to another, any task lists and stuff like that (so Midnight Paradise is out). Also without too much of tedious dialogs like in "Main Seduction". Corruption is a huge plus, but not a must. My favorite game aside from DoD is The Spellbook. Well, it's kinda obvious because it kinda copies the story from DoD.
Would really appreciate some tips given the aforementioned criteria.
UPD: one of the best games I've ever played that matches my criteria is Milky Touch. Found it soon after writing this comment.