Need help creating a game

Jul 21, 2017
Hi my name is joe and I need help creating a game. Look I suck a building games and drawing but I have an idea for a game. Basicly it's something I haven't seen yet a game based around a female protagonist bonding with a symbiote to survive and take revenge on the people that killed her family


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Hi my name is joe and I need help creating a game. Look I suck a building games and drawing but I have an idea for a game. Basicly it's something I haven't seen yet a game based around a female protagonist bonding with a symbiote to survive and take revenge on the people that killed her family
Start writing. Have at least 45 minutes of script then come back.


> Basicly it's something I haven't seen yet a game based around a female protagonist bonding with a symbiote to survive and take revenge on the people that killed her family

This seems overly dark for a porn game. Not to mention, where does the porn even come in? It's hard to imagine such a protagonist being down for a lot of banging after her family was killed.


Jan 13, 2018
It sounds like an interesting plot though I also am wondering where the porn would come in.

As for drawing, I'm sure someone would be willing to do it depending on what drawings you need, how many etc, id offer but I'm not great at drawing characters in different poses
Jul 21, 2017
Well I was thinking that th mc would use seductive and lewdness to gather the needed info to take down the group she's going after and take the guys down one by one like the crow and you could have the choice options like dishonored kill,capture,or make disappear and based on your choices is what your outcome would be but the mc would be very dominant I'm kinda sick of seeing to hole inoccent passive aggressive behavior


Jun 14, 2017
From my point of view, the minimum you must have is a story.

Not just what you wrote here but a real story with a beginning a middle and an end. And in your head it's not enough ... you have to write it. Not dialogues but rather ... step 1, step 2, step 3 etc ... until the end.
Your story would also need a past, well thought out. Even if no player will be aware of all the past that you have imagined the fact of having imagined one can use it if necessary to describe and explain certain things.

The writing of a story requires a lot of steps that you may already know (the first idea, the theme, the main character and his quest, obstacles to his quest, other characters ...)

From there ... It gets complicated. You have to offer interactivity, otherwise it would not be really a game. If it's linear with choices to vary some scene. Or something with several paths and therefore think of an alternative to your basic story.

Please do not put bad end screen. If you come to a point in your story and you say that there is a choice to be made but you are not ready to produce the different possible alternatives then consider that there is no choice. Explain why the character makes this unique choice and moves forward.
You are not there to educate people about what is a good choice or not, you are hear to offer a story.
Obviously if one of the possibilities is death then yes you can offer a choice that ends the story but produces, at least a little, this idea of death of the character and its consequences.

And then, you can consider the production (code, rendering / drawings etc ...)

If you go into the idea of working with people outside (designer, coder ...) then you also need a summary of your story to be able to give them and allow them to see if it interests them and if they can produce it .
A bit like a writer who wants to make a film, he looks for producers and shows them his idea.

Some may want a little more, for example how you write dialogues to see if it suits them etc .. but it will be seen later.
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Jul 21, 2017
From my point of view, the minimum you must have is a story.

Not just what you wrote here but a real story with a beginning a middle and an end. And in your head it's not enough ... you have to write it. Not dialogues but rather ... step 1, step 2, step 3 etc ... until the end.
Your story would also need a past, well thought out. Even if no player will be aware of all the past that you have imagined the fact of having imagined one can use it if necessary to describe and explain certain things.

The writing of a story requires a lot of steps that you may already know (the first idea, the theme, the main character and his quest, obstacles to his quest, other characters ...)

From there ... It gets complicated. You have to offer interactivity, otherwise it would not be really a game. If it's linear with choices to vary some scene. Or something with several paths and therefore think of an alternative to your basic story.

Please do not put bad end screen. If you come to a point in your story and you say that there is a choice to be made but you are not ready to produce the different possible alternatives then consider that there is no choice. Explain why the character makes this unique choice and moves forward.
You are not there to educate people about what is a good choice or not, you are hear to offer a story.
Obviously if one of the possibilities is death then yes you can offer a choice that ends the story but produces, at least a little, this idea of death of the character and its consequences.

And then, you can consider the production (code, rendering / drawings etc ...)

If you go into the idea of working with people outside (designer, coder ...) then you also need a summary of your story to be able to give them and allow them to see if it interests them and if they can produce it .
A bit like a writer who wants to make a film, he looks for producers and shows them his idea.

Some may want a little more, for example how you write dialogues to see if it suits them etc .. but it will be seen later.
Thank you but yes ik I'm in the process of writing it now and there will be no BAD END well not one that ends the game anyway but it will be an alternate end depending on the choices made previous but I am going to have a full back story that correlates with a previous shot story I had write in high school so that will come in as well once I'm done I'll probly realise it here to see what ppl think and see if I should try to make it into a game or just leave it as a story


Feb 9, 2018
First of all : You should clearly decide if its going to be a novel-style thing or really a game. A game requires mechanics, goals etc. A novel is something where You can lead the player through the content as you like it. Either way it requires more than just an idea to get anyone to hop on board. As @darthseduction rightfully stated: write a minimum of story or create at least a basic model of the game world and what the player can/should be able to do.

Deleted member 498007

Game Developer
Mar 16, 2018
Not sure what engine you want to use, but I'd suggest to start with RPG Maker, grab some lewd art from creative commons or similar licenses and use your creativity to make a good game.

Especially, I'd advise you to make exactly what you want, because if you enjoy the game making the final product will be better.
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Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
You got a lot of great advice, so that's a start.
I will add my 5 cents here, hopefully I am not blind and it wasn't already said.
Coming with an idea is not that hard, putting it into actual thing is. You will probably hit some roadblocks, don't think it will go smoothly. Try keeping everything in order, specify some time to work on this, so you not only build fundamentals for your game, but also for yourself. Optimism and passion can easily tone down, so support them with some work rules. Don't be afraid to research things, even weird stuff like looking into real life examples of weird symbiosis (like zombie fungus and ant) or even venom comic books can give you an interesting idea to work with. Generally, more you know, better things you can make and same goes about knowledge of making games or writing or anything.

Sure, sounds like a lot of work, but it's worth it. Creating something and showing to a whole world can give you an incredible feeling of accomplishment, especially if you made it with your own two hands.
Good luck!

Deleted member 498007

Game Developer
Mar 16, 2018
I'd recommend making a easy to do game in RPG Maker, don't try to make a big project in your first game.

For example, the maps should be small and events simple, just finishing the game, exporting it and uploading is a great achievement.


I Steal Your Cats
Oct 4, 2017
If you plan on making a game, the best advice I can give is open NotePad, wordpad, Microsoft office or get lots of paper and a pen. And literally just type every idea that comes into your head for that story, literally everything. Doesnt matter how sucky some may sound, But write it down.

Then think about the ending as that's the most important part. Once you have that figured start typing the ending out (Backwards I know, But I work like this and know a lot of people that have, etc. Though everyones different. some start in the middle, Etc). Once you have the ending scripted out and fully written. Send it too your friends. Get them too proof read it for mistakes etc. If you plan on making an english dialogue, However english isnt your primary language. DONT google translate everything as it's easy too notice and some words don't get translated properly which could potentially kill the effect, emotion of the game etc.

Then start working on the beginning and the back story of all your character developments. Again, Send it too a friend too proof read, etc. Once those two are in place. The middle section or which ever is the final part, should easily gel with the beginning and the end. Then once the whole process is done and all the script is written. Read it yourself. Send it too your friend again for them too proof read. If when you are reading it the whole story is 15-30mins long. That's fine.

If it is that long, Dont release it monthly. Work hard for a couple of months on your renders. Then release the whole game in one. Instead of splitting each version in 5/10mins of monthly gameplay. After all, this is your first game.
Jul 21, 2017
If you plan on making a game, the best advice I can give is open NotePad, wordpad, Microsoft office or get lots of paper and a pen. And literally just type every idea that comes into your head for that story, literally everything. Doesnt matter how sucky some may sound, But write it down.

Then think about the ending as that's the most important part. Once you have that figured start typing the ending out (Backwards I know, But I work like this and know a lot of people that have, etc. Though everyones different. some start in the middle, Etc). Once you have the ending scripted out and fully written. Send it too your friends. Get them too proof read it for mistakes etc. If you plan on making an english dialogue, However english isnt your primary language. DONT google translate everything as it's easy too notice and some words don't get translated properly which could potentially kill the effect, emotion of the game etc.

Then start working on the beginning and the back story of all your character developments. Again, Send it too a friend too proof read, etc. Once those two are in place. The middle section or which ever is the final part, should easily gel with the beginning and the end. Then once the whole process is done and all the script is written. Read it yourself. Send it too your friend again for them too proof read. If when you are reading it the whole story is 15-30mins long. That's fine.

If it is that long, Dont release it monthly. Work hard for a couple of months on your renders. Then release the whole game in one. Instead of splitting each version in 5/10mins of monthly gameplay. After all, this is your first game.
Thank you for the advice but my writing style is different from most I'm actually working and small parts of the beginning middle and end then try and weave them together but I'm taking my time with it to ensure no reddundencey and it's the best I can produce but I already have about an hour's worth of material and in nowhere near done if I had to give it a rough estimate on length of acctual game time I'm gonna say 5-6 hour's to complete it but this is all estimation once I'm done in sure I probly cut it in half with unneeded material. And as a promise to a friend I will only reales it when it is fully completed and tested thoroughly free of charge on f95


Game Developer
Apr 25, 2018
This is a game I woud love to see since it has a dominant female protagonist. I would suggest you work in twine, i found it to be the easiest for me (becouse i don't like RPG, lmao). It's free and doesn't necessarily need pictures, can contain if you want to and even replace them with art if you wih to persue with an artist. The overview looks like this and if you zoom in you can actually view the passage names. I would be happy to give you my coding to start off with in case you have never worked with it before.
