Identify Need help to find the name of a game


Sep 17, 2017
Im looking for a game in 2D where you are a guy who met a girl in the airport. Something happened and you lost your flight, but she took you in her private plane with her bodyguard. After that you met a girl in a train who hoes to the same school as you. After that you met with your new friwnds on the street and theres a massive muscular girl.

Does anybody knows the name of this game??


Aug 18, 2018
I remember playing this game in last 4-5 months but can't figure out the name. I will try to find it today.
Some more info:
- On private plane the girl is playing a game on ipad and you sit next to her to help her play and bodyguard isn't very happy about it.
- You also meet the rich girl in street/park with other new students and she doesn't want you to tell anyone that she's rich.
- There wasn't any sad story about mc like most games. It was straightforward happy game where you join a college/university and make friends along the way.