VN - Others - Completed - Neko-nin exHeart [Final] [Whirlpool]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Neko-nin exHeart is a VN for people who like catgirls, and/or ninjas, but also those who don't place a lot of importance on H-scenes. The characters and story are the priority here, so you can expect cute, adorable, wholesome, and lovable, as a whole, while the adult content remains lackluster (that's how this dev "rolls").

    - Nice heroines (2 archetypes mix well together); Good voice acting; Pleasant slice of life (much of it stemming from catgirl personalities); Enough story (dealing with ninjas, mostly); Light hearted comedy with hints of love triangle; Robust technical side of things, for a short VN.

    - 18+ is underwhelming. They have ninjas with magical abilities, who are also catgirls with animal characteristics, and no originality (or even attempt to) comes from any of that. There aren't that many H-scenes either.

    Score: Neko-nin exHeart is a 7/10 and a good VN. You just need to like the girls and their archetypes, for this to be a sure thing. If you were hoping for some nice 18+ however, you will be disappointed.

    (The fan discs are also here - named "+plus Nachi and Saiha" respectively - They are nice, if you are unsure try Nachi's first )
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I pratically loved it. Art style is awesome, and the story actually had me worried for a bit. As I got onto some of these visual novels only for the ending or parts of it leaving me depressed and sick. I'm already downloading the DLC and the sequels to continue to story.