VN - Ren'Py - Nephilim [v0.4.4] [BuuPlays]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I have immensely enjoyed this game, as of version 0.3.3.

    I am very glad that this AVN is so wholesome, romantic and interesting in story, which is improved by many choices, which adds to the depth of it.

    Another welcoming feature is the Light and Dark "path". Which also enhances the realism of the journey.

    What I did not expect, but am so glad I got is the utmost best bond we can (must :) ) have with Eliza... The depth of her story and her life, what she had to endure to find someone like MC and all those little shenanigans with us, "monkey like behaviour" and such are just heart-warming and thus heart-melting . For me she is one of my most favourite LIs ever. (She is just so damn adorable and cuddleable and I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be alright.) (I do not know why I always confess these feelings, but this AVN just elicit it in me.

    Other characters like Borri and Flyn, Alice and Sabrina and many others also add to the depth of story and make it more enjoyable.

    The music is also pretty on point and amplifies the experience.

    Another think I love is how MC´s background - being Nephilim - and his abilities and his usage of those for either good or bad, or depending on situation, which is what I do.

    Lastly, this game is made to be suitable even for harem ending... But for me just Eliza´s story and path are more than I could have ever ask for in this AVN.

    (Hope you get more recognition BuuPlays for your work, you very much deserve it).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The character, render, story , mood&tone are really well design
    It make me really love the character

    Love in the real world are too hard to find
    I wish I find love that was truly pure like MC did in this game
    But I gave up and play this game instead

    Thanks a lot for great game it really sooth my soul for a while
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorry English isn't my first language so if there are any grammatical mistakes please ignore it

    One of the best fantasy vn out there I play lot of these fantasy story games and if you are here for a good story i would recommend you to play this game the world building is just awesome and the female lead has some story to her is loveable , harem is an option but for me the female lead is enough
    If you are here quick fap i don't think you will enjoy it as there is not much lewd content rn now but hear me you will enjoy it if you like a decent fantasy game with some teasing I have high hopes for future updates
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I really like the story so far. It has great characters, so I am going to play it till the end. The character designs are good. like the scenes so far. It's great that all of the characters have different emotions. Every character has a unique story to tell. Humor and story is very good in it.;):cool:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much to complain about, I guess the writing could be better but that will probably improve with time. The images are very decent I dig the art style as a whole. Models are cute and look unique. But first and for most the story is interesting and engaging. Good job dev keep the good work coming!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Good looking game so far with an interesting story. The setting is awesome and it could become a very good game. So far the writing was a bit weak at times but i felt it got better as the story went on. For example MC were talking about beeing a nephilim before even knowing what he was, also when he talked with the smith and got told about his past and parents he is like "ok bye" and just moves on. It would be nice to feel some emotions to get immersed in the story to understand how and why the characters think and act and feel, so that is a point that could get better.
    Still there are a lot of things that make this game playable even tho its not great yet its worth trying and it could become really good, as mentioned i felt like it already got better. It will be intersting how the MC will get stronger, i hope there is some power development and nothing like "well born super powerful, power awakened now unkillable" But we will see. I Cant say how much you are able to influence the story with your choices so afr you can skip LIs and choose how you want to act but its not clear how choosing if you want to be good or bad will play out.
    It will be interesting to see how this game will develop and im looking forward to new updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, beautiful Li's. Story is pretty slow but that's too be expected because it's mainly focused on romance. I like the fact that we get to play a kinda evil mc. All in all a pretty vanilla game (for now).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played lately. Very immersive and the storyline is great. Background graphics and renders are well above average and adds to the fantasy tale concept. Great job dev! A+++
    (definitely a slow burn, but soooo worth it if you are not just a horndog)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game! You spend most your time with one LI so far so I can understand if you're not digging her you might want to wait for further updates. However, the story has a fantastic base and I am hooked and can't wait to see where it goes. Is it perfect no as there are some holes and things that you can question but overall I find the idea interesting. Strongly recommended and as I said if you don't dig the main LI so far there seems to be a number with variety coming soon as the initial traveling seems to have been done.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    When I started the game and saw that the default name was Noah I practically fell on the floor laughing. Not too many people dig into the original Hebrew of the Old Testament or look at the documents from which it comes, more recently Babylonian, and the original in Sumerian. Anyone who has studied Gilgamesh in school will find out that Noah is his ancestor but is known as Utnapishti in Akkadian. Nevertheless, in all documents Noah is, as correctly defined in this story, a "Nephilim". I absolutely love that touch by BuuPlays.

    I went to your Patreon and Subscribestar pages. I'm your first supporter on Subscibestar. I chose that one because they seem to be friendlier to this genre. I wanted to point out that your Patreon benefits are in Danish, which I just used a translator for, but you might consider adding English as well.

    I love that the story is wholesome, romance come first and the sex comes naturally from this. The story is good but has a lot of plausibility holes (as some people have pointed out in the forum) in it that make you go "hmm". I hope you tighten up on those in the future.

    That brings up one of the most glaring things. People traveling in the wilderness, supposedly carrying supplies, but empty-handed. I know you are just starting so I tried to ignore this but in the future please try to get some assets to make these outdoor scenes more realistic. Like backpacks and at least a bedroll for them to lay upon when sleeping.

    I also had a problem I have rarely seem. At certain times in the story if I tried to save it generated an error and I couldn't save. Not sure of the cause but it started working again later in the story, in both cases. If you want more information I can post the error codes for you.

    Nice renders (I love the facial expressions), beautiful Li's and the romantic and sex scenes are well done. I like that you have two different paths to follow and can even mix them to a certain extent.

    The biggest problem I see looming is that you are trying to figure out how to give people their harem while staying true to your vision of the characters and your story. The way you are currently offering it is not a harem because the girls will not be aware of each other much less accepting of it. That makes it cheating and lying which will be distasteful for some, especially if they gravitate to the light path. I see this a lot with people raised in Western civilization because of the cultural taboos against anything but Monogamy. I don't want to stir up any problems but I am going to refer you to a guide meant to help people making harem games. This is not to tell you what to do but rather just to help you get some ideas to possibly overcome this obstacle you are facing. I am fine with whatever you decide to do. At the very least stop calling it a harem if you do not intend to have one as this will just confuse people and stir up controversy. I hope this helps you.

    I really like your approach and I want to encourage you as this is rarely seen here. Keep in mind that quality over quantity will yield better results and don't produce content you don't want just to meet the deadline you have imposed on yourself. Set realistic time frames for updates and as long as delays don't happen too often and you communicate honestly most people will be understanding. Over-promising can lead to disgruntled supporters and a burned out or disheartened creator. None of us want to see that. Eagerly looking forward to the next update. :)
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game looks very good and the setting/premise is also very nice. But the actual story is not good. It is kinda predictable sometimes and kinda boring the other times, even being outright dumb a few times. The characters look good but have no depth to them. The dialogue is also very meh... The game has a lot of potential but needs a lot of work at present.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I really love this genre of game, I was debating between 3 an 4 stars but was leaning towards 3. The renders are great, I love how the characters look as well. I know some of the women look "average" which I actually like, not every woman on Earth is a bombshell, so I like realistic but still nice looking women.

    The premise of the game, where you are a half angel with a life/dark route is very interesting, the actual progress of the story is a bit slow and lackluster at the moment, but the game gets updated frequently so there is that. As for the sexual content, this is a slow burner, don't play assuming your going to have a lot of fun with your love interest as of yet, which I am fine with, but some may not be.

    This game has a lot of potential for sure, while I like the dedication to building a connection with your love interest early in the game, the dialogue can get stale, so if you work on that as well as story progression, this game would be a great VN.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good / excellent Game - the Dev really knows how to develop a real feeling relationship between the MC and Eliza, and also Alice - not sure how he will handle the fact that more than one Love interest is in love with the MC, but I'm sure he will address this in a positive way as he has througout the game so far. As long as he continues to move forward with the option of good triunphing over evil it will be good - I just hope that nothing bad is in store with the LI's in the game - Sorry I rated the mod instead of the game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Decend story - i tend to skip most parts of these games to get to the naughty parts, but this one is actually good. Very nice quality pictures, and both male and female protagonist are very handsome/beautiful. I'm awaiting the next updates

    There is only 1 BJ scene right now. So don't expect much at V.0.2
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    i was hoping for something good, or something at least passable. this is not it for me.
    maybe an untrained boy that needs saving pretending to be a man who's supposed to be a warrior, who can't dodge a blade from a woman after a decade of training looks believable for some, but not for me. i stopped at the beginning of the second chapter but from what i've seen, the story just doesn't do it for me. you have a proper explanation of the childhood, sure, but it's done in more of a tedious way than an engaging one. and no, i don't mean multiple choices, i mean engage the readers, make them feel like they somehow are part of the story. make it such a way that makes the readers feel like they are in there, not just some distant observer. i haven't seen/felt any of that here. could be it's just me.
    add the magic concept from the mc's early days, since apparently the mom had it, show the training he did for a decade and then show some reason as to why he's a complete idiot when it comes to combat and sure, i'll believe a girl gets within 3m of him without getting her neck snapped and all her bones broken. i've seen boys that are half his size and age able to do it after only half a year of training. so far, the very first combat scene is about as believable as the road runner cartoons.
    now for the renders. while the backgrounds and the models are good looking, having 10 shots from as many different angles just to try and emphasize a moment is not a good choice (didn't happen just once). for one, 2-3 shots should be more than enough to show everything. for two, if you somehow end up going through them all too fast, you get motion sickness. that, to me, screams of someone who's doing this for the first time and simply trying to see what sticks or someone who can't decide what looks better and just throws it all in.

    overall, just a simple NO from me
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, the renders are great, and the girls are gorgeous. Eliza in particular is just a sweetheart. So far the main choices are between the good or evil route. With what seems like the evil route being all about revenge and the good route perhaps maybe leading to forgiveness/redemption.

    I like the story so far and would love to find out more about the world the mc lives in. It's only been a few updates so it will be fun to see where things go. I only wish there were more monster girls since it is after all a fantasy game. Also, the main character getting powers and stronger seems awesome!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the medieval fantasy world, a breath of fresh air after countless school-college/someones house settings. The story develops well and keeps me interested. Particularly Eliza is very hot with a adorable and bubbly personality, showing the dev is very capable of creating great characters. Keep up this good work and Nephilim will be a gem.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this. It was nice to be in a middle age fantasy game with an interesting story. I appreciate well done sex scenes as much as anyone,but getting a well done romantic story with someone like Eliza where you get to know her slowly with fun and tender moments is special.. The background music is relaxing it fits the scenes and time period just right.
    Image quality was very good,had couple of white img missing during a fade out/transition. Writing was good,thought the early family scenes felt a bit generic but everything after was very good.A couple of typo's.The scene in tavern where Flynn first talks to Eliza about knowing you the textbox shows your name not his speaking.. Just little things that didn't keep me from enjoying my 3-4 hrs playing this. Looking forward to more of the story and Eliza.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Justin monrow

    Nephilim [v0.1.6] review -
    Nice fantasy story in medieval setting and great renders and a different looking main character and stunning female models . Overall writing is good though there are a few typos in the game . There is background music and though there is no sex scenes yet that kissing scene was animated and looked great . There is no free roam or any sort of grinding gameplay . Overall good fantasy story with good looking female characters 5 stars for me , looking forward to next release . Highly recommended if you love fantasy story .
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall: 5/10 this game has got potential, in its current state there isnt much of anything. Its writing isnt the greatest especially when it comes to dialogue between characters but nothing that cant improve over time. The only thing i dislike about this game is despite the fact you are given choices between Dark and Light, the dark choices have felt underwhelming.
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    For example the first dark choice you are given is to chose to leave behind Eliza or save her, but despite choosing to leave her behind you still turn around and save her which is irritating like why give me the choice if you arent going to stick with it. However in the future just by looking at the variables i can tell this will improve. He has variables that determine if a character is alive or not. That being said we may be able to kill lots of characters, including LI's.

    Story 7/10: So the Main Plot is interesting, Set in a fantasy setting we have a half angel baby with the potential to destroy or bring balance to the force. Parents murder and random ass dude adopts him at the crime scene totally not sus. Glad to see a fantasy setting, hopefully we see Elves, Vampires and other monster girls. The Dialogue has its ups and downs, if on average its a 7 their are some lines that are just cringy and drop to a 4. But nothing new for AVN's. So far only 2 LI's have been introduced out of the 15 found in the variables. The MC himself is okay, traumatic past who has put up a wall around his heart that easily crumbles in the presence of someone with twin peaks. Eliza, a loyal companion that repays the favor 10-fold. Alice, The childhood friend that reunited with the MC after 10 years.

    SC 0/10 : There is no SC, there is a warning when you launch the game similar to Summer's Gone, it sounds like there wont be any for at least a few more episodes.

    Renders 7/10: Solid Renders with some having more grain than others. Some scenes felt unnatural with the Character models, it looked like they had been photoshopped there but that was only a few shots. Background had lots of blur but i know that is used to reduce render time. Outdoor scenes had lots of Fauna so that's a plus

    Character Models 5/10: Honestly besides Eliza lookswise they are pretty ugly, The mc jawline is scary and gives me streotypical fuckboy vibes. Alice just isnt my type. I feel like all the male characters are ugly. Except Papa . They are however pretty good quality.