VN - Unity - Netorase Phone [v0.11.1] [Le Stag]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This feels like a story that could’ve been great but was told the wrong way. The story, the way the kink is handled is all good and the wife is likeable. Sadly it’s just let down by it all having to be done through text messages. It makes it overly repetitive and a little lifeless because everything has to be told in text message form and text messages are about as good for story/novel as telling it through tweets. It just limits how the story can be told, structured and presented. I get the idea behind it but I feel it held this back big time.

    I don't really know what else to say about it; good chars, story but dragged down by the anchor that is telling that story through a phone. Really wish the dev had just made a normal VN.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not too fond of AI-generated images. I'm not going to discuss this topic too deeply, but I generally avoid anything related to AI when it comes to my porn games.

    That being said, the author of the story is a very talented author. I only played the Balanced route and had fun with the story! Honestly, it made me kinda envious since this open relationship was a LOT less toxic than the ones I've had in the past, and those were exclusive relationships.

    Oh well, I guess we have fiction for a reason. I'm giving the game a 4/5 just for the story alone.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the game and hope the developer keeps working on it because it is quite niche—netorase, I mean and I want more games like this one.

    It took me less than 2 hours to complete the current content (v0.11.1).

    There is no grind; it's just narration in the form of text messaging with other characters. They write a lot more than the main character, and you only occasionally choose between 1-3 options to reply and keep the chat going.

    What I liked:
    • Overall theme and fetish: consensual netorase.
    • Quality: it runs well, the UI is good, and I didn’t notice any bugs.
    • Pacing: the story develops fast enough to be enjoyable without being overly pornographic.
    • Art: while the AI art is a little bit dull, it is decent and consistent. If it allows the developer to make quick progress on this game, then I don’t mind.
    • Button to speed up messaging: I kept it "ON" the whole time.

    I want more.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty engaging story and despite being ai images its getting better as updates goes, will love if dev redo's all the bad generated images again, overall the story is nice simple ui simple gameplay but effective.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    starting good but then became repetitive and fucking boring
    same situations even the same dialog
    and the first bull now become a cuckold either why i don't know
    and the couple starting the same cuckolding process with the new guy again

    the game was having a great potential but know i don't know why to many supporters still supporting this shit
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Interesting story and plot. I like that in addition to the main plot, there is also communication with other characters.
    I also like the author's approach and manner of communication
    Definitely recommend this game
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    this game seemed like it had a lot of promise but eventually got boring for me. it's very, very dialogue-heavy (its a phone game), but the dialogue doesn't ratchet any tension. she's just giving a play by play of sex, using normal language you'd use in a text instead of detailed descriptions you'd find in a book or in erotica. that's a problem for a game that is almost entirely text.

    well, you do get an image every few minutes... but unfortunately, they're pretty bad! the art feels very "basic," using stock poses that were probably downloaded from civitai. never anything surprising or "holy shit that's hot."

    the game started to do something interesting when it introduced multiple bulls and started treating the old bulls like cucks. maybe not everyone's interest, but at least it felt fresh. but then the author promptly apologized and said he'd rewrite it after the community complained. for me, this is a cardinal sin of interesting game development. i prefer when developers write stories that THEY find hot, instead of focus-grouping their game with bunch of patreon lunatics.

    this made me go, "why am i playing this game with mid dialogue, mid pictures, and mid storylines?" maybe others will find it amazing, but to me, it's a bit of a failed experiment.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have only recently begun enjoying NTRS games, but alreadyd I can tell that there are very few of them around, good ones even less. This is definitely one of the good ones.
    The AI art is of high quality and very consistent, the story is as good as it gets for a phone-style game and in all the routes that I've played the player remains in control while still feeling that things might escalate beyond that.

    There are a number of things I'd like to see in the future, though some are obviously getting added without my input while others are my personal preferences:
    • Creampies (duh)
    • A bull with a truly massive shlong (while Nathan is described as having a dig bick, in the BJ pictures at least it looks rather unimpressive). I don't really care if the owner of said shlong is black/white/whatever.
    • As an extension of the previous point, it would be fun to see the GF in a mixture of pain and pleasure and not just enjoying herself, as well as some wilder sex positions, i.e. full nelson, piledriver etc. (though that might be a bit too out there and hard to achieve with AI art)
    • Some action with the other girls, preferably the MC fucking them and reporting it to the GF in the same style. In other words the GF develops the NTS kink. I realize that the author has stated that the game is based on his own experiences and revolves mainly around the girl, but I feel like certain liberties ought to be taken in order to keep the game interesting as well as the percieved balance of the couple's relationship.
    Minus points:
    • Too few pictures. The ones that are there are great, but considering its AI art, i'd expect quite a few more, hell maybe even looped gifs/short videos.
    • The GF occasionally addressing the MC as a "good boy", basically commanding him to masturbate and other things of such nature, regardless of the route you take is a little off putting.
    Overall the game is great and the minuses I listed are negligeble, which is why I'm still giving it the full five stars.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games I've ever played. The writing is phenomenal. I can't stress enough how well-realized and alive the relationships in this game feel. And the simple, but effective phone interface really adds to the immersion of it all. It genuinely feels like being in a relationship and exploring kinks with someone you care about. Its a really remarkable experience and I would highly recommend giving it a shot.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good Netorase game focused on sharing. The use of IA pictures is well implmented, and is not a lazy game, dialogs are well constructed, and the MC and the main girl have good relationship. Looking forward to new content
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Some people need to rethink about their weird criticism that was constructed on the non-existing base that the game isn't delivering on your random, "unrelated to the theme" expectations of it.

    The MC is not a cringy, pretentious "alpha male" who "does not take NO for an answer", simple as that. I'm sorry there's no choice in the game where you can be the insecure bf who can't decide what you want, who would had cold feet in every determining moment, but it's not fair to call it a flaw. It's not "lacking meaningful choices", it's "I'll save your time and show you the content". And aside from the fake choices, there are meaningful choices you can make in the game, if you don't intentionally ignore them or pretend they don't exist.

    If you somehow have this intense negative feeling of being neglected or disrespected by Laura, while the majority of the player don't have such feeling, it's very possible that you're just overly sensitive. Overthinking and imagining how she was doing you wrong, even though there's no evidence to support that suspicion. And maybe you're even projecting your past failure in relationship, explaining to yourself it was this character that causing your anxiety.

    I'm not here to bash your feeling. But I do think you need to learn your own emotions and look at it in an more objective angle. I and many other see Laura as caring, loving gf who fulfill her man's desire, and at the same time, enjoying the process to the fullest. You don't have the all-seeing eyes that get pass her disguise, it's just in your head.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game finds the perfect balance between storytelling and CG content. Here are my thoughts:

    - The dialogs are thought through without typos or grammar mistakes
    - The storyline gives you plenty of option to choose from
    - The CGs are consistent. Meaning, the faces of the characters don't vary (too much) and the body shapes are consistent aswell
    - The Interface is (now) easy to work with
    - The updates could sometimes be a bit larger
    - The character design is awesome, the dialogs, answers and language make them super relatable

    Overall great game in development!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a piece of art fr, i hope it never ends
    With different choices, different situations, and definitely it would be more amazing if he put some audio, video, or anything!! Just let him cookkkkkkk
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I would give a higher review since the art, character aesthetics and over-all design is great, but the character interactions (especially to two main characters being the MC and GF) bring it down.

    The story builds well at the start and is intriguing, but all the paths are basically the same beta-cuck paths with slightly different dialogue. Even the DOM MC route is her telling you how to think and doing all the DOM/ALPHA lines for you. 98 percent of the erotic lines between the GF and the MC are just her experiance, or her TELLING YOU what she wants to hear you say/do.

    Join like heroin, after the first sex scene it's just repetitively trying to reach the same high, but never getting it. Some of the redundant themes and word choice doesn't help this: too much Nathan, lack of diversity in text (5-word lines, etc), over-use of "horny boy" or "yes, that's what I thought" "Is that right/correct."

    Angry complaint:

    If your GF is spending the night with another dude against your wishes while you're at home; if she is calling him a bull and flirting with him CONSTANTLY within the first week she bangs him; if she is fucking him repeatedly and even potentially reserving exclusive sexual acts for him while denying you other's not NETORASE PHONE, it's A CUCK'S PHONE, and that's not her bull, it's her new boyfriend. Welcome to polyandry.

    Game could be 5 stars with a rework of the DOM route, focusing more on the MC for dialogue, especially in the erotic scenes/lines...more flirting with the other girls or even a group-share, swinging or open-relationship feel to it. Something different than just editing some words a different color but not actually changing the meaning or tone.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is like an entrancing blossom that gains elegance as time goes on and warrants applause simultaneously ; still, I may not know how much charm it holds until history comes to a close.
    PS Eh bien, à bientôt !
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    A neat concept but at the current level choices don't really matter. A lot of times you can either agree or agree with an emoji (something that has already been talked about in the thread). But with a few additional options this could easily be a great game (fingers crossed).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game for those who are fans of netorase and netorare. It combines a unique gameplay style with good writing and really decent art. You can get really into the history and the art in my opinion is probably the best part of it. I hope the author will update more on the submission route, I really like it
  18. 3.00 star(s)



    "Netorase Phone" should really be called "One-Sided Open Relationship Phone".
    No idea why the Dev felt the need to call it Netorase, when he himself states it is 'nearly exclusively the girl's journey' based on his own experiences of letting his GF discover and adventure on her own, with him being only a spectator ...

    Yeah, what exactly does this have to do with Netorase? I feel like I got duped by false advertising.
    It's supposed to be a fetish anchored in a guy's selfish desire to see his partner engage in sexual affairs for his own satisfaction, based on mutual trust and unconditional love, followed up by reclaiming and reassurance - not this sexual liberation stuff ...

    As for the game itself:
    • Dialogue feels stilted and repetitive (horny boy, yes, yes, yes) and buzzwords like 'reclaim' and 'living dildo' feel too on the nose
    • AI pics are passable, but certainly not the meat of the game
    Almost all other criticism towards the game (lack of action by the player, NTR vibes etc.) can be explained away by a mismatch of expectations.
    This is not an NTS game.
    This is a game about the sexual self-discovery of the MC's girlfriend with other partners from the player's point of view. The MC's 'fetish' a barely justified reason for the GF to fuck around.

    If one isn't bothered by the premise, then 'Netorase' (lmao) Phone is a very enjoyable game with replay value.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games of this genre I have played and the best AI image generated game I have encountered so far.

    • Gf character is amazing with such a lovable personality.
    • Characterization of MC and other side characters are also full of personality and feels very natural.
    • The writing is perfect with no grammatical errors.
    • Art is consistent for an AI game and high quality as well.
    • Plenty of pics both during acts and outside of acts and casual conversations which makes the relationship feel a lot more real.
    • Pacing is great and there is mutual respect between all characters and subtle changes in the way the act based on prior decisions.
    Cons/Hopeful Improvements.
    There arent many but just some small issues that can hopefully be worked on.
    • Addition of erotic sounds and animated clips of some sort? I tried another game of the same genre called Luckyphone. While its nowhere near as good, it does implement those two things really well.
    • More variation in choices and effect of it. Often times, the choices presented to MC are basically the same. Like, say "Yes" and "I do". Whats the point of giving choices if they are exactly the same and doesnt change anything? So, it would be nice to add some variety in choices.
    • Gf is sometimes a bit too perfect. I love the dynamic between MC and gf, but sometimes it feels a bit too perfect and no sense of a bit of jeopardy and unease that can happen in a relationship like this. It would be nice if occasionally when gf is with bull she forgets to text mc or goes missing for a while and MC has to check up on her, or he gets a surprise text from the friends or the bull with a pic or description whats happening. It has happened once or twice like at the party with Ashley. But it would be nice to see a bit more of such instances perhaps based on choices we make.
    • Better save system. I play on android since this feels better on an actual phone, but the save system seems hard to figure out. The game NTRphone has a feature where we can tap on a message that results in a choice which will bring us back to the choice, that would be nice.
    But overall, amazing game and so much content for being only 6 months old. Looking forward to future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute masterpiece in the netorase genre. The writing is top-notch, with well-crafted relationships and characters that quickly become endearing. The artistic direction is simply outstanding, pulling you deep into the story from the very start. The way the game immerses you into the perspective of the main character makes the experience incredibly thrilling and engaging.

    On top of all this, the creator is a genuinely kind and active individual who listens to the community, which is a huge plus for the development and future direction of the game. Regular updates on Discord and Patreon keep the excitement alive. Without a doubt, this is one of the best games on F95!