This game is made with Unity and the skip options or worse the rollback options, are "suboptimal" in these dev program. Even in Unreal it is easier done with e.g. a VN blueprint put in. All these developmenr programs have their pors and cons.Usually in renpy games there's an option to skip seen messages or skip all. That'd be a good option to add for this game.
Ren´py is the most limited one and their licence agreement is called fishy at best in certain circumstances, but for most erotic games and esp. hobby Devs it is an easy choice.
Unity is more powerful overall what it can do, has quality assets and can deliver quite a game (e.g. several Pathfinder games were made with Unity), but their licence agreement is worse than Ren´pys (if not really openly communicated, it is within shouting distance of fraudulent) and has the annoying tendency to "call home". Even the Unity games I bought, not just the public versions, I block from the net.
Unreal is arguably the most powerful of the three, esp. with some fitting blueprints thrown in, but for most AVNs overkill. It still has the nicest licence agreement in comparison and rather useful free content. What made it problematic for erotic stuff, was the absence of fully naked, anatomically correct models. This has changed quite a bit, but it still has the smallest number of "sexy" models compared with e.g. DAZ or so.