In regards to the "mutual consent and respect between all involved parties", are we assuming the Player and the MC as the same person or are we separating the two? Specifically, is the emphasis on the Player playing the game consenting to an activity (effectively separating the Player and MC as two different entities), or is the emphasis on the MC within the game consenting to an activity (keeping consent consistent for both the player and MC)? The difference is that the player could consent to an activity like the MC being coerced or even forced into doing something, so the Player consents but the MC doesn't. I'm asking because on the submissive path especially, I think it will be hard to have the MC 100% consent to everything without imposing severe limitations to the story progression. On the dominant path and to a lesser extent on the balanced path though, MC consent would be very important to maintain.
I'm almost thinking it may be a good idea to have another app on the phone, like a link to a "sexual preference quiz" or something, where you can make these choices outside of the main dialogue choices (although I still like the idea of establishing the ground rules in the normal text dialogue with Laura as it is important to establish the relationship).