Seeking Netori (male protag. seducing or corrupting wives/fiancées/girlfriends)


Oct 27, 2017
I recommend;
Of the five or six girls only one is technically in a relationship. But the nun kind of betrays god, and the knight betrays her oaths, so similar vibe overall and good art.
Best netori thing I ever found was a story, since I'm a Harry Potter fan; it's 110k words which is about the size of the first HP book & great writing. Basic synopsis is HP is super alpha as master of death, Weasley family men have been cursed to be cuckolds long ago and HP winds up banging all of the Weasley wives.


New Member
May 9, 2017
If I had to recommend something it would be any of the games made by miel or bishop. They both often contain married women that you can steal from their husbands (they are never shown or involved in the plot, only mentioned) and all of the other girls dislike you(often turning to hate after you lay your slimy hands all over them) and put up major resistance(at least in bishop games, the girls in miel games fall really quickly) giving you the same feeling of satisfaction of conquering them.(they all submit themselves as slaves to you in the end.)
The only problem is that almost all of the games are in Japanese but once you get a hold of how they function its really easy to play them. I would recommend playing one of the translated games first (maybe with a walkthrough for the bishop one) to see how you like them and then move on to the non-translated ones.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
Wow, I never thought I would find this while on the hunt for netori myself.

Well, in case anyone still cares, there's an untranslated game called Chijoku no Seifuku. You need a virtual drive to play it, but so long as you are into male x female (if you aren't, why are you even here...?), you'll find most of your kinks there.

One of the women I remember in particular because I watched the anime first. A wife, ready-enslaved, kneeling in front of the MC. She was the first of her kind I found, and I rather quickly got intrigued, and ended up finding the untranslated game. Totally worth it.

On the other hand there was one VN untranslated that I couldn't handle. I went there for the wife in the intro, but...the girls there are subjected to some serious humiliation. Something about the MC taking over a previous demon-owned castle and breaking apart a girl alliance one by one...

One of them called Ruru/Lulu in particular I felt bad for. The first and so far the only time I ever felt anything negative in a game where I was the 'boss'.
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Jun 9, 2019
Haha, just want to say great thread and again complain that there is no netori tag sadly. This shows there is a demand for this stuff, so why isnt there a netori tag? (shakes head in disappointment) With that said, I totally get OP about not being interested in somebody SO's who jump at you easily. That just takes the fun and hotness away. It is like trying to get a drunk to drink, no challenge or excitement at all. Now, when the women are faithful and in "love" with their SO, that is when its enjoyable to take them(for me, its also about corrupting them) and cuck their SO. That is when its the best.

Oh almost forgot to add my suggestion. taffy tales has some great netori scenes in it. You bang your friends mom and his the woman he loves and then also make the mothers ex husband watch you bang her on a livestream. There is also one where a wife and husband willingly allows you to bang his wife so he can have a cuck fantasy, but I didn't enjoy that as much since it was given to me.


Jun 16, 2018

Try going to dlsite since they have netori tag there, then comeback here to check if its available here.
I'll comment some of the games I've really enjoyed someday, too lazy right now HAHA


Jun 9, 2019
Corrupted Kingdoms Had some some netori moments. The MC has power that can awaken and dominate female characters. Some of the characters are in relationships. The best netori moment for me was when I went to help convince people to sell houses. Two of the women were married and you used your power to turn them into addicts for your dick willing to dump their husbands and families for you, which you use them to sell their houses. Wish the whole game was like that.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
Sadly, the majority of Female protagonist games are sexual assault and blackmail simulators wherein you play as a brain damaged hot chick who lives in a reality where every living person who is attracted to women wants to rape her. The few that I can think of are a stretch, though at least one or two of them are legitimate.
You just summed up wonderfully some of the terrible, terrible patterns that tend to keep me the hell away from female protag games, they tend to be a royal disservice to the MC as a person, in contrast to the power fantasy of most male protag games (specially in Incest games, apparently)'s, kind of weird not to say disturbing, i guess.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
I want to say a big thank you to the original poster of the thread, because this is a big kink/fetish of mine as well, and I agree that finding content can be very difficult. Its the exact same problem in erotic lit. For every thousand stories about a cuckold, you find a handful about a MC who goes out and fucks other men's wives. (consensual, no rape).

I don't believe that it was mentioned here, but Max's Life is IMO a HOF adult game, where the MC grows from a teen to an alpha, and along the way builds a harem of a ton of women. Several of them are otherwise loyal and married or have boyfriends, and Max either steals them away, has them cheat with him behind the other man's back, or just flat out has sex with them in front of the other man. Its awesome, and these parts are among my favorite.

On a related note, I also am into stuff where an otherwise faithful woman where she is put into a situation where she is away from her husband (work trip, vacation with friends, ect) and then is seduced and/or convinced gradually to go wild. These are absolutely my favorite female POV things.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2019
The tyrant is ur game. U can corrupt all ur camily and end up stealing ur mom from ur dad. Bummer its abandoned but it has lots of fun


Jun 3, 2017
There's a Sex & Glory game called Sensual Haunting, where you play a ghost in the house a young family moves into. You can fuck the wife and daughter, I believe you even fuck the wife while the husband is asleep next to her later in the game. At first when the ghost is weaker you 'possess' the husband to do some things with the wife. Pretty sure you can finger the wife or daughter at the breakfast table, can't remember if the dad is there. I'm pretty sure I remember that one of the endings even involves permanently possessing the husband and taking over his life.

I understand that it's been a few years, but try the remake


New Member
Jun 28, 2020
On a related note, I also am into stuff where an otherwise faithful woman where she is put into a situation where she is away from her husband (work trip, vacation with friends, ect) and then is seduced and/or convinced gradually to go wild.
Could you recommend any games that have this kind of stuff


Oct 11, 2019
Hey guys and gals! I just spent the past hour or so searching this entire site for games and barely came up with anything... so I'm asking for your help!

As the title indicates, I'm looking for games where the player seduces and corrupts other men's wives, fiancées, or girlfriends. I'm talking about active relationships here, where the girl is initially uninterested in the MC's advances because she is with someone else, but later on becomes corrupted and ends up cheating on her husband/boyfriend behind their backs. I would prefer if the corruption was slow/well paced, so the girl offers some kind of resistance at first. Hell, the more resistance the better! Working for it makes the prize at the end so much better. Also, preferably the boyfriends/husbands never find out, but that's less important.

The method of corruption is irrelevant. Anything works: from good old fashioned seduction, to blackmail, to any kind of mind control and such. The artwork style is also irrelevant, I'm fine with 2D or 3D, or even just text-only! As long as the story and characters are good, I'll take it. Finally, it can be a game where just one or two of the girls is the target of netori, it doesn't have to be fully focused on that. (I also don't mind incest)

A few good examples of what I'm looking for (what I already played):
  • (especially Mrs. Jennings' story, would play just for that)
  • (Megan and Emily, the teacher, the principal and her family!)
  • (literal perfect example, my all time favourite game with this theme; only problem is VN style so no player-driven progression or repeatable scenes)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help!
while i dont have links might i suggust ntr legend and ntraholic


Jun 27, 2017
Does anyone remember a sandbox game where you can visit a friend who has a wife and daughter and you can slowly corrupt them as you visit for dinner?