Video - Netorinbo [Prologue & Epilogue] [Atelier KOB]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is quite good. Even though it's called "prologue" and "epilogue" the truth is that, as far as I can tell, it's the whole story. Character models used in this animation are pretty great, both in quality and design with beautiful but realistic bodies (maybe with the exception of the dick size but that is a genre trope). The animation itself is fluid and varied, not the classical reuse over and over again of the same thing, and has a lot of details in facial expression and elsewhere. The dub (in japanese) is pretty good as well, as long as you like the peculiar sounds japanese women do through sex even (aparently) when it's consensual (which this one is not for a long part of it, playing with mind control as a basic plot device).

    So, all in all, good shit.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    TSM Fanboy 5

    A full hour of insanely high quality animation. Comes fully voiced with English subtitles. Not usually one for mind control but this was really good. The future of smut is bright. Can't wait to see more from this dev.