Okay firstly thank you! For uploading this!
Even untranslated, you can translate it with Reipatcher if you want english go to their website and follow the guide. Its not that good anyway but its there if you want it, also its pretty easy and quick. Nothing technical just file goes here.
This game is complete garbage its so fucking bad, barely playable and broken in certain areas. Glitches galore some of the minigames are broken, the tentacle and hole in the wall are impossible. Also the grind is fucking insane too, take it from someone who beat the ENTIRE GAME legit. The grind is absurd, and the design choices are baffling; twice in this game, it completely gatekeeps progression behind corruption.
Firsly you need 0 corruption on ALL characters to progress pass level 30, 40, 50, 60 otherwise it'll stop progression to the next area. SO fuck you if you wanted the H-stuff early or got captured accidentally. You need to get the shrine and pay 10,000 souls to purify one character (Insane grind). Then afterwards from level 60 onwards you need MAX 100 beyond corruption which is another insane grind to get captured over and over again. Its just exhausting.
Also the game does a HORRIBLE job explaining how to get materials and upgrades, basically to get items you need to sell items to transfer depot use those to buy buildings and building upgrades as well as item upgrades from blacksmith.
I think the game has been updated and improved now so if someone would be willing to upload the updated version I'm sure many things would be better, but 1.0 is just.... the worst just get a full save and watch CG don't play it.
If you do play it here is the strategy... The blacksmith is OP is you grind materials from selling items which you need to just upgrade some good weapons and armor and you'll oneshot most stuff.
The problem comes from enemies that 1 shot YOU and enemies that leave projectiles THAT 2 shot YOU and NEVER despawn
after they die.
The strategy to beat this jank? Grind Grind Grind and then lock the fuck in and cheese hard.
The thing YOU NEED is the dojo to get the special skills of the character's the knight is OP just spam that shit over and over, gives invuln frames, is a full screen clear (Big Damage) and the cooldown is broken so there is no cooldown, just spam that shit everytime you run into trouble. It can despawn SOME projectiles, Cannot despawn ground slams and bubbles, which will 1 or 2 shot you. Seems OP right? NO I STILL FUCKING DIED SOME LEVELS ACTUALLY REQUIRED I LOCK THE FUCK IN AND DODGE.
Second the berserker's skill is dog water gives a speed up and attack speed up almost useless... UNTIL you get the mages skill.
The Mage's skill is a full MAP clear (sorta) basically it causes every tile in the map to have a chance of being hit by an explosion, so it can kill OFF-SCREEN enemies. It can miss though, so we use the Berserker's skill to increase attack speed increasing speed of explosions + more, to increase likelyhood of killing jank ass broken bosses offscreen decreasing the chance of instant death.
Basically spam, Knight Skill and live in fear of instant death, then unlock berserker skill, Keep spamming Knight, then after the mage skill is unlocked just alternate all 3 characters and spam ability.
The only and MOST necessary potion is the Regen potion, can sometimes save you from being 2 shot... The rest are fucking useless don't bother.
Okay was it a good game? Fuck no Please don't play version 1.0 The updated version might be better so play that instead or please upload it.
Was the hentai good? Uhh yeah it was pretty decent short stuff, kinda weird way of displaying the stuff but yeah it was hot, I'm very degen so it appealed to me. Mostly humiliation focus some rape, some bondage, plenty of corruption.
Oh also, stats for each character are respective to them, please don't bring you level 1 idiot barbarian around with your maxed LV 200 Max gear knight, they will be useless. Their gear and stats are respective to each character not in a shared pool. Also affects their weapons when leveling up EX Knight shield get her attack, Moon Cleave gets barb attack, so at least give them good weapons and lv attack so their options aren't useless dogwtr.
Oh also unlocking the CG with book completely breaks the story too
thanks for not giving a warning 
Do I like the game no fuck this piece of shit, the devs should be ashamed of uploading the game in 1.0 like this, but I rated it well because I hope it gets properly translated and the bugs and balancing get fixed because it certainly could be very fun and the CG are hot.
Even untranslated, you can translate it with Reipatcher if you want english go to their website and follow the guide. Its not that good anyway but its there if you want it, also its pretty easy and quick. Nothing technical just file goes here.
This game is complete garbage its so fucking bad, barely playable and broken in certain areas. Glitches galore some of the minigames are broken, the tentacle and hole in the wall are impossible. Also the grind is fucking insane too, take it from someone who beat the ENTIRE GAME legit. The grind is absurd, and the design choices are baffling; twice in this game, it completely gatekeeps progression behind corruption.
Firsly you need 0 corruption on ALL characters to progress pass level 30, 40, 50, 60 otherwise it'll stop progression to the next area. SO fuck you if you wanted the H-stuff early or got captured accidentally. You need to get the shrine and pay 10,000 souls to purify one character (Insane grind). Then afterwards from level 60 onwards you need MAX 100 beyond corruption which is another insane grind to get captured over and over again. Its just exhausting.
Also the game does a HORRIBLE job explaining how to get materials and upgrades, basically to get items you need to sell items to transfer depot use those to buy buildings and building upgrades as well as item upgrades from blacksmith.
I think the game has been updated and improved now so if someone would be willing to upload the updated version I'm sure many things would be better, but 1.0 is just.... the worst just get a full save and watch CG don't play it.
If you do play it here is the strategy... The blacksmith is OP is you grind materials from selling items which you need to just upgrade some good weapons and armor and you'll oneshot most stuff.
The problem comes from enemies that 1 shot YOU and enemies that leave projectiles THAT 2 shot YOU and NEVER despawn
The strategy to beat this jank? Grind Grind Grind and then lock the fuck in and cheese hard.
The thing YOU NEED is the dojo to get the special skills of the character's the knight is OP just spam that shit over and over, gives invuln frames, is a full screen clear (Big Damage) and the cooldown is broken so there is no cooldown, just spam that shit everytime you run into trouble. It can despawn SOME projectiles, Cannot despawn ground slams and bubbles, which will 1 or 2 shot you. Seems OP right? NO I STILL FUCKING DIED SOME LEVELS ACTUALLY REQUIRED I LOCK THE FUCK IN AND DODGE.
Second the berserker's skill is dog water gives a speed up and attack speed up almost useless... UNTIL you get the mages skill.
The Mage's skill is a full MAP clear (sorta) basically it causes every tile in the map to have a chance of being hit by an explosion, so it can kill OFF-SCREEN enemies. It can miss though, so we use the Berserker's skill to increase attack speed increasing speed of explosions + more, to increase likelyhood of killing jank ass broken bosses offscreen decreasing the chance of instant death.
Basically spam, Knight Skill and live in fear of instant death, then unlock berserker skill, Keep spamming Knight, then after the mage skill is unlocked just alternate all 3 characters and spam ability.
The only and MOST necessary potion is the Regen potion, can sometimes save you from being 2 shot... The rest are fucking useless don't bother.
Okay was it a good game? Fuck no Please don't play version 1.0 The updated version might be better so play that instead or please upload it.
Was the hentai good? Uhh yeah it was pretty decent short stuff, kinda weird way of displaying the stuff but yeah it was hot, I'm very degen so it appealed to me. Mostly humiliation focus some rape, some bondage, plenty of corruption.
Oh also, stats for each character are respective to them, please don't bring you level 1 idiot barbarian around with your maxed LV 200 Max gear knight, they will be useless. Their gear and stats are respective to each character not in a shared pool. Also affects their weapons when leveling up EX Knight shield get her attack, Moon Cleave gets barb attack, so at least give them good weapons and lv attack so their options aren't useless dogwtr.
Oh also unlocking the CG with book completely breaks the story too
Do I like the game no fuck this piece of shit, the devs should be ashamed of uploading the game in 1.0 like this, but I rated it well because I hope it gets properly translated and the bugs and balancing get fixed because it certainly could be very fun and the CG are hot.