Title: My Dream Girl
The plot of My Dream Girl [ First Release in a week or two ]
Max, A teacher by profession who decides to propose to the woman of his dreams, while on a picnic to a remote abandoned castle. But to his surprise a beautiful woman greats him in the castle and what else awaits him is for you all to find out. (No spoilers here)!
About the Game & Game-play
You will have to chose which path he (Max) will take. Will you help him overcome the temptations put forth him. Remember choices will have consequences and they will make or break the relationships with those he ( Max ) holds most close to his heart.
I am still learning so don't have much experience in the coding department. But will introduce new features as i go along.
The game is still in its early stages and there is a lot to come! I am not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
The game is almost ready for it First Release (in a week or two)
i am attaching my early tries at rendering that will be in the game...
I would like to hear your feedback and constructive criticism of this game. Because this is for YOU All to enjoy!!!
The plot of My Dream Girl [ First Release in a week or two ]
Max, A teacher by profession who decides to propose to the woman of his dreams, while on a picnic to a remote abandoned castle. But to his surprise a beautiful woman greats him in the castle and what else awaits him is for you all to find out. (No spoilers here)!
About the Game & Game-play
You will have to chose which path he (Max) will take. Will you help him overcome the temptations put forth him. Remember choices will have consequences and they will make or break the relationships with those he ( Max ) holds most close to his heart.
I am still learning so don't have much experience in the coding department. But will introduce new features as i go along.
The game is still in its early stages and there is a lot to come! I am not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
The game is almost ready for it First Release (in a week or two)
i am attaching my early tries at rendering that will be in the game...
I would like to hear your feedback and constructive criticism of this game. Because this is for YOU All to enjoy!!!
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