New here and looking for advice/contact


Apr 22, 2018
"What is this about?" I hear you ask. Good question there!

I am new to... all of this.
Recently I started playing "lewd" games and I kinda like it. Some of it.
Going through different stories I began to think of my own game and how it would look like.
And BANG. That visions did not stop. Meaning that I made up a story for a whole new game.
Not a short one.

Problem is, I have no idea of how to make a game and I (sadly) know that I wont have the time to change that anytime soon (or ever). And on top I want it to be of good quality if it ever comes to see the... well the screens of all the lucky perverts out there.

Still reading this? Good. Caus now comes the fun part.
The story is still in development, but I already have a lot of it, including whole conversations, options and following consequences.
It is / will be a big story(not a one day play through game) of a female protagonist.
It has a love story, a crime story and a lot of lewd stuff (prostitution/corruption story). How far you chose to proceed each story (or get out of it again) is up to you and will lead to different endings.
Now, it will show character-development. Its not like "that innocent, young girl crosses the border and starts screwing anything with a heartbeat asap". It wont be about a girl that wants to have a new Iphone and starts to sell her body to afford it. NOPE.
The characters (and there are a lot) will be 3dimensional. If you read the conversations (or take the hints between the lines), you may get why the character in front of you acts the way he does (and maybe use that to handle him better).
Best thing: This comes without too much lines to read and you (mostly) wont have to be a detective to get the informations.
Some games barely have any actual story, others drown you in text. A few do a good job in mixing (like insexsity does in my opinion).
So YES this is a story/game about (lots of) lewd and dirty stuff in core, but not one of these "one click, two click and orgy starts so the virgin girl can buy a new fancy shovel after the show ends".
I want it to be "realistic", exciting, decent and lewd all at once.
(not sayn there wont be dumb/dirty characters with stupid reasons in it).

"Ok sounds interesting, but what the hell does he want now?"
I have the Jon-Snow Syndrome. I know nothing. No programs, no nicknames, short cuts or whatever. All thats in my head is the story and my wish for it to become a game.

So I m looking for conversation I think.
Or COKE ZERO, life as it should be - someone with the like of playing a female protagonist and decent programming/animation skills to let this story come to life on screen.

I ll happily read all your leads, ideas or rages.
Caus why not. right? right??? Wow you still reading this... Cheers!

Edit: Think thats important: I prefer the game not to be comic-style
and one thing is out of question: I get to decide how main character looks like
(I mean do you know Chloe18? What a great game, but the protagonist looks like **** ****. God damn awful.)
Apart from that I am open to anything ; )


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
So you have a story idea that you have developed but no inclination of learning to create games. You may get extremely lucky and some artist and coder will step up and join your team, so good luck with that.

The problem is, that everyone comes up with good ideas in their head. The invention is not in the thinking it up, it's the hard work to turn the idea into physical reality.

Why don't you just take your story idea and just write a good old fashion story? Once you complete the story and share with others, you may learn if you actually enjoyed the process or not. If it is a well written story your chances of finding someone willing to help turning it into game will probably increase if that is what you still want to do once it is finished.
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Apr 22, 2018
Hm, lots of good ideas and lacking of people to make it come to reality. I see.
I will take your advice and make it a story. thx :)


Jun 2, 2018
Unfortunately for you, there is no shortage of interesting ideas for stories. Everyone has one.

What they DON'T have is some combination of the following:

1. Time - developing a game--regardless of quality--is a big time investment which scales with the quality you aim to achieve.

2. Coding - games are, fundamentally, code. It's easy to learn how to use the most basic Ren'Py features, but stuff like Unity is much more complicated and requires years of coding knowledge and experience to create anything.

3. Writing - unless you're just making a sex-simulator (in which case, why wouldn't the player just watch porn?), it doesn't matter how pretty a game is if the writing is shit. Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with the idea of the story, it's the execution. Beyond knowing basic grammar, it's important that the writing maintains a balance of detail and natural flow, all while being clear and concise.

You admit to having neither the time nor coding knowledge necessary to create anything, and your post has the grammatical errors and rambling nature to suggest that you don't have great writing skills in English.

If English isn't your natural language, then that's okay, but if you want your game to be in English then you might need it to be translated by a natural English speaker.

That means you need 1) coding 2) an artist 3) a translator and 4) someone to actually put it all together if you don't have the time.

If you're willing to invest money, then you can hire these people, but that is far-fetched and not a great idea.

If all you have is the idea, then I suggest you either find the time to learn how to use Ren'Py and Daz, or--rather than make a game--just write it as a short story or novel yourself.

Nobody is going to code or make the art for free.


Apr 22, 2018
Yeah, english is not my "natural" language. But Im not aiming to do some shakespear here and when I think of Chloe18 where it seems like google translate did the work (or the numberous other games with limited lyric value)
I m confident I can do better than that. But you were right with the coding & art stuff. Thats what I was looking for, so I went on to send some of my suff to creators of games I d seen before and I actually got some pretty encouraging responses.
So maybe not all that unlikely to get it done, it will just take a lot of time :)