New Incest Game


Game Developer
Jan 22, 2018
I have a idea for creating a B/S/M incest game with ren'py
what is the best 3d software to use and can i survive doing this on patreon


I am not Bloo, cause Bloo is a cunt
Aug 5, 2016
Incest is against patreon rules. So you'd have to remove incest for patreon and maybe make a patch to use outside of patreon. Apart from that it's mostly luck if people chose to support and shill your game enough.

As for 3D software/poser most people use Daz3D or Honey Select. Visually they're very different. I'd suggest you look into them and decide for yourself which one would represent your game better.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Incest is one of the biggest no-no's on patreon now, and they are keeping a watchful eye for any such content. I am currently in the pre-production stages of a game of my own, which will feature both incest and non-consesual, which is another thing patreon doesn't approve, so I will simply be avoiding patreon (and other funding sites) entirely, since it will free me to make the game as I feel it should be, without compromises.
If you want or need the financial backing from patreon, then I would suggest either avoiding incest or making a standalone patch, which unlocks the "real" version of the game. Keep in mind that patreon also views step-family as incest, so step-father/sister/brother/mother or whatever doesn't work either.

I personally hope we will get some patreon alternatives soon. From what i read some time ago, Sponsorion might be a viable choice, if they get their asses in gear and launch the damn site. I also know that a couple of people on this site are experimenting with the "Buymeacoffee" thing. Seems to be working alright for MrDots, so that might be worth looking at as well.

As for best 3D software, that is up to you. Honeyselect and Daz/Poser are the most used on this site, so it should probably be one of them. I personally use Daz and prefer their art over HS. It has a learning curve to it, but if you check out a few tutorials then you should quickly be able to perform the simple taks that is required to make scenes. Keep in mind that buying assets for Daz or Poser can quickly run into several thousands of dollars for a single game, depending on how many characters/clothes/enviroments and such you plan on including. Many assets can be found for free on this site if you look for it though.
As for HS, I don't really know much about how it works or what it costs. I just know that I don't really like their art style, since all their figures tends to look like they have barbie doll skin and are hard to give natural looking expressions.

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
As the developer of an incest game on Patreon, I say go for it. I know a lot of people are saying Patreon is cracking down on incest and that they're watching everyone, but I personally feel like that isn't the case. My games has been live on Patreon for over 6 months (with incest content included in the Patreon download, no patch needed) and I haven't heard any complaints from them. From as far as I can tell, only the very big earners are being targeted. If you stay below $10000 dollars a month, Patreon probably won't notice it. Even games such as Legend of Queen Opala and such have stayed on Patreon and they feature bestiality in them, which is also against Patreon rules.

As far what is the best program... that's really up to you. Daz Studio and Honey Select are the two biggest and both have their pros and cons. I personally go with Daz Studio because it gives much better quality images (lighting is better and you have much more content and freedom), but each images takes much longer to create. When using Daz Studio, expect to get about 1 image every 30-100 minutes. Honey Select is much faster, but quality of images is also much lower and you can do less different things with it. Also... you're PC might not be able to handle Daz Studio. You need a pretty powerful machine to run it properly.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
First use what you can feasibly work with. I've seen amazing work out of TK17, and shitty crap from Daz3D so it's up to you. Keep in mind that Daz is demanding on your computer and you have to dedicate time to rendering a single image. Honey Select isn't a bad option, but the market is getting flooded with it just as much as Daz.

The key to images is to make them worth looking at, not your chosen program. Ask yourself if you can fap to it. Can you make it better?

Second Question: Maybe, but don't even think about that. I watched Beggar of Net when he started My New Life. His first 6 months he probably couldn't live off of it well. But then it all started to change for him. But today that's still only 3,662 a month. 44k a year isn't terrible by any means, but I wouldn't say your getting rich.

My advice is to focus on development first. When you have it working enough to demo out, send it. Get the feed back and keep working. Dedicate what time you can and set reachable goals and not lofty ones. Develop your rhythm and workflow. When your income reaches the point you can make your day job your part time job, do that. When you can afford to safely drop it, do so. If I were to give financial advice at this point, it would be to quit that day job after you have 6 months worth of living expenses saved up incase everything goes to shit. In my country you cant get unemployment if your were self employed so you better be ready. Being Independent at anything is going to take some discipline to succeed so have a plan of action.


Developer of Lesbian/Futa Games
Game Developer
Mar 12, 2018
I never understood 'Incest Patch' (cuz some of the games I found always had in it) now I get it.

DAZ is a bad program to start with I think. But it's the easiest I found so far.


Mar 18, 2018
As the developer of an incest game on Patreon, I say go for it. I know a lot of people are saying Patreon is cracking down on incest and that they're watching everyone, but I personally feel like that isn't the case. My games has been live on Patreon for over 6 months (with incest content included in the Patreon download, no patch needed) and I haven't heard any complaints from them. From as far as I can tell, only the very big earners are being targeted. If you stay below $10000 dollars a month, Patreon probably won't notice it. Even games such as Legend of Queen Opala and such have stayed on Patreon and they feature bestiality in them, which is also against Patreon rules.

As far what is the best program... that's really up to you. Daz Studio and Honey Select are the two biggest and both have their pros and cons. I personally go with Daz Studio because it gives much better quality images (lighting is better and you have much more content and freedom), but each images takes much longer to create. When using Daz Studio, expect to get about 1 image every 30-100 minutes. Honey Select is much faster, but quality of images is also much lower and you can do less different things with it. Also... you're PC might not be able to handle Daz Studio. You need a pretty powerful machine to run it properly.
I think some of the crackdown on Patreon is also due to people having disputes with the developers and ratting them out to Patreon. one or two white knights is all it takes


Apr 26, 2018
Maybe make the incest/bizarre kinky ass crap a Easter egg button that.... you don't mention on Patreon... that you hide effectively but might casually mention someplace like here... and then make it look like either you found a innocuous Easter egg... with a switch... or something to that effect. or have that be a early quest in the game... that enables the (questionable content) This is why I stopped posting stories everywhere because whingy people annoy me and I'm not a big fan of censorship of any kind. People have the right to be just as sick and perverted as they want to be, these are GAMES, FICTIONAL CHARACTERS... FICTIONAL CHARACTERS... No one is hurt!