RPGM - Abandoned - New Life [v0.1.3] [Sweet Games Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    love the visuals but to real sex scene so far. hope the producer incorporates some animation, because imo this game will be awesome.
    but we have to wait and see whats to some.
    keep up the good work, i am expecting something great.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    The Revenant

    Too many bugs in this game. Sometimes the doors of the places you can go in does not open but after a while it opens automatically. The part after vegetable collection where the wife tells about the incident that happened to her and the mc says there should be not misunderstanding, after that you can't do anything. new. There is some sort of loop with flash on the street on the way to vegetable event that we get stuck on.
    Couldn't play after that, but so far I feel that the game has to be cleaned of bugs. The corruption is too fast and doesn't feel authentic to really be immersed into. The problem with the town is very stupid which I can guess will make the FMC into brainless precarious positions.
    As for the CG, you did not introduce the mc or fmc or any one in the beginning. Lack of cgs where there needs to be. That tumble scene with the landlord was horrible where in one sec it seemed she was walking and in the next she jumps the dude in a full guard position.
    I am giving it a 3 out of respect that you are making an ntr game being fearless. This is so that you can improve further in the future and not lose hope making games.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 254042

    The very first game release this game was good, but i hope we can choose to pick one of the POV so we can feel the NTR.
    Now about 1.3 update, the game start to become bad the reason is not only grammar (but i think it will be easy for dev to fix this),
    this game was deserve to get 5 star but the dev make a bad scene in the 1.3 update that make no sense for husband to do it to his wife..... NO! the entire scene until the next dialogue of the NPcs make no sense! it seems the dev rush this game and put no intention to make a good dialogue at all . I hope dev can change that scene
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting game . Game characters looks good . Game story looks very good . Hope many interesting scenes comes in future update . Can't wait for next update . Because it's just a starting version hope many interesting things comes in future version .