VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - New Life with My Daughter [v0.6.1b] [VanderGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (Review Update - 27 April 2019 - v0.3.0b)

    Ok, this VN/Game has undergone some major changes since I first began playing/reading it, which was way before I ever did my first original review here on this website... Even before the current visual do over, there had been some minor changes to model visuals and what not, in it's early days, mostly because of folks complaining a lot about the Daughter visuals... And when those original changes were made, I thought they were good and more unique then other VN/Games in the same category as this one...

    Most of us have seen these Father/Daughter VN/Games come and go, especially a couple years back, when there were some real big hitter VN/Games released, that had tons of fans and made tons of money... Those few big hitters, back then, sparked a gold rush of other developers trying to ride on the coat tails of the big hitters, and we ended up with tons of low to moderate quality father/daughter like VN/Games, many of which used the exact same models for the daughter and other characters...

    Around that time is when I first came across this VN/Game, and what stood out the most for many of us, was that even though it was yet another incest story, based around a father/daughter scenario, the visuals were what made it stand out in the crowd... They were unique and not just more of the same models we've all seen dozens of time before...

    Well, all those unique visual qualities that made it stand out for me, and others, is gone now... After the release of v0.6 (which is not even mentioned in the change notes anymore), all the visuals have been completely re-done... What I really did not like was the use of the same female model, many of us have seen dozens and dozens of times already in other VN/Games... The same model used in those bigger hit VN/Games, and many other visual copy cats, that I mentioned earlier... And not only is the same model used once, but twice, in this VN/Game now... For both the Daughter, as well as another main female character, named Alice... They practically look related... I can't believe the developer would use that overly used model, especially twice...

    What was so great before, with this VN/Game, compared to all the other Father-Daughter VN/Games around the same time, and today, was the unique visuals for most of the models... Especially the primary ones... The story had it's pluses, but in the end it was the unique visuals that made it stand out in the crowd... Yes, the new visuals are of higher quality and higher resolution, but using a model ,so over used by so many developers, even with slight alterations, just makes this VN/Game feel, like it's just another one, riding the coat tails of those other big hitters, who used the same model...

    The story itself has not changed much, although you can now select if the Incest content should be shown or not... I did not select the non-incest content, so I don't know if the text and story continuity works well or makes complete sense when reading it or not... I wanted to read/play it, hopefully, in mostly it's original form... The story does play out, pretty much in the same exact way as before... There might of been tiny alterations, but it was hard to tell... There was definitely a fewer more spelling/grammar errors than what I remember... Plus the save screen showed all the old saves as large pictures, which overlapped the newer small save pictures...

    The down side, is that the new version ends around half way through what existed prior to the visual updates... That was very disappointing... It's almost like the VN/Game has gone majorly backwards in content production... This game has been in development for well over 2 years, and the amount of content that existed after it reached v0.6, has been halved in the last year, due to a do-over of the visuals, from scratch... Visuals I don't really feel needed to be redone... That unique visual flavor is gone now... And that makes me slightly suspicious... Are the developers purposefully prolonging development in order to milk the paying fans for more money, over a longer period? Are they pandering to some paying fans that like rehashed models and didn't like the prior visuals? Is it a combo of reasons? Or just innocent desire by the developers to start over? I don't really know...

    In the end, the visuals themselves are slightly better quality then before, outside of the two models being the same things used time and time again, by other developers... The story is happily staying pretty much on the same track as before... Sadly in over 2 years of development, the amount of content has gone down, rather then going up, due to a complete redo of all the visuals... The unique qualities it had before, have been trashed for what ever reasons... The story is told at a moderate speed, compared to more story based VN/Games, which is not all that bad... At least it's not just a fast paced porn fest... It did add some animations, though they are rather short... And some pictures are a bit too dark...

    Another item I ran into, that I'm never a fan of, is the addition of dead end/game over endings... If you push things too far too fast, you immediately get a game over... No chance at redemption, and if you forgot the save game before hand, too bad... The Back and Skip buttons are disabled... In fact, none of the typical Ren'py UI buttons are available... So expect to have to save often, if you're unsure... Otherwise you'll have to go back to an older save or start completely over... I really dislike the use of punishment trees... Why bother offering a choice, that you don't want the reader/player to even make... Makes no sense to me, and can be a complete waste of the player/readers time...

    Overall, I don't see the same unique spark and promise it had during it's first year or so of development... It's become more of an average, middle line, Father/Daughter VN/Game, copying some of the visuals we've seen in many other VN/Games... There are some characters that appear far more unique then the main female characters, but that does not make up for the highly over used ones, regardless of the few body/hair tweaks... The faces are very similar to all the others, and to each other... And I understand the lack of unique pre-made Daz models being made available... But to reuse the most highly used ones, for main characters, I personally believe, was a bad move... The fact that the overall content has gone backwards in quantity, due to a complete visual overhaul, also feels like a bad move... I would have recommended completing the project as it was... Then restarting a sequel, or brand new project, with newer graphics... Not starting over, so late into the current projects production... But it is what it is...

    Will I be revisiting this one again, as it was one of my top ones for revisiting? Probably not, as I think it's luster was wiped away with the visual redo, and serious lack of content, after well over 2 years of overall development... Maybe in 2 years or more, when it's finally done, or started over again, maybe? Sorry, I had to go there... ;P

    All kidding aside, It's not a bad VN/Game, but it's not a diamond in the rough anymore either... It's basically your average father-daughter story VN/Game now, with perhaps a few poor design choices...

    (03/07/2018 - Review Update - v0.6)

    Ok, there have been some much needed revisions in this update... The daughter from prior versions, is going to stay as the daughter rather then being some stranger as originally planned, which is a relief... The BDSM scene has been explained away as a random encounter that the daughter did not enjoy much... The maid is now just a friend of the daughter (no longer planned to actually be his daughter), who the daughter convinces to help with teaching her father to be more open and sexual... And those are the alterations that will hopefully put the story back on track with it's original story play through, prior to the v0.5 update...

    The new content in this update does seem to have the pace move a little faster then the original content... Not sure if that will be a good or bad thing, only time will tell... The content really is just setting up the maid and daughter friendship (possibly rivalry), a date for the protagonist to go on with one of two women the daughter tried to hook him up with in prior content... And having the opportunity for the father and daughters relationship to go to the next level, sexually... That is about the extent of the new content...

    Overall, I'm glad to see the story not wonder off into a bazillion weird twists like it was doing with v0.5, in the end... It's returning to it's original story, just with a new character added into the overall plot...

    Now, the game shows this as the last Free Version, so I'm guessing we will no longer see any further public versions? Which is a bit strange, since most of these things tend to be offered up as public after a short stint of being purely for donating fans... That or as a public version, and a donation version with bonus material... Guess we'll need to wait and see what really occurs...

    I still enjoy this VN/Game, especially now that it's back on track, from it's debacle during the v0.5 release... I look forward to seeing future releases on this VN/Game...

    (12/30/2017 - Original Review - v0.5)

    Ok, even though there were several plot holes that made little to no sense, I played along and the story was mostly decent... Even though this visual novel/game kind of teases the over used Family Sex theme, nothing sexual actually occurs between the father and daughter in this version...

    Visuals for the characters are good but also a bit weird... Sometimes it doesn't look like the dialogue model's face, 100% matches the 3D models face... The backdrops looked unique, but a bit too super clean which made them feel a bit unreal... Especially the shops, as they were way too clean and had little or no merchandise on display, which also made them look a bit unreal... The animations were decent, albeit short and sometimes involved a bit of flashing prior to animating, especially if they repeated...

    The script had very few spelling/grammar errors at all... The story at first seemed a bit unrealistic when the daughter showed up, mostly because the male protagonist father just trusts she's telling the truth without question or real proof other then her word... Who does that? But in any case, the story then progressed alright and even though it felt a little bit more sex theme focused now and then, the story progressed smoothly with good dialogue and monologue, up until half way into Day 5... Then all hell broke loose...

    Here I was enjoying what I thought was going to be a love story of some sort, with the protagonist and one of the many women characters introduced into the story... Really getting into the story and enjoying the steady pace and well balanced story... Then a twist, with the daughter speaking to the maid because they know each other... Suddenly I started getting this feeling that the daughter was just some con-artist and the maid was her accomplice, or asking myself what was really going on all this time... I began feeling like the story was betraying everything that was built up to that point... Now, nothing was truly revealed beyond that they knew each other, but I knew something was going on, just didn't know what...

    Then, just as I thought it was going back to normal, here comes the coffee shop and the S&M scenes... In the ending S&M scene here is the daughter, with some unknown guy that she apparently actually knew all along... So, how in the heck does she know all these people (the maid and S&M dude), if she just flew in to meet her dad for the first time, or so she told her supposed father, just a few days earlier? I mean come on... Here I was enjoying this possible love story, feeling good about the father and his daughter and all the rest of the characters, then suddenly she becomes a sex slave who apparently is lying to her father about everything? If they even are truly related at this point?

    I don't want to seem angry, but that is just too much twisting for what seemed to be a cool story, even with all it's quirks, up to that point... Now I feel extremely sad for the protagonist, and feel betrayed by the daughter... For all I know, that is exactly what the author's were hoping the readers would feel... When the daughter was talking to the maid, I was willing afterwards to deal with a slight plot twist, but the story almost felt like it was taking a nose dive after that... I mean, is the story completely doing a 90 degree turn, towards more sex and less story? Is this just how this VN/game is gonna be from this point forward? I dunno...

    Overall, even with it's slightly odd character models and the few quirks in the story now and then, I was getting into the story and enjoying the experience, up until all those plot twists and sex scenes just got thrown, into one giant heap, in the last half of Day 5, out of nowhere... Even the protagonist was thrown to the wolves, or girls, in the coffee shop with an out of nowhere sex scene opportunity right before the S&M stuff...

    Now, I do know that according to the main menu, that this version is the last public release supposedly... I'm just not sure with all this, if I really want to see future releases or not at this point... Maybe once I've calmed down a bit, perhaps maybe I might... I'll have to wait and see... But I really do hope this isn't a prediction of how the rest of this one is going to develop, and I really hope that I'm wrong about my feelings concerning the daughter being some sort of sex crazed con-artist or something along those lines... Poor dad...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this game very much. the devs are active here and seem to listen to the feedback of the community so they have been improving with each update. They have improved the graphics over time and aren't sticking to the same old tropes that these games seem to use over and over. There are some, but they're turning a couple on their head.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I hope that I'm not to harsh but I would like fot dev to redo whole game concept, character buildup and even joke about his work with 3D models of females which look like males. Starting point had good start to work with. Maria route looks interesting and I hope that's why some characters look good and others bad couse dev would like for their appearence to be one time thing. Some characters look damn good but itmight be couse he is bent on making their story longer like teacher or Maria, a maid. Doughter so far is less and less attractive and I mean character wise not how hot she is looking. So far from start we had doughter to focus on, now I focus my attention on Maria and Teacher. I would like to be.. better character and not try to jump in panties of random strangers just so I would get enough exp to fuck boss.. it sounds stupid. BDSM shit might be couse she wanted to play a sub role and hide her identity? I certainly hope so, BDSM is not my thing, especially without long build up for it. It should be fun after trying sex first. Renders as someone said are plain and simple. There are minimalistic furnishings and details. Girls, their models do not have emotions. I mean, yeah, faces on the left corner of a screen show some emotions but I would like to see similar faces on rendered characters. Sex crazy ladies on left and right and the only decent character which will soon get corrupted is Maria.. I should be the pervert and not my doughter. Why even play as a father if most decisions make doughter? There are many things which needs fixing, but most of all it is characters which are plain and sex crazy.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    V0.5 "Fap per played time" Rating 1/5

    "Fap per played time" only rates how good the game is at giving you a good FAP. Doesn't matter how good the art, gameplay, renders, model, Sound, writing, Story or anything like that is, if the game is good at giving you good and multiple faps in a decent amount of gametime, it will get a good rating, eles not. i rate games like this because in the end, i mainly play adult games for good faps...nothing eles

    Played every Version on release day. For a 0.5 Version build the game doesn't have too much Content, about 30-60min of gametime with ~100-150 renders per day, and the game is 5 days Long atm.
    = I got a total of 0 faps out of this game.

    Male MC who is 37years old but Looks like 25. cool mc, nice guy, he isn't an asshole and is sometimes funny.

    Standard incest Story about a dad who meets his adult hot daughter.

    so the models of the Girls in this game are very Special... and by that i mean that all Girls besides the daughter look like men. they are literally male faces with Long hair. and even the daughter has a very Special face when she doesnt wear Makeup.
    3 new side Girls got add'ed in this Version, and those Girls do look good (even great), but the old Girls stayed unchanged.

    Little to no gameplay. sometimes you can Choose between 2 answers where most of the time one is always right and the other is always wrong. no real control over the game/Story.

    basic to bad sex scene animations. but no real sex Scenes yet between the dad and daughter (dream bj, but no pen. yet between daughter and mc).

    so the story and writing is all over the place and don't make any sense. the characters will do and say such random Things just out of nowhere. the dev even said that he likes to add unexpected things just for the fun of it. it just feels like the dev is messing with the Player and just likes to swerve us. the writer changed for day5 and it totally changed the game. day5: out of nowhere sex Scenes with new characters (Spoiler: dad gets bj by some rdm stranger Girl without any reason or buildup, and daughter blows and tries to fuck a total stranger while wearing a bdsm style Outfit and again no real buildup or reason or way to avoid this. IMO the daughter is the MC's clear main love interest in this game, and her just fucking some rdm guy without any way to avoid it or buildup could Count as ntr. for anyone who doesn't like to share his Girls in games this is a big no no).

    i could live and was ok with the bad english, bland Story, the subpar Overall render Quality, the lack of meaningful choices/gameplay and Basic to bad animations and all the terrible looking Girls in the game, i thought the game had some charm and the daughter was my main Focus and i thought she was kinda hot, so i sticked with the game and was looking Forward to the new Releases. But 0.5 just killed the game for me. the out of nowhere sex Scenes with total rdm strangers. how the writing changed and where the Story was heading all changed in 0.5 and i'm just not a fan of it anymore. it's not like the game was great or even good to beginn with, but now it just fell of a cliff IMO.

    But in the end, I played through the game multiple times and it didn't give me a fap = easy 1 star.

    **my last Review of this game was removed by the admins and i don't know why, i am always willing to edit my comments/Reviews if needed, just msg me.

    Other high rated "Fap per played time" games:
    -Milf's Villa
    -The Family Secret
    -My New Roommate
    -Dreams of Desire
    -GATE:The Opening
    -House Party
    -Pandora 1&2
    -The Gift Reloaded

    Good "Fap per played time" games, that aren't on the same level as the ones i mentioned because of lack of fap or too much grind:
    -Road trip
    -Kristies revenge
    -Big brother
    -Man of the house
    -Summertime saga
    -My legacy
    -Adventures of Willy D
    -Beach Party(terrible sex Scene gameplay, not fap friendly)
    -The Artifact
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's a bit harsh for this game to have only 2/5. The latest version have proven to add some good content and the story is getting more and more interesting. The characters are nice and are gaining some depth, which is quite rare for such a game. CGI are quite ok, no complains about that, it probably doesn't deserve 5 stars, it's far from perfect, but, I do enjoy playing this game and I'd like to see a global mark closer to its real value.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Much more a visual novel then a 'game' per say. There's really not much in the way of choices, so understand that going in. The story is fairly standard for what you'd expect and the pacing of lewd scenes feels just about right with dream sequences and teasing, but nothing really happens as of version 0.4. Still I think this game has potential and I'd keep an eye on it.