Its still a dark fantasy for those people i think. i honestly would not commit incest even if the situation is there. but that genre is still one of my favorite . you know what i mean.
Yes, I understand in a way it is a bewildering fact that there are
only a few individuals whose greatest and kinkyest fetish is to:
-marry betty-sue childhood sweetheart
-be true to their wedding woes for the rest of their life
-have a decent job in a charming neighborhood
-have 12 adorable children (at least)
-go to church every day
-raise the children with loving care and teaching them to become responsible adults
-be a respected member of the community
-never ever raise their voice above a mild intonation
-only break the above rule if it is to praise the Lord (Hallowed be thy name)
(Iron Maiden)
-always be there as a comforting one for all who may need to be comforted (without looking after any reward or material gain)
-ending this current existence in your home surrounded by the love of all 6 generations of your loving family
(and having absolutely no idea what gonzo porn is!)
isn't all the above wildly exciting? (like a dark fantasy from Hell)
(almost too exciting)
(it's bad for the heart)