Ren'Py Newbie questions regarding the creation of an incest patch


Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
Now I rearranged the code the way you suggested in pic 2, but it doesn't have any effect - the code I mentioned above is still not displayed correctly.
Still haven't figured out why.
I managed to get some code to work simply by deleting some spare spaces "left" by the game dev like:
That is because the text in 'hardChanged' isn't EXACTLY the same as the text in the original game file, you even admitted this yourself, you "found" or "deleted" spare spaces the dev left. It is not working because they are not identical. The text you put in 'hardChanged' that you want to change has to be identical to the text in the game, spaces and everything, not close, identical. Do not change the text in the original game files, it will make the patch you are making irrelevant for anyone else but you, other people will not have the 'edited' game files to make it work.

The code rearrangement is so they game recognizes it correctly and for visual cues, like I said, it probably isn't affecting hardChanged, but will affect other things. This is just good coding form.

However, I still don't understand how to utilise this code to skip text.
In the little demo I made for you I replaced the 'start' label in the game with the 'start_p' label in my patch. By doing this I skipped, or deleted all of the code in the 'start' label of the game. This is how you use this, like I said in the demo, if there is a bunch of lines of dialog you want to remove in a label of the game, you copy it into the patch, rename it with a '_p' like I did, make your changes to the code in the patch, removing multiple lines etc., then in config.label_overrides you put the 'original label' with the 'new label name' and it will substitute the label in your patch file with the label in the game, like my demo did for you.

This is for changing large blocks of code, not one line here or there. The way Anne said is for removing one line here or there, I'll let him explain how to do that in the patch. 'screen say' is part of the core of the game engine for making the dialog box work. I don't know how to override it with a new function or block of code.

An example of this is the patch for Freeloading Family, the patch that Bossapplesauces makes substitutes labels for labels in the original game. Look at it to see a working example of what it does, look at both of the labels, the original and the one with _p in the patch.

Deleted member 1044747

Formerly 'decent'
Nov 27, 2018
I solved another issue - all hardcoded text now gets properly displayed.
That is because the text in 'hardChanged' isn't EXACTLY the same as the text in the original game file, you even admitted this yourself, you "found" or "deleted" spare spaces the dev left. It is not working because they are not identical. The text you put in 'hardChanged' that you want to change has to be identical to the text in the game, spaces and everything, not close, identical. Do not change the text in the original game files, it will make the patch you are making irrelevant for anyone else but you, other people will not have the 'edited' game files to make it work.
The funny thing is: I did not touch the code in the script.rpy file (well, I did, but always kept a backup, which is back in place since I decided to focus on a patch file instead of an edited script file).

I always made sure to copy-paste the code directly from the unaltered original script.rpy file, but for some reason this unaltered code sometimes refused to work - only after I removed spare spaces from it some hardcoded text would get displayed...

I will still test my patch on a fresh game version once I'm done to make sure I didn't mess up.

I have also been busy rewriting the introduction.
In the little demo I made for you I replaced the 'start' label in the game with the 'start_p' label in my patch. By doing this I skipped, or deleted all of the code in the 'start' label of the game. This is how you use this, like I said in the demo, if there is a bunch of lines of dialog you want to remove in a label of the game, you copy it into the patch, rename it with a '_p' like I did, make your changes to the code in the patch, removing multiple lines etc., then in config.label_overrides you put the 'original label' with the 'new label name' and it will substitute the label in your patch file with the label in the game, like my demo did for you.

This is for changing large blocks of code, not one line here or there. The way Anne said is for removing one line here or there, I'll let him explain how to do that in the patch. 'screen say' is part of the core of the game engine for making the dialog box work. I don't know how to override it with a new function or block of code.

An example of this is the patch for Freeloading Family, the patch that Bossapplesauces makes substitutes labels for labels in the original game. Look at it to see a working example of what it does, look at both of the labels, the original and the one with _p in the patch.
Thanks for your explanation.
By juggling the hardcoded text blocks a bit I avoided the need to delete any of them - so now there are no more blank text boxes left.

Thanks to your help I managed to solve all four issues I had:

1. Correct display of hardcoded text
2. Avoiding blank text boxes (okay, I didn't follow your solutions, but instead got a bit creative)
3. Replacing Jo's name with "Mom" in all dialogues
4. Replacing Jo's name with "Mom" when she talks

I'm pretty happy! :giggle:
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Slave voyeur

New Member
Nov 11, 2020
In Freeloading family, The chat boxes for conversation is too big and its blocking the view. Is there a way around to make it smaller so that it doesn't take up 25% of the screen space? Thanks.