Not on this game, they don't. The letter releases are hot fixes.
Sadly, those number these days merely mean which release it is and even then its not always clear.
Once upon a time the further the smaller digits got to a whole would indicate how close it is to or from Alpha, Beta or Release.
Building from a 0.1.1 Alpha/Beta to a play worthy stage for the major, could easily follow progress from a glance.
Now the versions reach 7.8.9XYZ with no end of leaving Alpha/Beta.
I was also kind of curious as to the increase in KB from the older Newlife versions compared the newer ones.
Someone who has an idea of how that data is calculated would be able to give an estimate of how many words/lines has been added from updates?
But from what I gather, the way its been coded means that an event that ends in two options has that event copy-pasted for each option?