The first versions of this game came out when "Hongfire" (some of the elderly will remember) was the place to be but already showing its age.
SplendidOstrich presented his game an piqued quite a lot of interest, mine included.
And I was amazed: what he called one of the first versions had a functional sex and dress-up system, some items to buy for the apartment, a few places to go during the week, a rudimentary job, and a few random events.
Pretty fantastic for an early alpha.
Whenever I play this game now, I get nostalgic, cause it's pretty much in the same state.
Minor improvements on all of the above, a meager handful of new events, and tons of loose ends all around (including the job, which feels just as incomplete as it did back then) are a pretty devestating summary of several years' worth of development time, most of which saw the dev pretty handsomely supported on Patreon and even with some fans contributing minor events or event chains (which you may find to make up 90% of noteworthy content in updates).
The level of detail, reactiveness of the engine, and sheer potential of Newlife are brilliant.
But at this point, it has become blatantly obvious that its developer is looking at this project as a money-printing machine and only puts in the absolute bare minimum of effort, most of it with supposed work under the hood and is stretched out over an entire month or more.
Considering that, last I checked (not sure if it's still visible now), his Patreon income was in the medium 4-figures and would justify, if not demand a 40-hour week of dedication, I cannot in good conscience give this game a recommendation, for the simple reason that somebody might misunderstand this to believe they should support the developer.
Give it a try, the game is worth a first look, but keep in mind that somebody with no business ethics whatsoever is behind it.