Ren'Py - Completed - Newlywed to Be [v1.03] [DeDagames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The dev has a strong talent for NTR and I really like the wife's character model (hot but bitchy, lol). The spelling and grammar are a little rough, and sometimes the game flow gets a little messed up (repeated scenes or text). Still one of my favorites... looking forward to future games!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow..that was horrible. People actually rated this with 5 starts...even 3 is completely impossible.

    Art - very very very poot
    Plot - complete waste of time
    Characters - all are rather ugly, poorly made, no depth, ...nothing.
    Length - once you understand the language is so poor you start to skip allot, maybe 15 minutes. You can see all the endings from one point...terrible.
    NTR/Cheating -so basic and poorly done it wasn't worth it for a NTR lover, and if a NTR investment in the characters so it is so terrible it wont piss off anyone ..other than it is horrible.

    Pass on this one
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Newlywed-to-Be v1.03, Completed.

    Newlywed is an interesting game that holds a lot of promise (if it were still in development) and deals with content that heavily focuses on cheating and NTR. It's too bad it's considered to be in a "completed" state since it really needs a lot of work under its hood to bring about its full potential.

    I ran across this game a few weeks ago at the time of this post via a recommendation. The content in Newlywed isn't really my kind of jam but what's there is admittedly quite interesting. It does a fair job of giving quite a variety of situations for the player to enjoy... if you're into those kinds of fetishes as mentioned. There are several permutations on how things go with a wide number of endings. Unfortunately, there are numerous problems present in the game as well.

    The game is janky as all heck. Not just in its story content but in its mechanics as well. Firstly, this game is in "Engrish" and it is not at all translated well. There are tons of grammatical and spelling mistakes everywhere, and even errors in the obvious copy-and-paste machine translation that the developer used. You should also pretty much ignore all those "OK yeah, sure!..." that's present everywhere in the game as they are copying errors. However, despite all that the story is still understandable enough for players to figure out what's happening and isn't quite as bad as other MTL games.

    Secondly, there are many problems with the game's mechanics and with its programming. For instance, under its "character creation" section, the player will unknowingly frontend a lot of routes and affecting possible outcomes just from these immutable stats alone. Character UI charts are near useless and aren't tracked correctly right from the get-go. Furthermore, as one plays the game they'll note other programming issues where the story doesn't make sense reflective of the choices made by players, or in the most severe cases the game will forcibly cause the player to jump routes entirely. This is quite evident in the early exercise section and the ending arc with the yacht. You'll play out your choices and also for those you didn't pick. It's just simply incorrectly coded in the game's script.

    One other thing that's a little outside the game itself. The developer engages in likes and review manipulation. This is explicitly said by the developer in the game's thread. These are against the forum rules and should always be frowned upon. Note that this review will disregard that and will remain honest.

    In conclusion, the game is worthy enough for players to give it a try especially if they enjoy games that involves in NTR and cheating content (and if they can overlook the dated looks of its graphics). There are several types of characters and has the typical tropes in it, but also has a few unexpected scenarios. The game isn't real deep but it could be a fun romp for some players. Just be aware that the game is plagued by a poor English translation and many programming errors. Give it a shot if you're one of those types of players that enjoy such content; otherwise, it's safe to pass on this one.

    Be safe out there, everyone! Cheers and happy gaming!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Didn't like the game. The graphics are bad, story/gameplay is boring at best.
    Then i saw, the dev is complaining about his ratings and demands "better reviews, otherwise he won't post his games here anymore." To do F95Zone a favour i thought, i might aswell do my part in making sure he doesn't. You're welcome.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I kinda understand the dev anger tho, too many people hate ntr and instantly give a low rating even tho they're fine with incest, lolis etc. I don't know what else to say about this game tho, it's pretty good but has many bugs and language issues.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Bad art, bad translation, bad communication of choice impacts. I'm sure that if you go deep into the game there are good qualities to be found, but at the start they are nowhere to be seen. I do appreciate that the game lets you set a lot of parameters at the start, but it still weighs everything against you and forces you into a very unrealistic scenario (with better writing this wouldn't be as much of a problem).
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    +A whole lot of content
    +Worth playing again
    +Many possible endings

    -Frequent grammar, spelling and typing mistakes
    -One or two programming errors
    -Pictures sometimes have a poor quality

    If you like Cuckolding and sharing, you can ignore the remaining errors.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this game for 6 hours on fileshare etc.
    Since from what I have heard it has a lot of content and the choices you make also determines which content you get (Netorase/Netorare/vanilla)
    The game has very quality and the graphics are not bad either, maybe a few spelling mistakes but nothing too bad.

    I am kinda sad that the developer stopped working on this one because the game still has a lot of potential, and would go to waste if finished this quickly. (From what I have read)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok I know, there are spelling mistakes. Also, the graphics are not from the latest technology. But boy do you get your share of NTR in this one. This game has a lot of replayability, just with the options you can choose for her at the very start of each playthrough. I've met only 10 of the numerous endings so far.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I will now list everything that I liked about this game:
    Thank you for you attention.
    I laughed a lot though, I've got to admit that.
    Like seriously, terrible writing, ugly renders, godawful script that makes almost no sense, full of racism and just simply overall dumb.
    "Am I beautiful?" "Sure, honey, register on Tinder to find out." "I don't wanna." "Do it!" "OK." "Wow, match already." "Hi, me poor refuge from Nigeria me starving." "Hubby, we should invite him for dinner." "OK"
    Saddest thing about this exchange? My lame imitation of it is written better than the original is.
    And it only gets worse from there.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A super multi ending story. Feels more real since we have a lot of options.
    The male renders should need a few major touches like the MC hair redone. His bully chest etc.

    Need a bit more story , you can use the renders you already have and create an master piece. This game in an unpolished diamond.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    needs a new story and alot of spelling errors and it also needs to have less ntr more then needs to be in a story . The character's all feel like they did not break the mold i.e. they are not good but I do like the games idea and it does have hope.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunatly I couldn't get through it on my first try. I might come back to it at a later date and really give it a go, but for now I just can't be arsed.

    It starts off good, you get to pick out a sort of backstory by making several choices. Whether or not these have any massive impact on the story I honestly don't know at the moment, but I do like the idea of setting up the story in advance to let the game know which kind of route you want to go down in the end.

    That's unfortunatly all the good things I can say about it for now. The broken english makes it an almost painful experience when the entire game is based around reading. I think Google translate might have done a better job in this case if you just fed it your native language.

    The graphics is sub par, but if the story and grammar was decent this could easily be overlooked. As it stands good renders might have made me force myself to complete the game just to see some good scenes, but let's just say I wasn't interested in seeing more. When text is 50% of the game and renders the other 50%, at least one of them has to be decent.

    All in all, would not recommend in it's current state(v0.921). I don't want to step on the developers toes by being this blunt, but I had to be honest.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game for all fans of NTR
    Lot's of choices, lots of different outcomes - unfortunately not always intuitive

    could use some help with english translations
    also a flowchart for all the different endings would be appreciated
  15. 2.00 star(s)



    I want to start by saying I didn't finish it, so take what follows with a grain of salt.

    There's nothing especially good about it.
    The models are okay, but the image quality is rather inconsistent and usually looks half-assed.

    There's not much I can say about the writing.
    Be prepared to get a shitload of questions/decisions right at the start. You'd think this will determine how the story goes, but you'll still get another decision every two minutes.

    As for content, you'll be asked many times if you want your wife to cheat or not. Don't expect anything revolutionary or for said scenes to look good.
    As said before the visuals tend to look half assed.

    For these reasons, I give it a 2/5.