RPGM - Nex(e)us Institute [v0.05.2] [TheHypnotizator]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm just a huge fan of hypnosis. The 3d models are pretty good compared to some of the others I've seen. I haven't seen such a reliance of 3d models for a RPGM game. The game seems like it has a ton of opportunity and it'll be fun seeing what more is coming.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of hurdles to overcome.

    Firstly, the projects that make it in adult gaming will either release quality every 5 months like taffy tale. Or projects that release steady monthly updates on a scheduled. Being in two month simple update limbo. This game then runs the risk of getting buried under other more ambitious or consistent titles. Which makes me doubt its long term success.

    Secondly: the grammar is fairly good though you can find typos dotted here and there nothing too terrible. It follows nicely and the word choice doesn't take away from the overall story.

    Thirdly: The models are sub par but easy to look at. The characters are unique and show a pretty decent variety of motifs and personalities. I expect there will be more imaginative characters even unique characters as the story progresses. Though the body sprites are lacking. The facial expressions are top notch and need no improvement.
    What I'd like to see is more dimension and drama to already existing npcs Sara and especially her friend and fairly 1d. Abigail on the other hand does have dimension. Since Abigail isn't connected to the initial plan she comes across more lively. Press molding your characters into rolls really flattens them making it impossible for them to pop-out, so to speak.

    Finely the kinks and sexual content are limited but I assume will expanded upon in the future. This game has MB content to a point of extreme which is both shocking and unsettling if you don't expect it going in. Though these extremes are about an 8/10 on the extreme scale. It can actually work to the games advantage; since only a few games actually go as far as this one.

    In conclusion this game is good but holds too little content and too little activity for me to have enough confidence that it will make it through production. And be worth investing in rn. But I will be watching this one. Like many of you. Watching it, and waiting for a gear shift. I can't wait ten years for a game to develop and I doubt the creator can either. Because at the current speed. We're looking at 4 updates a year. And from what we've seen, that's about 3-4 quests a year based on update size.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Has/had a lot of potential so far, the major bad point is that basically the entire game boils down to a hand eye co-ordination arcade game, if that is not your thing and it is not mine, due to having rubbish reflexes and such, avoid this game like the plague.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fun, most of the bad endings are easily seen by someone who has been playing rpgs for some time, but at the same time they are worth watching if only for the scene itself as well as a good chuckle.

    I played the game before the simplification of the light maze, and I can assure my language would have made any sailor blush. Likewise my twitch reactions are not as good as some of the younger players out there, so occasionally I know what to do, I just can't get my fingers to do it in time, (the first time at least.)

    That said, I've made it to the end content, watching all the new bad ends, I think and I really am enjoying this game. Keep up the good work Dev!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Short game as of now, but great ideas, and art style. The full game will probably have a ton of different bad endings, protagonist getting hypnotized, harem. So far the only content i got to see was the main character hypnotizing the first girl, and one bad ending where the main character turns into a statue.