Others - Completed - Night Crawling Is Bad!? [Final] [Almonds & Big Milk]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I think the art is good but the gameplay is trash, the love meter takes far too long to fill and there aren´t too many options so it gets boring quick. And the sleep meter takes far too long to go down most of the time you will just sit there and wait till you can make a litlle progress and that just isn´t fun.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I love night groping games. This one however is the worst piece of shit I have seen. Sounds are annoying. Art is terrible. Mechanics are bad. Somehow even UI is bad. I am to this day baffled how someone can destroy such easy to make game. All that needs to be done is put a cute girl (not this monstrosity) in it. Put some cute breathing sound. Make scene darker. Do few simple animations, and that's it. I could make a better game in 2 hours. Even if I have never made a game in my whole life. That's how low this game hangs.

    Art 1.5/5
    Story 0/5
    Gameplay 1/5
    Fapability 0/5
    Originality 3/5
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Note: I will rate 5 for games that I think are worth the download (even if incomplete or imperfect) and 1 for games that I think are not worth wasting time (although in my text I talk about their positive aspects).

    The game is a still image of a sleeping girl, but you can change angles, so we have some still images. But it has the same formula as several other generics of the same type. Don't let her wake up: click and wait formula. But here you also can keep clicking on an icon to make her sleep again. So the game is basically you clicking repeatedly to please her. and then repeatedly to make her sleep again.
    no animations. Her body doesn't move. You just select the icons and a hand appears grabbing her chest appears in the image, for example.

    There are far superior "touching" games. I can't speak the names by forum rules. But one of them is about a dog princess and a demon and the other one is from the same developer, with just you and a girl in a bed, but much more complex and interesting, but it's banned here.
    Likes: ob123
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I usually like these games, but this one was just boring and very short.
    Done in under 10 mins
    Very little actual interaction
    Interaction felt boring
    How many characters is 200? More than this I guess.. Not sure why is has to be that long.