Good to know that after like... five years of me never seeing pony porn I am still not into it. Kind of a shame tho, I would play it.
Actually i guess nothing is stopping me
Dev here, sorry, no android ports in plans, as I made minigames for the keyboard. I regret it now a bit, but what is done is done.
I will think about censoring or removing crotch teats.
PS top-notch memes
Dev here, sorry, no android ports in plans, as I made minigames for the keyboard. I regret it now a bit, but what is done is done.
I will think about censoring or removing crotch teats.
PS top-notch memes
Maybe make the crotchboobs a toggle, for those that want it? Not my thing, but I think some may like it. And choice is often a good thing, if it doesn't make it too complicated.
Maybe make the crotchboobs a toggle, for those that want it? Not my thing, but I think some may like it. And choice is often a good thing, if it doesn't make it too complicated.