Unity - Completed - Night Road [Final] [BouSoft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be one of my favorite games ever on this site. Not as an adult game, but as an actual game. I really like the combat. It's very difficult and doesn't hold your hand like other shooters/fighting games on here. (Literally the first encounter can instantly kill you, forcing you to quickly adapt to the game's mechanics.)
    And I really like the art direction here. It's very cute and simplistic, and it's so charming.
    The story is very sweet towards the end and the payoff great in my opinion.
    Absolutely recommend if you want to play an actual game without really caring about the H content.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    ---{ Graphics }---
    ☐ Beautiful
    ☐ Good
    ☑ Decent
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ You wanna throw up

    ---{ Atmosphere }---
    ☐ Beautiful
    ☑ Good
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ Horrible

    ---{ Gameplay }---
    ☐ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☐ It's just gameplay
    ☑ Mehh
    ☐ Watch paint dry instead
    ☐ Just don't

    ---{ Audio/Sfx }---
    ☐ Eargasm
    ☐ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Not too bad
    ☑ Bad
    ☐ I'm now deaf

    ---{ Music }---
    ☐ Eargasm
    ☐ Very good
    ☑ Good
    ☐ Not too bad
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ I'm now deaf

    ---{ Difficulty }---
    ☐ Just press 'W'
    ☐ Easy
    ☑ Medium
    ☐ Decent Challange
    ☐ Difficult
    ☐ Dark Souls

    ---{ Grind }---
    ☐ Nothing to grind
    ☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
    ☐ Isn't necessary to progress
    ☑ Average grind level
    ☐ Too much grind
    ☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

    ---{ Story }---
    ☐ No Story
    ☐ Some lore
    ☐ Average
    ☑ Good
    ☐ Lovely
    ☐ It'll replace your life

    ---{ Hentai Scenes }---
    ☐ Beautiful
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Bad
    ☑ Horrible

    ---{ Game Time }---
    ☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
    ☐ Short
    ☑ Average
    ☐ Long
    ☐ To infinity and beyond

    ---{ Price }---
    ☐ It's free!
    ☐ Worth the price
    ☑ If it's on sale
    ☐ If u have some spare money left
    ☐ Not recommended
    ☐ You could also just burn your money

    ---{ Bugs }---
    ☐ Never heard of
    ☑ Minor bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs


    ---{ Graphics }---
    The graphics have a cute special hand drawn feel to them, giving some characters/enemies extra charm, while doing others a diservice. The scenery, weapons, and main character all have a nice feel to them but some of the enemies don't look like they belong in the game

    ---{ Atmosphere }---
    I actually liked the atmophere a lot! your first introduction the the enemies actually made me jump a little! in the first half and the end battle do an excelent job adding atmosphere and giving off the "horror/ suspensful vibe"
    Though unfortunaly I feel asthough in the middle ( the city) FEELS like filler, theres no atmosphere and the characters in there don't help at all

    ---{ Gameplay }---
    The gameplay is hard to rate as at first I thought I enjoyed it, but realised I didnt care for it. this game has CONTROLLER SUPPORT so that was a huge plus. The game emphasises that ammo is restricted and to use it wisely, But I find the mechanics of the game make it super easy to just run passed all the enemies, collect ammo for better guns youll get later, then mow down everybody and everything. BUT one thing I quite enjoyed is the creator did a great job adding Secret locations and places to visit once you unlock new abilities! great touch!

    ---{ Audio/Sfx }---
    Making original sound effects for games are very difficult!
    but.... come on.... the sound effect of the monsters if you listen closleyt almost sound like 1 dude making all the sounds himself, and the weapons... good god. the weapon sfx

    ---{ Music }---
    The music is the highlight of this game, thie intro of the game is a banger,the ending piano, beautiful! deffinatly a great contributer to the atmosphere which is the reason why i was able to complete the game!

    ---{ Difficulty }---
    Personally the game starts of somewhat diffucult. unlocking new weapons and abilities to help your character progress through the stroy! My first encounter with the enemy was both fun and frustrating. Though I thought adding a dogde and combat mechanic is great! but once I found out you could just run through enemies and those you can't you canjust jump over. All difficulty dissapeared.

    ---{ Grind }---
    Very linear, if you are using your weapons, you have to look for ammo, back track, and search for other weapons. but if you are trying to run through it, theres only like 6 mandatory creatures you have to kill, not including bosses

    ---{ Story }---
    I was pleasently surprised with the story, though very cliche, I want to give the author credit! It was cute and the "twist" got a physical smile out of me!
    I can't explain too much without ruining it, but if anything, The story and atmosphere are a decent enough reason to downlaod the game!

    ---{ Hentai Scenes }---
    God damn, I dont want to be a negative nelly but the H-scenes suck. can you even call most of these H-scenes? On the positive, it's one of few games you dont need to die to see them. but, i found none of theme are even worth seeing

    ---{ Game Time }---
    I was able to complete the game and see everything in exactly 3 hours

    ---{ Price }---
    If you want tio play a cute game with some alright mechanics the Id recomend buying it on sale, if you are buying ot for H-scenes, you are better off getting a right handed monkey, to draw a H-scene with his left hand

    ---{ Bugs }---
    Theres a major bug talked about in the thread that upon completing the game "Gallery" isin't unlocked. but one of you beautiful people uploaded a save which inlcludes the Gallery
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Teal Flower

    In general it's a good game, but I had the same issue as other people that I couldn't play it either in English or even Spanish without it breaking so I had to play in Japanese understanding nothing about the story. Since the game would just hang there, no intro, without letting you control the girl I thought about loading a save from a Japanese run. Nope, you actually can move and access the menu (in Japanese), but once you interact with the statue to save nothing happens and your controls stop working while the game keeps running.

    So playing in Japanese, figuring out what to do, some things with a bit of English made it bearable. It starts right away as it's stated: brutal. You have no means to defend yourself and you are tossed some monster at you that kills you in 1 hit. It took several attempts to realize that you can jump over them, even if it's a tight jump and leaves you open for being killed if you miss it. Your vision being reduced to a small bubble in front of you or very few light sources around makes it easier to spook you with some monster you didn't see coming (their eyes can be seen, sometimes very subtle, other times they are fully invisible).
    When you get your first weapon, a bat, it's really bad against any monster except the spiders or some crabs later. Anything else might take 10 - 50 hits to be killed if not more, so either you skip most monsters or try to be accurate enough. There should be enough ammo in the game for everything and a lot more to spare, at least I killed all I saw and had lots of bullets, laser and grenades left.
    There are several weapons but everything but the bat will run out. Special melee weapons also run out and are left with bat damage.
    It's actually good to try to kill everything in your way because there are some monsters that at first are way too hard or risky to kill but you can come back with a better weapon and get lots of extra ammo or for special weapons.
    There are some bad things though like you will surely run. A lot. The same places, over and over again, when you are killed and have to respawn at a very far away statue because you were caught off guard and because you cleared something a few times and thought it was worth it running to the statue and back just to save for a next death.
    There are a few parts that will be very tough though because the ammo is scarcing and there are too many things to kill that take several shots. (special mention that underwater thing that took over 200 bullets to kill).
    The hentai content is mainly focused on the girl being killed after being licked, rubbed or humped, if that's your thing. You can undress her using the regular number keys, not the numpad ones, but there isn't much to see during the animations anyway.

    So a quite fun horror game with some teasing, blood, some frustration repeating areas over and over again and if you can't make it work in a language you understand it'll be a game of guessing. Still worth a try. The gallery unlocks after you clear it but nothing much to see.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr Ero

    Completed the game,gotta say this game is full of scary shits.But still worth my 2 or 3 hour.Just be sure to check out Youtube for walkthrough other wise its gonna be a very very long game.I used cheat engine to beat the game,its all about violence solves everything,just remember to SHOOT EVERYTHING.ESPECIALLY THE CUTE GIRL WHEN YOU ARE HEADING TO THE TEMPLE FAR EAST OF THE MAP
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all, this game seems to be more about the story and (not very impressive)gameplay, rather than the hentai part of it.

    The animations could be awesome if they were more revealing - there is no visible genitalia intercourse, which is a shame, because movements aren't too jiggly or too fast. They are convincing, but offer very little. You'll have to use your imagination a bit.

    The art quality and style is nice, enemies look simplistic but in an unnatural and disturbing way, and the protagonist is cute, with only just an artistic error with her feet...

    To make this game more enjoyable and less rage inducing:
    1. Manage your inputs! If you turn your back to an enemy to sprint away, but press the backdash button in panic making you jump right back at them and die- it's your fault. Don't be stupid and change inputs according to your reflexes.
    2. Don't always try to sprint away after you get sex'ed to escape. At the end you always end up in the same position, depending on what side they grabbed you from, and what monster type, so you can predict where you'll be and jump over it. You can jump over almost all enemies. Save often and experiment.
    3. Once a monster grabs you, they will always continue to go for sex attack, unless you trigger them by some movements. Grabs drain health but don't kill you if you don't fail the resist, making you immortal and able to loop and fap with minimal bother.
    4. Don't waste ammo on every fodder enemy. It should be enough, but if you're a terrible shot, you won't have enough.
    5. Not all, but almost all enemy types have sex and damage attacks. Sex attacks are usually more delayed. Save and experiment
    6. Aiming vertically is very unreliant unless you need to shoot straight up but every enemy is manipulative to avoid this problem. Git gud

    I think if you keep these in mind, you'll find beating the game very rewarding and enjoyable, but it's very easy to take a wrong approach and rage, which is easily avoidable.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Joe Brass

    Night Road was overall a good game in my opinion. I thought the scarce ammo was good, because it would make you play more cautious and slow. Another thing good about the game is the save system! You could only save at certain places, making it difficult to just run in somewhere. The secrets in the game were pretty fun to find! You would feel good for finding a secret, and of course were rewarded. The dialogue was pretty confusing, and made it more difficult to understand fully what was going on.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    So gave this game a try, and I must say that it isn't terrible in terms of Gameplay and Mechanics, however (It might just have been for me) Load Times can be a bit... slow. Once I got past the loading (and what I thought was a black screen) I loaded into what seemed to be a darkened Hospital at first, this fed onto my actual Fear of Hospitals! Turns out it was an Infirmary at a School, filled with Ghosts and bits of food here and there to keep you alive and give small buffs. Turns out you can actually fight the Ghosts, it isn't very effective to beat the hell out of them so your best bet is usually jump on and over them if it seems like a waste of time or an easy escape. Some of the gameplay can be rewarding as some Ghosts will drop food (Other things perhaps?) if defeated. I only played to the point before the Mountain, I felt this game was really well done, but it would have been better as a Horror Game instead of a lewd horror. Why?

    Here's your answer!
    I found that most of the grapples are random for any sort of sex. Damage can be sometimes random, especially when in the yellow! I had some things hit me for next to nothing, others would 2 shot me. Gore? An explosion of blood and maybe a limb here and there counts I suppose. It has that Silent Hill vibe going on here, it seems to work a bit as it gave me at least one jumpscare. If you are looking for lots of sexual content here, move along. Not a lot of it here, what little there is, there will be blood.

    Horror Hentai Game, more Horror than Hentai, Blood and Gore, Good Mechanics, Creepy, Might be a bit slow. Move along if you were looking for Hentai. Horror and Gore Fans might like.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I will give one star because i think i cant give 0 and i know that programming is hard but i will summary this game like this:
    -Absolutly boring gameplay
    -No even porn or gore
    There is any reason to download it.