
Oct 29, 2018
Jeezes! Can we get a fricking warning and censor on those thumbnails?! I just popped over to the site to check the updates and I'm confronted with a girl getting torn in half. I really don't understand or care to understand why some people get off to this kind of sick shit.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2020
Or maybe the rest of us can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. You gonna go on about how video games cause violence or that gta players need to get therapy as well?
To be honest it's just a good idea to get a therapy in general. Also no, video games actually tend to lower a person's violent behaviour (pretty sure they MAY cause more violent behaviour for a short while tho? I read this somewhere long ago and don't know if it's true or not)


Dec 23, 2017
Some kinks should be shamed and guro and ryona is one of them. People who like watching people get tortured and murdered and jack off to it should find professional help.

Your opinion. You know, opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and some are crapier than others.

Then by your reasoning, folks who enjoy horror movies and who take their dates to them so then can hug them tight whenever a jump scare happens need to be incarcerated for sexual assault or at the least get psychiatric help.

Then after you drive Guro underground, go after Loli, Scat, forced, sleep, NTR, LBGLTQ, Anal ATM, mff, ffm, mmmf, oral, vaginal, reversal cowgirl, toys, democrats....

See where this line of reasoning and thought goes? No place good, right?
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Aug 27, 2022
I just don't get the person that sees a game that's not for them and then goes into the thread to bitch about something they don't like as if every game has to cater to their specific fetishes.

Or maybe the rest of us can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. You gonna go on about how video games cause violence or that gta players need to get therapy as well?
Normal people don't jerk off to torture and death, full stop. Hardcore guro and loli are creepy and should be deleted from the existence of the internet.
Most fetishes are harmless, immoral and masochistic stuff like NTR and such is not for everybody and respectably so, but this is just sick, and if you like this game I bet you'd love to see RL stuff. FBI, do your job.
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Aug 27, 2022
Your opinion. You know, opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and some are crapier than others.

Then by your reasoning, folks who enjoy horror movies and who take their dates to them so then can hug them tight whenever a jump scare happens need to be incarcerated for sexual assault or at the least get psychiatric help.

Then after you drive Guro underground, go after Loli, Scat, forced, sleep, NTR, LBGLTQ, Anal ATM, mff, ffm, mmmf, oral, vaginal, reversal cowgirl, toys, democrats....

See where this line of reasoning and thought goes? No place good, right?
That's the dumbest reasonings I've seen this month, and I work healthcare.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Some kinks should be shamed and guro and ryona is one of them. People who like watching people get tortured and murdered and jack off to it should find professional help.
We can talk about whether it should happen or not all day, and we probably wont reach an agreement on that... But what really gets me is when people like that CLAIMS to not do something, and then do that very thing, in the very same sentence, be it kink shaming, racism or whatever else you can think of
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Aug 18, 2018
I have to love how guro games always always always have some people bitching in the thread. Never gets old and will never stop happening.


Jan 14, 2020
Me on the Latest Updates page: "Nightmare? I wonder how bad it could be..."
*moves cursor on the thumbnail*
"OKAAYYYY... that's preety bad."


Dec 5, 2017
Normal people don't jerk off to torture and death, full stop. Hardcore guro and loli are creepy and should be deleted from the existence of the internet.
Most fetishes are harmless, immoral and masochistic stuff like NTR and such is not for everybody and respectably so, but this is just sick, and if you like this game I bet you'd love to see RL stuff. FBI, do your job.
Oh look literal thought police and someone who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. You do know this is all drawn right? No one was actually harmed.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
Normal people don't jerk off to torture and death, full stop. Hardcore guro and loli are creepy and should be deleted from the existence of the internet.
I wouldn't throw loli and snuff into one pool. With loli you can feel attracted to artstyle or 3D models, the taboo and other aspects without any of the bad stuff, there's more to like on it. Especially since most loli-games do portray the girls more like a mix between young and mature, often with bigger boobs or ass and a more mature mind. But with gore like in this game, there's really no room for anything else than being turned on by killing someone.

GTA is a different story. People aren't turned on by killing citizen. They're also not having fun because they imagine how they brought pain over the family of the NPC they killed. It's more about the fascination of what's happening in the open world: How the ragdoll is falling downstairs, how does the police react if I do this, will I be able to escape without getting shot, how far can I drive this car until it's absolutely wrecked. Those are "challenges" and explorations of physics, it's fun to see our real world physics being simulated so accurately.

So killing people in GTA or playing loli games is certainly not comparable to jerking off to people being cut at their throat or cut into half. Because like the other genres allow for exploration of certain aspects without the negative downsides, that's really not possible here.


Jan 27, 2019
while not a fan of guro stuff, not sure why people here kink shame when there are games on here that have your character get rape (or even you doing the raping) or other stuff like it but those don't get that much people yelling about those (or at least I have not heard as much)

You can hate this type of stuff, but if you are going to complain of people being sick for enjoying it, you better have the same attitude for the others stuff on here as well.